gihnius / ht-routes

route mapping and dispatching URL's for Hunchentoot in Common Lisp.

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Route mapping and dispatching for Hunchentoot in Common Lisp.

map routes

mapping a url to a hunchentoot handler, use :param to replace the url

content, matching by cl-ppcre regex.

do not write a () in regex sides.

    (get "/" index)
    (get "/about" about)
    (get "/wtd" get-handler)
    (get "/test/:param1/and/:param2" test-params)
    (get "/params/:id" show-params :id "\\d+")
    (post "/threads/update/:id" update-test :id "\\d+")
    (get "/category/:name/:page" show-category :name "\\w+" :page "\\d{2,5}")
    (get "/articles/:year/:month/:day" show-articles :year "\\d{4}" :month "\\d{2}" :day "\\d{2}"))

;; add more routes
(add-route '(get "/more" more-handler))
;; ...

route params

route template: (method “url/path/def” handler) (method “url/:param1/def/:param2” handler) (method “url/:param1/def/:param2” handler :param1 “\d{4}” :param2 “\w+”) ;; eg.

(get "/this/:route/with/:param" get-this :route "\\w+" :param "\\d+")


route and handler:

  (get "/" home)
  (get "/books/:id" show-book :id "\\d{8}")
  (post "/books/update/:id" update-book :id "\\d{8}"))

;; use map-routes instead of add-route
(add-route '(get "/index" show-index))
(defun show-index ()

;; if there are params
(defun show-book(params)
  (let ((book-id (getf params :id)))

;; start hunchentoot
;; use ht-acceptor instead of easy-acceptor
(hunchentoot:start (make-instance 'ht-routes:ht-acceptor :port 4242))


route mapping and dispatching URL's for Hunchentoot in Common Lisp.


Language:Common Lisp 100.0%