gibbok / video-utilities

Set of video utilities

Repository from Github https://github.comgibbok/video-utilitiesRepository from Github https://github.comgibbok/video-utilities

Video utilities

  1. Convert Video to Static Images
  2. Convert Video to H265


  1. Ensure you have Python installed (version 3.8+ recommended).
  2. Install Poetry for dependency management.
  3. Install FFmpeg, as it is required for processing video files. Follow the instructions for your operating system:
    • Linux: sudo apt install ffmpeg
    • macOS (Homebrew): brew install ffmpeg
    • Windows: Download from and add it to your PATH.


  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project folder:
    cd video-utilities/converter
  3. Install dependencies:
    poetry install

Convert Video to Static Images

This project allows you to extract static images (screenshots) from a video file at regular intervals.

  • Supports input videos in .mkv and other common formats.
  • Saves screenshots as sequentially numbered image files.
  • Configurable screenshot intervals.


Run the script with the following arguments:

  1. Input video file: Path to the video file (e.g., /path/to/video.mkv).
  2. Output folder: Directory where screenshots will be saved (e.g., /path/to/output/folder).
  3. Interval (optional): Time in seconds between screenshots (default is 5 seconds). Example:
poetry run python /path/to/video.mkv /path/to/output/folder --interval 5

The screenshots will be saved in the specified output folder as .png files, named sequentially.

Convert Video to H265

Compress a video to H265 format with medium settings.


Run the script with the following arguments:

  1. Input video file: Path to the video file (e.g., /path/to/video.mkv).
  2. Output folder: Directory where the final video will be saved (e.g., /output).

Use as:

poetry run python "/input.mkv" "/output"

Notes: the script will save the output in .mkv format.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Set of video utilities

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%