gheiythtba / Agrify3.0

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Farm Management Web Application


This web application "Agrify" is designed to assist farmers in managing various aspects of their farm, including nutrition, production, stock, equipment, animal health, and employee management.


1. Nutrition Management

  • Track and manage the nutritional requirements of different animal species.
  • Monitor the nutritional needs based on factors such as age, weight, and production status.

2. Production Management

  • Record and analyze the production data of animals (e.g., milk yield, meat production).
  • Set production goals and track the progress of achieving those goals.

3. Stock Management

  • Manage and monitor the stock of animals on the farm.
  • Track information such as quantity, species, and location within the farm.

4. Equipment Management

  • Keep an inventory of farm equipment and machinery.
  • Track maintenance schedules and service history for each piece of equipment.

5. Animal Health Management

  • Record and monitor the health status of individual animals.
  • Set reminders for vaccinations, check-ups, and other health-related activities.

6. Employee Management

  • Manage information about farm employees, including roles and responsibilities.
  • Track work hours, tasks assigned, and overall employee performance.

Getting Started


  • [List any prerequisites or dependencies here]


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install dependencies: npm install (or composer install for PHP projects, etc.)
  3. Configure the database connection in the config files.
  4. Run migrations: php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate (or equivalent for your framework).


  • Start the web server: php bin/console server:run (or use your preferred server setup).
  • Access the application in your web browser: http:


For support or inquiries, please contact "" ou bien "".



Language:SCSS 21.0%Language:HTML 19.9%Language:JavaScript 17.8%Language:CSS 14.9%Language:Twig 14.8%Language:PHP 11.5%