giacomogagliano / noiz_backup1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Noiz - Network State (formerly Noiz)

Noiz is a network state based on Music. We are building a community which shall be united by a strong ideology of collectivism with the sole aim to make the people of the community thrive and live a life full of meaning. There for we are building an Operative System for the DLT technologies world.

In this document

About the Repo

This repo contains the open source software which will constitute a solid base for the relazation of all the informatic technologies needed by the community to crate, design, project, develop, produce and distribute contents and goods.
Obviously this repo at the time being is just a first small step towards the ambitious goal.

ZION follows the DIY concept. We manifestly do pretend to own our contents and not rely on third parties data-centers. Our applications will grow with the engagement of the community, so expect some plain html on some pages!

Constitution *

Noiz constitution will be realized through a collective effort and it will be deployed on the blockchain.

* This section can be moved, but I liked the idea of mixing up the political part of Noiz with the actual building of it. As we shall one day be appearing in the networkstate dashboard panel, it would be nice that our actual constitution could sit in our Git repo (Github, Gitlab or whatever)


  • Intellectual Ownership
  • Citizencentric
  • Creativity - Music
  • No-Weapons (full world total disarmament)
  • Knowledge - Inventions
  • Resource-Sharing
  • Strong-supports-weak
  • SmartContracts-as-law
  • Goal towards highers standards
    • Education
    • Experimentations
    • Inventions
    • Creativity
    • Collectivity
    • Financial Systems
    • Mutual Support
  • Build trust
    • amongst groups individuals
    • throught the network connections
  • Trustless System
    • extend trust between circles/groups
    • censorship resistant

Technical Section

Architectural design

The noiz-network-state is set to work on a distributed server system of Kubernetes Clusters. Therefore, every application is meant to run in a containerized environement, where the connection between services happens inside the Kubernetes cluster environment. There for the structure will composed of several "stand-alone" applications, which would communicate with instances of other applications deployed in the containerized environment. Static contents are served via the IPFS system. Dynamic contents need a server who provides the informations required by the client, therefore Noiz uses a distributed network of master and worker nodes, who will be loading the state-less applications which will communicate with relay databases which will hold short-living documents before they are distributed on the IPFS network.

The design is meant to work with several distributed computers, initially, to be able to handle the complexity of installation, we


The noiz-network-state repo is a Monorepo which uses bolt to manage packages and applications. Every application and package has its own repo1. This means that by downloading the repo of the application or package alone, one should be able to work on that part of the code independently. This can happen as long as the packages are actually downloadable from the npm package repository.



This application is meant to deal the complexity of the minting process by providing the interfaces needed by different smart contracts methods.

Each smart contract has its own functionality. We will provide a set of smart contracts which are the result of the composition of several smart contracts standards (EIPs), and with this application we will distribute user interfaces which easily enables them to interact with noiz smart contracts.

We will provide also with a simple tool which will enable to interact with any smart contract by simply providing some informations (notably address and ABI).

In a first stage this application will serve to showcase the beta version of Elsewhere, in particular the release of the first 1000 OG tokens. We will build this application enabling it to display profiles and collections, and slowly we will decouple the minting process and the interactions which actually change the state of the blockchain from the browsing and displaying parts. This will enable use to be able to implement some sort of gated access on some features that we may want to offer with some form of contribution, fee, stake or whatever the DLT technologies can inspire us with.

At the moment the applications is not working as we moved most of the code into the ui package.


Newly added application with which we will create an interactive application to deal with the Noiz monorepo.

scripts (this one is going to be deprecated)

This application is used to write simple scripts which call our own packages, in order to quickly test and create some easy script for users.

Scripts shall be written in a way that they can accept user inputs when called from the console or when called from a client script/application.

By script I mean a async function main(){.... function in which we perform several action which tehorically shall be invoked on classes or methods coming from our own packages. This async function is passed in a runProcess() methods which avoids us the hassle of always wrapping the code into a try {} catch {} statement.

In this way we can also quickly test our code and


The social application will enable users to interact with smart contracts in a social network type of vibe.

Users will be able to browse and create several type of contents:

  • digital
    • tweets
    • posts
    • blogposts
    • music releases
    • gfx releases (pfp, covers, photo)
  • physical
    • music goods
    • merchandise
    • new and used vinyls (12"/9"/7")
    • 3d printed goods
    • self-made clothes
    • ...
  • services
    • tutoring
    • administrative
    • .....



blockchain (has been merged into database)

This package has a different folder strcture than the other as it implements a tool to build TS interfaces for smart contracts and tools to test smart contract. It also has a layer of utility classes, functions and scripts which we will use to easily interact with the blockchain from frontend applications.

