giladodinak / mlinc

Machine Learning from scratch in C

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Machine Learning from scratch in C


This project aims to provide a simple implementation of some Machine Learning (ML) basic building blocks, mostly linear neural networks (Multi Layer Perceptron), and multi-layer recurrent neural networks (specifically LSTM). These are implemented in simple C, making all algorithm details evident.

ML algorithms and building blocks implemented

  • Neural networks
    • Linear (Dense) fully connected neural network
    • LSTM - Long Short Term Memory neural network (Hochreiter - Schmidhuber - Gers - Cummins)
    • Embedding (Mikolov)
    • Multi-layer neural network model
  • Activation functions and their derivatives
    • Sigmoid
    • ReLU - Rectified Linear Unit
    • Softmax
  • Loss functions and their derivatives
    • Mean Square Error - regression
    • Cross Entropy - classification
    • CTC - Connectionist Temporal Classification (Graves)
  • Optimizer
    • ADAMW - Adaptive Moment Estimation with Weight decay (Loshchilov - Hutter)
  • Sequencing
    • Beam search
    • Sequence alignment (Needleman - Wunsch)
    • Edit distance (Levenshtein)
  • Search
    • Approximate Nearest Neighbors - Annoy (Erik Bernhardsson)
  • Decomposition
    • SVD - Singular Value Decomposition (Golub - Reinsch)
    • PCA - Principal Components Analysis
    • QR Decomposition

Implementation notes

The code should be quite portable, as it does not explicitly use any special hardware, and only relies on compiler (GCC) optimizations.

ML algorithms involve working with arrays of real numbers. This code uses the C float type to store floating-point values that approximate real numbers. In C, there are a few ways to store arrays of numbers. This code stores two-dimensional arrays in continuous memory, in a row-major fashion. For example, an array A of 2 rows and 3 columns that stores the numbers 1 to 6 is laid out in memory as 6 consecutive floats storing the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. A[1][2] references the second row's third element, which stores the value 6.

Often, arrays passed to various functions do not have predetermined sizes. The function's array parameter is of generic type, and the actual number of rows and columns is passed as separate parameters. For better readability, the code makes extensive use of typedefs and casts so that inside a function the array elements are accessed in a natural way, i.e., as row and column subscripts, for eample A[1][2]. See array.h, for more details.

The code generally uses heap memory to prevent stack overflow when dealing with large arrays. The allocmem() macro ensures that the allocated memory is properly initialized to all zeros; if not enough memory is available, it prints an error message and termintes the program.

The neural network architecture does not incorporate a separate bias term. Instead it uses the "Bias Trick": it incorporates the bias term directly into the weight matrix. This is done by adding an extra input to each neuron that is always set to 1, called the bias input. The corresponding weight for this bias input effectively becomes the bias term. This way, the bias can be treated as just another weight, simplifying matrix operations.

Browsing the code

A good starting point is testmodel.c, which is a program that tests different Neural Network models against simple test cases. This program provides a good idea on how models are constructed, trained and used to make predictions.

Compiling the code

This code should compile and run on Linux and MacOS.
Clone the repository (or dwonload the source code) into a sub-directory for example ~/mlinc . In this directory youshould see a Makefile. run
$ make
The resulting programs will be in bin sub-directory. Try running
$ bin/testmem


Some test programs use C bindings to Python matplotlib to display training results. This requires that Python and matplotlib be present see file for expected location of python libraries. Plotting can be turned off when compiling the code using the NOPLOT flag
$ make NOPLOT=Yes

Obtainig test datasets

Scripts in the scripts sub-directory fetch publicly available datasets for use in test programs. For example:
$ scripts/

Running the code

In the project root directory, run these commands:
$ bin/testmodel
$ bin/har
$ bin/timit
$ bin/testembed


The use of this software is governed by the LGPL license