s_mach.string: String utility library
s_mach.string is an open-source Scala library that provides functions for string manipulation at the word level or higher. In particular it has functions to perform find-replace on strings in many different ways and different ways to split strings particularly suited for programming syntax’s (camel case, pascal case, and snake case).
Find-replace using a variety of input types.
String splitting based on different delimiting rules
Split a string based on whitespace, underscores_and whitespace, PascalCase, snakeCase.
Splitting a string with the wrong splitter type may give strange results.
Split and preserve the "glue" between split words for reconstructing the original string’s structure.
String transformations such as:
def toCamelCase(implicit words:WordSplitter)
def collapseWhitespace : String
def toDoubleOpt : Option[Double]
s_mach.string enhances basic Scala Strings by an implicit conversion.
Importing the s_mach.string package object along with any
desired WordSplitter s makes available all of the library’s functions.
import s_mach.string._
import s_mach.string.WordSplitter._
val sentence = "the_rain_in_spain_falls_on_the_plain"
//yields: The Rain In Spain Falls On The Plain
sentence.findReplaceWords(Seq(("spain", "france"),("rain","snow")), false)(WhitespaceOrUnderscore)
.mkString(" ")
//yields: The Snow In France Falls On The Plain
val cCode = "pthread_mutex_lock* my_lock;"
cCode.toWords(Whitespace).map(_.toCamelCase(WhitespaceOrUnderscore)).mkString(" ")
//yields: pthreadMutexLock* myLock;
val pCode = "pthread_mutex_lock* my_lock = some_other_value + c_pointer_shenanigans;"
dCode.toWords(Whitespace).map(_.toCamelCase(WhitespaceOrUnderscore)).mkString(" ")
//yields: pthreadMutexLock* myLock = someOtherValue + cPointerShenanigans;
pCode.toWords(Whitespace).map(_.toPascalCase).mkString(" ")
//yields: PthreadMutexLock* MyLock = SomeOtherValue + CPointerShenanigans;
//if you need to preserve the original spaces between words, you can.
val spacing = "int a = ( b * d );"
val spacingEnhanced = Whitespace.splitWithGlue(spacing)
.map{ case (content, glue) => content.toTitleCase + glue }
//yields: Int A = ( B * D );
//but if you don't want the space...
spacingEnhanced.collapseWhitespace.findReplace(Seq(("( ", "("), (" )", ")")), false)
//yields: Int A = (B * D);