  • contracts
  • scripts
  • src (this one is still a little bit messy)
    • Class
    • lib
    • Models (this should be moved to database probably)
    • types
    • utils


This package contains utilities classes, methods and scripts to provide easier methos to front-end developers. The ambitious goal of this package is to enable the interactions with data systems in a unified way, so that in order to perform the same action (write a file), in the moment of creating an actual appication, one can have a uniform way of calling the same thing.

We will achieve this by creating an abstraction level between the individual databasbe divers and what the clients of the package will consume.

At the moment we are working on the definition of the interface that the Database classe shall have. In the repo we can put a collection of methods which where used in different occasions, and, by creating overload for every function call which actully calls the same type of CRUD operation, we can provide a broader spectrum of interaction to each method.

We will work this package in a way that it accept a middleware function created by the consumer of the package. This way we enable compasability and extensibility to the classes provided by the package.

  • FS
  • IPFS
  • RAM deprecated all code as been merged into zionbase datastructure.

to be added:

  • MongodDb
  • Neo4j
  • Redis
  • Elastic Search


This repo contains utility functions to interact with the git systems. Therefore it starts providing a Git class which can work as a facade for the several different commands that git accepts. Then we start building a class which handles the connection to a git manager system. We start with Github but we shall build, in the similar manner as for the Database class, a class which manages several types of git managers. Then we have some tools which enables an interface to interact with our own Monorepo and repos, so that we can build User Interfaces to interact with some aspects of the repos like:

  • dependencies management
  • api description
  • documentation

At the moment this are the classes / methods exported by the package

  • Git*
  • GitManager
    • Github*
    • Gitlab
  • Monorepo**
  • Repo**

* currently implemented
** not yet working correctly








The bin folder contains some useful script.


We are using this package to make tests on the behave of bolt and the way it exports and bundes the code we write. As soon as we have a decent knowledge on how it works, we will delete this package.


This package is meant to be and easy access point for front-end developers to build cool interfaces quickly. At the moment it contains only React components but I will share the code I worked on for Telegram bots and we can put code for Discord bots here.

  • bot**
    • telegram
    • discord
  • cli**
    • terminal
    • logs
  • html*
    • Next*
    • React*
    • VanillaJS**
  • max-msp**

* currently implemented
** to be implemented, i have some code for it, that I will share



This package contains utilities which are related to handling of frequents situation when creating codes. For the moment it holds helper codes for JS and Node, but we can extend this to any other language we want. Let's say it is sort of a _lodash but DIY.

  • js
    • Error
    • Regexp
  • node
    • process
    • util
    • crypto*

* to be implemented


How it works

This is a monorepo which, as said earlied, it is managed by bolt. We also use precontruct which basically builds the endpoints and configures the type of exports for compatibility with older browsers when dealing with DOM. Basically it creates node_js packages which can be imported in both ways: import or require.

Install bolt and manypkg *

Firts thing we need to install bolt which is our monorepo package manager.

Run this commands in the monorepo root.

npm i -g bolt
yarn add @manypkg/cli \*\*

* if you are using Linux, use sudo before running this command. ** I am not sure if it is @manypkg/cli or manypkg alone. I know that to call it we need to do yarn manypkg fix for example.


start bolt which will download the dependencies:



then build the applications and packages:

bolt build

if you are using windows you shall install bash from the git utils in order to be able to run the scripts which are packed in the /bin/ folder.




We are currently working on an internal application which helps us to display the components we are building. At the moment the working code can be seen by running the command yarn next_dev inside the ui package which runs an application in which there are all of the components we are working on.


In order to be able to deploy the applications on the kubernetes system we need to create a DOCKERFILE for each application. Once the docker file has been tested and it works correctly it can be deployed on the k8s system and replicated as needed.

Contribute (work in progress)

The best way to contribute to the code base is to download the monorepo, install it and push code changes to the github Noiz Organization account.

In order to make life easier with working with git, we (me and Arianna), suggest to usage of git-fork, a simple which helps visualize the git-tree. Here a blog where he explain some best practices for using TodoTree in a project.

Start working on something

When starting to work on a new feature, an update of a fix, for example, we start by:

  • creating a new branch, named possibly with a reference to the application/package on which we want to start working on.
  • add the folders we need to work with in the noiz-network-state.code-workspace file and commit the first change.
  • optionally we can add a readme file somewhere so that is clear for everyone what we are trying to achieve.

