gidago / Getting-and-Cleaning-Data

Collecting and cleaning data for downstream analysis and sharing.

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Collecting and cleaning data for downstream analysis and sharing.


The goal of this project is to prepare a tidy data that can be used for later analysis. The work was done by a R scritp (run_analysis.R) to convert raw data into Tidy data set.

Tidy Data

This project tries to follow the guidelines given in “How to share data with a statistician”

Project files

File Use
1 This text
2 run_analysis.R Script
3 Variables description
4 tidyData.txt Result file

The raw data (data source)

The data linked to from the course website represent data collected from the accelerometers from the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone. A full description is available at the site where the data was obtained:

Here are the data for the project:

Steps (instruction list)

-Loading Data

If we verified that there is no "UCI HAR Dataset" directory, download and decompress the data. By download.file from, and then unzip the downloaded data.

-Generate worktables

From the "UCI HAR Dataset" directory we get data from Train, Test, Features, Activity labels and then load it in the following tables by read.table.

train.x, train.y, train.subject, test.x, test.y, test.subject, activity.labels, feature.names

-Merge worktables to create a single data set

First merge training set and test set in the X data.frame, by rows, using rbind. The same operation for training labels and test labels in the y data.frame. Also create subject_id data.frame for subject of train and test, the same way as the previous two. In a later step we will gather these three.

-Assign column names to the merged data

We create a vector of strings feature (these correspond to the 561 columns in the X data files) and the colnames function assign column names in the merged data.frame X.

-From previous data set (X), extract mean and std of measurements

For the extraction of measurements in the mean and standard deviation for each measurement, we create a vector selector applying a text search "mean" or "std" in the feature vector. In the X data.frame, we subsetting the columns with vector selector (only contains columns with Mean value or Standard deviation) for get the data.frame X_sel.

Now we get the data set dataMerged, joining by columns subject_id, y, and X_sel

-Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set

With the following statement we change the numbers in the column activity by meaning

dataMerged$activity <- factor(dataMerged$activity, levels=activity.labels[[1]], labels=as.character(activity.labels[[2]]))

-Label the data set with descriptive variable names

By pattern matching and replacement (function gsub) we make the following changes in the names of the variables:

  • remove parentheses from var names (e.g. tBodyAcc-mean()-X; tBodyAcc-mean-X)
  • replace dashes with underscores (e.g. tBodyAcc-mean()-X; tBodyAcc_mean_X)
  • replace names that begin with the letter t, change the t to time (e.g. tBodyAcc-mean()-X; timeBodyAcc_mean_X)
  • replace names that begin with the letter f, change the f to frequency (e.g. fBodyAcc-mean()-X; frequencyBodyAcc_mean_X)
  • replace names with "BodyBody", change this to "Body" (e.g. fBodyBodyGyroMag-mean(); fBodyGyroMag-mean())
  • replace names with "_std" at end, with "StdDev" (e.g. fBodyBodyGyroMag-std; fBodyBodyGyroMagStdDev)
  • replace names with "_mean", with "Mean" (e.g. tBodyAcc-mean()-Y; tBodyAccMean()-Y)
  • replace names with "AccMag", with "AccMagnitude" (e.g. tBodyAccMag-mean(); tBodyAccMagnitude-mean())
  • replace names with "JerkMag", with "JerkMagnitude" (e.g. tBodyAccJerkMag-mean(); tBodyAccJerkMagnitude-mean())
  • replace names with "GyroMag", with "GyroMagnitude" (e.g. tBodyGyroMag-mean(); tBodyGyroMagnitude-mean())

Thus the name of tBodyAccJerkMag-std() variable, stay this way timeBodyAccJerkMagnitudeStdDev.

-From the previous data set, creates a second, independent tidy data set grouped the data by activity and subjectID

Taking as input the data set dataMerged get the second tidy data set dataGrouped this is done with the instrucion dataGrouped <- group_by(dataMerged, activity, subjectID).

-Calculate the mean of each column within each group

Done with activityMeans <- summarise_each(dataGrouped , funs(mean)).

-Write the tidy data set created to an output file

Finally write.table(activityMeans, './tidyData.txt', row.names =FALSE, sep=' ').

The tidy data

The final data frame activityMeans looks like this:

  Activity Subject tBodyAcc.mean...X tBodyAcc.mean...Y tBodyAcc.mean...Z
1  WALKING       1         0.2773308       -0.01738382        -0.1111481
2  WALKING       2         0.2764266       -0.01859492        -0.1055004
3  WALKING       3         0.2755675       -0.01717678        -0.1126749

This data frame is saved without headers to tidyData.txt with write.table function.

All these actions are programmed in the script run_analysis.R.

To execute this script in RStudio type in the console: source("run_analysis.R")


Collecting and cleaning data for downstream analysis and sharing.


Language:R 100.0%