ghislainpiot / amd-composite-action

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python VirtualEnv composite action

This is a composite action that can be used to setup a Python "virtual environment" by providing requirements and constraints. It is then possible to run a command in it.


This is mostly a wrapper around the setup-python action, with some additional logic to install the requirements and constraints.


  • python-version : Optional
  • requirements : Optional
  • constraints : Optional
  • requirements-file : Optional
  • constraints-file : Optional
  • run : Required

The requirements and constraints inputs are lists of strings. The requirements-file and constraints-file inputs are paths to files containing the requirements and constraints. They are not exclusive, and will be concatenated. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that everything is compatible and that there are no duplicates.