What this makes possible, is that, when switching between repos, the actual workspace changes with the branch.

if a change occur on the base branch from which we started making out changes, we need to act accordingly.

A change happened on the base branch.

If a change happened on the base branch, we shall look at the changes made to the base repo and take one of these decisions:

quantity of changes is it necessary for your branch? action to take
one no skip
one yes rebase your branch on the new base
many no skip
many some of them cherry pick commits you need
many all of them rebase your branch on the new base


In each file we can put a comment // \TODO (i am escaping it now because, otherwise, it would create an actual to do in the codespace.) and describe the type of action which is needed to be taken. I am using a VC plugin which is called Todo Tree, which shows all the \TODO which are written in the code base, sorted by folder opened in the VC workspace. I am including a workspace file in each folder (root, apps and packages) in order to make this simplier.

*back to index

How to contribute (work in progress)

\TODOs in visual code have an action menu (the little yellow bulb light which appears sometimes next to the code we write). This enable the creation of an issue on GitHub which enable developers to leverage some built-in functionalities of Visual Code. There can be actually two ways to tackle this:

  1. find or create a \TODO, then create an issue on Github
  2. find or create a \TODO make changements and push the code to a newly created branch (pushing to main branches shall be not-allowed to anyone, we shall create a team of people who are responsible for this).

Contribution can be tackled in both ways.

Creating a Gthub issue should be considered the best practice, in this way every contribution has is own little environment and a reason to be. We shall work on a way to integrate Github issues into a Roadmap workflow as well as into a token reward system which can calculate the tokens a developer shall be rewarded with for contributing to the open-source code base.

*back to index

find a todo

  • Open a project workspace with Visual Studio code, and browse the TODOs which are shown in the Todo Tree application for Visual Studio Code.
  • make the needed changes
  • create a new branch in the git
  • upload the code and send a message on Discord to tell that you did it!

create a todo

Not all issues have obviously already been found out in the code base, so, if you find an issue with the code,create a \TODO and push the code in a new git branch, and announce it in the Discord chat. Normally, when pushing a new branch on Github, they get retrieved when preforming a fetch.

This practice shall be replaced with an healthier Github issue (or relative) creation as soon as we have found a durable solution on where to store the code base. There are many solutions fasdfasf asfd asdf asdf

  • Github
  • Gitlab
  • Codebase (decentralized solution still in waitlist though)

About Github issues integration in Vscode

Vscode comes with prebuilt Github issue integration for creating Github issues. This works by writing a comment in the code base with one of the followin escaped words:

  • \TODO
  • \FIXME
  • \BUG
  • \HACK

When writing // <one_of_the_above_keywords> in the code base, Vscode show a little yellow bulb which, when clicked, shows a drop down menu with an option to start the creation of an issue on Github. When doing this we are lead into a code editor where we can specify the details of the issue:

  • make an assignement to a team member.
  • describe the issue and what shall be done.


tackle a todo with Github issues

  • the github issue exixsts
    • issue is assigned to you
    • issue is assigned to someone else
    • issue is not assigned
  • the github issue does not exist.

tackle a todo without Githut issues

Version control.

At the moment version control on noiz is run on Github. In the future we may switch to decentralized opensource version controlling system. Here a brief list of the choice that the market offer us at the moment:

  • centralized
    • Github
    • Gitlab
  • decentralized
    • normal
      • Codebase
    • IPFS based:
      • Radible
      • Pando

Packages interdependencies

Here under a picture of the interdependencies between Noiz internal packages.

The test package is the upper most package. All the other packages have a dependency on this one.


At the moment we are working on consolidating the ui package. We succesfully created classes for this pages:

  • profile
  • item

We are currently working on the integration of .md files.

We have some issues with exporting modules which use fs from the packages and import them in client applications.

We created a next application inside the ui package to be able to visualize every class that we create.

working on libraries

Working on the library requires a little extra-work: each time we make a change and we wish to have it reflecting in the browser we need to perform the following (in the project's root folder, NOT in the monorepo root folder):

  • yarn run build

This commands runs a script that I put in ./bin/ This folders shall be put global in your system in order for it to work.

Windows users shall install git utilities which has a replica of bash in order to run this scripts. I am working on the translation of those scripts in node scripts so that they can be easily run with no stress. Thats why I created the CLI application.


  1. at the moment applications and packages do not have their own repo but thy will soon have.



Language:TypeScript 71.2%Language:Solidity 23.7%Language:JavaScript 3.4%Language:Shell 1.0%Language:HTML 0.8%Language:Batchfile 0.0%