ggomaeng / better-developer-quotes

πŸ’‘ A compilation of answers I received from other developers when I asked them--"How do I become a better developer?"

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"How do I become a better developer?"

I've met some amazing developers in real life and through React Native Community, and I decided to ask them, "How do I become a better developer?" Thank you to everyone who took the time to answer these questions with passion!

This is a compilation of answers I received from them. Some of these quotes are not limited to answers from that specific question.

Send me an email if you want to be interviewed.

Thanks! :-)

Interviewees / Current Position

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Aravind Kumaraguru

Aravind is an undergrad at UC Berkeley pursuing a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and is Engineering Director for the nonprofit organization Pioneers in Engineering.

Q: How do you think I can become a better developer?

A: Obviously, never stay complacent with what you know - this field changes ridiculously fast, and you need to keep up with it. Follow along with the news in the tech industry, perhaps read up on some source code for a Python module that you recently used.

A friend of mine had some free time over winter break, so he decided to teach himself Django and build a webapp that he could interact with over SMS. It's sort of a toy project, but he really enjoyed learning the different development paradigms. For context, he specializes in embedded systems and robotics, so this is nowhere near his comfort zone.

But pushing yourself to try different things will make you much stronger as an engineer. I personally wish I had done more web stuff before this year - in my organization (PiE), we're developing a new iteration of a robotics kit to be used by highschool students. While I have a good grasp of the low-level and systems stuff, I'm at a loss when it comes managing our UI design. Never had an interest in doing that type of stuff full-time, but having even a surface-level knowledge can be immensely helpful

Q: Do you have any projects you did to push yourself out of your comfort zone?

A: I built an automated door opener last summer, which operated a mechanical lever to open a door when an RFID card was scanned. The project used a really powerful motor and a mess of sensors to track the state of the arm, which proved to be quite difficult to coordinate. I learned real quick that I would need to do a bunch of offline testing before running my code on the device, which was very different from what I was used to up till then.

In terms of academics, I just finished CS 189, which was a massive crash course in data science, optimization, and probability theory. The programming I did in that class was also very different from what I'm used to, even though it was all in Python.

Brent Vatne

Brent is Front-end web/mobile developer working on Exponent and React Native. He contributes to tons of open-source projects.

Q: I really want to become a better developer; what would you say the first step is?

A: Do stuff you're excited about and contribute to open source projects :-D

Q: How old are you and how much experience do you have as a programmer?

A: I am 30 years old, and very much :o

Q: How did you join Exponent? What was the cause?

A: James (ide) and I were the most active contributors to react-native outside of facebook and so we spoke a lot. He created exponent with Charlie. I ended up doing some consulting work with them and Charlie asked if I'd be interested in working with them full time and yea, it was lots of fun so I joined.

Q: I should know objective C and Java thoroughly before I jump in to React Native, right?

A: You can learn it as you go if you need to. there's also tons of pure javascript stuff that needs to be done. and documentation. lots of things :)

Charlie Cheever

Charlie Cheever is the co-founder of Quora, an online knowledge market. He was formerly an engineer and manager at Facebook, where he oversaw the creation of Facebook Connect and the Facebook Platform. Prior to Facebook, Cheever was employed by in Seattle. He left Facebook to start Quora in June 2009 to work on Exponent.

Q: What's the motivation of Exponent being free and Open Source?

A: I really want to make something that like a 12 year old version of me would use. So, someone who doesn't know tons about programming but can learn new things and doesn't have a credit card or lots of money, but has time and creativity and a phone and friends. I learned to program making calculator games on TI-85, it's sad to me that kids cant make stuff on their phones today.

Q: Why did you leave Quora?

A: I managed the mobile teams there and it was so slow to work on those apps even tho we had good people, I found it so frustrating And after I left I tried to build some mobile stuff and it was so annoying that I decided there needed to be a different way to make stuff. So James and I made something like react Native called Ion. It was strikingly similar actually. But React Native already had android support and 20 people working on it, and we had 2 people. So we decided to make everything else around it that we wanted to make!

Q: What did you do at Facebook?

A: I made the developer platform that all those games like FarmVille were on. Well not all of it obviously but was one of two main developers. And I worked on the first version of facebook video, then did a lot of random other things. Then was a manager and did login with Facebook on other sites, and then left to do Quora.

Chris Ohk

Chris graduated from KAIST and is currently working at Nexon Korea as a Game Programmer. He's very interested in C++, Game Engine Development, and Computer Graphics. He moderates the C++ Korea group on Facebook, leads many study groups, and writes/translates various books. He mentors and teaches many junior high and high school students, helping them grow as strong programmers. He is also a member of Microsoft MVP Community.

