ghillairet / KaiZen-OpenApi-Parser

High-performance Parser, Validator, and Java Object Model for OpenAPI 3.x

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KaiZen OpenAPI Parser


The KaiZen OpenApi Parser from RepreZen is a Java-based validating parser for OpenAPI 3.0 offering full compliance with the OpenAPI 3.0 Specification, and a highly uniform read/write programming API. OpenAPI, formerly known as the Swagger specification, is the industry-standard format for machine-readable REST API descriptions.

Feature highlights of KaiZen OpenAPI Parser include:

  • High Performance - Informal testing shows a 3x-4x performance improvement over the current Java Swagger 2.0 parser. This is largely attributable to a design based on adapting Jackson JsonNode objects, rather than deserializing to internal POJOs.

  • Read/Write API - All aspects of a model may be interrogated and modified. We also provide fluent builders for all model object types. We provide bidirectional navigation throughout the model, and every object that is a property value of its containing object (whether as a named field or a map entry) knows its own key.

  • Tolerant Reader - The parser yields a fully accessible result from any valid JSON or YAML input - whether or not the input is a valid OpenAPI specification.

  • Separate, extensible validation - All validation beyond base JSON/YAML parsing is performed after the initial parse, and it can be disabled for speed. Model-level validation (i.e. anything that can be checked with our provided Java API) is separated from injectable implementation-level validation. The latter covers anything that needs to look "under the covers", using methods of the implementation classes that lie outside the model API. For example, this is where unrecognized JSON properties would be noted and flagged, as they are not visible from the model API.

  • Serialization - Serialization to JSON or YAML is supported, and by default, round-tripping will not cause any reordering of model content.

  • DI-Ready - Our API is interface-based and allows substitution of custom implementations that either augment or completely replace our provided implementation, using Google Guice dependency injection.

  • Easy Evolution - A YAML-based DSL is used to capture most of the details of the OpenAPI Specification. We use code generation to create interfaces and implementation classes. Member-level @Generated annotations make it possible to augment the generated sources with manual code that is preserved during re-generation.

  • Flexible Reference Handling - References are detected and resolved after JSON/YAML parsing but before model-level parsing. All JSON references are processed, resulting in effective inlining for non-conforming references (i.e. anything other than path or component references specifically allowed in the specification). References are normally traversed automatically by the API, but full details of references and their resolution status are also available.

Quick Start Documentation

The Getting Started Guide shows how to build the software locally, and contains a simple sample program that shows how to use the parser.

Who's using KaiZen Parser?

Here's a starting list of projects that are currently using KaiZen OpenAPI Parser. If you don't see your project here, please open an issue or pull request to add it:

Project Link Description
Eclipse Vert.x Eclipse Vert.x is a tool-kit for building reactive applications on the JVM.
RepreZen API Studio RepreZen API Studio is an integrated workbench for API design, documentation and development, built on the Eclipse platform.

Current State

  • JsonOverlay framework is fairly stable and working well.

  • OpenAPI 3.0 type specification, and the generated code passes some early tests.

  • Both read and write APIs are fully implemented, though not well tested. No builders have been created as yet.

  • Model-level validation is mostly complete, but requires development of extensive tests, as well as a careful inventory of all requirements appearing in the specification (noting all uses of MUST, SHOULD, etc.) to ensure that validation is complete.

  • Serialization has not yet been implemented.

  • DI for implementation-level validators exists, but validators need to be written. This is likely to be limited to a small number of JSON-level validators, namely detecting where incompatible JSON types appear, and detecting unexpected property names.

  • A handful of high-level tests have been implemented:

    • BigParseTest parses a large model without validation and checks that every value node in the input is accessible in the expected fashion in the resulting model object.

    • ExamplesTest - Parses and validates all example models currently in the dm/examples branch of the OAI/OpenAPI-Specification GitHub repo.

      Many more tests are required!

  • Few JavaDocs exist at present, unfortunately. There's an open issue to correct that.


Some of these packages are likely to be refactored out into separate component Maven projects.

All packages are prefixed by com.reprezen.kaizen

  • oasparser: Top-level package, directly includes OpenApiParser class and some things related to code generation that will probably move elsewehere.

  • oasparser.jsonoverlay: The JSON Overlay framework underpinning the parser.

  • oasparser.jsonoverlay.std,coll: Overlay classes for standard scalar types and collection types, respectively.

  • oasparser.jsonoverlay.gen: Code generators for interfaces and overlay-based implementations of object types

  • oasparser.model3: Generated model interfaces

  • oasparser.ovl3: Generated model implementation classes (using JSON Overlay)

  • oasparser.val: Base classes for validators, and primitive type validators.

  • oasparser.val3: Model-level validators for all OpenAPI objects.

  • oasparser.val3.ovl: Implementation-level validators for OpenAPI objects.

  • oasparser.test: The handful of tests that have been implemented so far. More needed


KaiZen OpenAPI Parser is provided under the Eclipse Public License (


We welcome serious contributors. However, we are at an early and fast-changing phase in this project, so we recommend coordinating with us before diving into a juicy bit of coding. This might spare you the frustration of finding that some sweeping low-level change has rendered your efforts unusable.

If you would like to work with us, please drop us a line at, or open a new issue if you have a suggestion or want to report a bug or omission.



High-performance Parser, Validator, and Java Object Model for OpenAPI 3.x


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