Q: Can you tell me about your background as a programmer?

A: I first started programming when I was 14 years old, and I joined Nexon Korea in September, 2015.

Q: What do you do at Nexon? What project are you currently working on?

A: I am in charge of Game Client development at Nexon. Currently, I am working on Mabinogi Heroes.

Q: What languages do you use the most? Is there a specific reason?

A: I mostly use C++ and C#. C++ is a language that depends heavily on the programmer--it could be either high risk or high return. Also, it's a language that can optimally maximize performance.

Q: Can you tell me more about Microsoft MVP Community? How did you join the community?

A: Microsoft MVP is a professional group specifically focused on certain technology, and it's a community that oversees that technology and make it easier for others to understand.

When I first created a community named C++ Korea, I had the chance to host the first seminar and present there. After, a member of C++ MVP community offered me a recommendation to join the community.

Q: How do you think one can become a better developer?

A: Continuous effort and the heart to love development and feedback.

Q: Is there something you wish you'd known or learned earlier as a developer?

A: No. Programming early doesn't make you a better programmer.

Q: Are there any developers your respect?

A: Everyone except me.

Q: Anything else you want to add?

A: 1. Computer (most of the time) doesn't lie. If there is a problem, always doubt yourself first. 2. It doesn't matter how early you started programming. What really matters is the amount of effort you put in. 3. If you don't know something for certain, don't finalize your decision. You could be wrong.

Christopher Chedeau

Christopher has been working at Facebook as a Front-end Engineer for about 5 years. Previously, he worked at Curse Network.

Q: What do you do at Facebook?

A: I was on the photos team when I started, then I discovered React and started adopting and promoting it both internally and externally. I was there at the beginning of react native and pushed it through until 3 months ago. I just recently switched to the Nuclide team. I'm still #3 contributor on React Native πŸ˜›.

Q: Do you have any prior work experience?

A: I was working for Curse (doing website for blizzard games) during my college to pay for it. It was fun to see the company go from 5 people in a guild to a 100 people company.

Q: What's your day to day like at Facebook? Current project you're working on?

A: I'm currently working on the Nuclide team, Facebook's IDE built on-top of Atom. I would say my time is spent half coding, half cheerleading all the cool stuff people are doing inside of fb.

Q: How do you think one can become a better developer?

A: I think that there are multiple levels.

The first level is mastering all the concepts. For example yesterday I had to write a function that removes certain keys from a big nested object. Because I've done this task so many times in the past, I was able to implement it in one go without even thinking and it worked the first time. For this one, exercises are really good. You want to code the same kind of things many many times to train your muscle memory.

The second level is how do you build things in a way that are not going to break in the future. Ideally, once you build something, you can move to the next thing and it'll keep working without you there. This is challenging when there's a ton of developers touching the codebase and product directions changing often.

Finally, the third level is how do you prevent whole class of problems from even existing in the first place. A good example is with manual dom mutations, it's very easy to trigger some code that interacts with a dom node that has been removed from the dom. React came in and made this problem go away. You have to go out of your way to do so, and even if you want to do those things, you have the tools to make it work: lifecycle events.

Q: Is there something you wish you'd known or learned earlier as a programmer?

A: Probably the most important thing is: tradeoffs, tradeoffs, tradeoffs. They are everywhere.

If you are working on some random throwaway feature that no one is going to use, who cares if the code is maintainable, you need it to work and now one mistake I see a lot is that people over-engineer the easy things but are not willing to make their architecture less clean from a CS perspective even though it actually provides the user experience you need.

At the end of the day, we write all this code for the users, we should first understand what the user experience should be and then do whatever it takes to get it. If the user just needs to display some content and needs to be able to edit it easily, just install wordpress, pick a good looking theme and call it a day

Btw, pro-tip, if you want to be successful, always think about the value you are providing. If you are earning $100k a year, this means that the company should be making $200k because you're here

###Dan Horrigan Dan is a Senior Back-end developer @Futuri Media. He has 20 years of programming experience in many different languages. He's been contributing to React Native early/mid 2015.

Q: What's your background as a programmer?

A: I started learning to programming (with QBasic) when I was 11, and was hooked. I learned everything I could, as fast as I could. I learned a few languages like Visual Basic, and started to dabble with C and C++. Then I found web development, and dove in head first. First, learning HTML and CSS, then adding simple CGI scripts written in Perl, and eventually Classic ASP.

My first paying project was when I was 14: A website for the company my dad worked for, with a customer portal to let them see their job progress. This was all in ASP. After that I started learning PHP, and have been using that as my language of choice ever since. However, I picked up a lot of experience with other languages along the way: JS, Python, Ruby (before Rails), Java, C#, Go, Objective-C.

Q: What are some projects you're currently working on?

A: I work for Futuri Media ( We provide SaaS solutions for Broadcast Radio and TV companies. We provide white label mobile applications, social engagement and discovery, audio streaming and podcast solutions, etc. I haven't had much free time lately to contribute to many OSS projects, but hope to change that soon!

Currently I am a Senior Back-End Web Developer, but I am transitioning into being the Director of Technical Operations.

Q: Is there something you wish you'd learned or knew earlier as a developer?

A: I wished I would have realized earlier in my career that it is OK to be wrong, and that failure is just a chance to learn.

Q: What's the first step to becoming a good developer?

A: Come up with a small-ish project that you think would be cool, or would make your life easier, and just jump right in. Too many people try to learn without a goal other than "I want to learn to code." Without a goal, you are just reading docs or copy/pasting from can't learn that way.

To become a better developer, you need to do one simple thing: Never. Stop. Learning. Read other people's code, figure out how that one app does that really cool thing you saw, read blogs, etc. No matter how good you are, or think you are, there is always someone better, and always more to learn.

Q: Is there a certain project you're currently interested in? Next on your learning list?

A: I have been using, and occasionally contributing to, React Native since early/mid 2015, and continue to be interested in it.

Next on my learning list is learning Erlang/Elixir. We build heavily distributed systems where I work, and think we would really benefit from a language like that.

Frank W. Zammetti

Frank is a lead architect for BNY Mellon by day and the author of eight books on various programming topics for Apress by night

Q: How do I become a better developer?

A: I get asked this question quite a bit both at work from junior developers and from readers of my books. I always give the same answer: make games!

It sounds like a joke answer, but it most definitely is not! Games have a unique ability to touch on so many software engineering topics that you can't help but learn things from the experience. Whether it's choosing proper data structures and algorithms, or writing optimized code (without getting lost in micro-optimizations - at least too soon), or various forms of AI, it's all stuff that is more broadly applicable outside of games. You frequently deal with network coding, obviously audio and visual coding (which tends to open your mind to mathematical concepts you otherwise might not be), efficient I/O and of course overall architecture, which has to be clean and efficient in games (and for many games, extensible). All those topics, and more, are things that come into play (hehe) when making games.

It also teaches you debugging and defensive programming techniques extremely well because one thing people don't accept in games is errors. It's kind of ironic actually: people will deal with some degree of imperfection in their banking web site but show a single glitch in a game and they hate it! You have no choice but to write solid code in a game and you figure out what works and what doesn't, how to recover from unexpected conditions, how to spot edge cases, all of that. It all comes into play and those are skills that developers need generally and which I find are most frequently lacking in many developers.

It doesn't matter one bit if the game you produce is any good, or whether anyone else ever even plays it. It doesn't matter if it's web-based (even if your day job is), or mobile, doesn't matter what technologies you use. The type of insight and problem-solving skills you build and tune when creating games will serve you well no matter what your day job is, even in ways that are far from obvious.

I've been programming games for the better part of 35 years now. No, none of them have been best-sellers or won awards or anything like that. In fact, it's a safe bet that most people wouldn't have even heard of my games, even the ones still available today. None of that matters because the experience of building them is far and away the most rewarding part of it. Perhaps the best thing about programming games is that they are, by their nature, fun! You're creating something that's intended to be enjoyable so the process of creating it should absolutely be just as enjoyable. How many things can you do that are really fun while still being challenging and simultaneously help build the skills needed for a long career?

So yeah, make games, that's my simple two-word answer!

Q: Is there something you wish you'd known or learned earlier as a programmer?

A: Hmm, tough question actually. I guess if there was one thing (and I'll cheat and combine two things here because they're related) I would say that early on I didn't understand two very important phrases: "As simple as possible, but no simpler" and "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good".

I have a natural perfectionist mentality, so I spend a lot of time pondering architecture, API design, etc. I once spent 33 hours straight working on a Commodore 64 demo because ONE lousy pixel was out of place and my perfectionist brain just couldn't live with it! Sometimes, I have to force myself to say "okay, it's good enough, you've planned enough, now get to work and actually BUILD stuff and refactor it later if needed", or I have to force myself to say "okay, it basically does what it's supposed to, it doesn't need to be absolutely flawless because nobody but me is even going to notice". Especially when you've got deadlines and people relying on you, you have to make sure you're working towards concrete goals and not constantly getting stuck trying to achieve perfection because you rarely are going to, at least initially anyway, no matter how hard you plan or try - and the dirty little secret in IT is that perfection rarely matters anyway! Good enough is frequently, err, good enough :)

And, your design/development approach should always strive to be as absolutely simple as possible. Of course, what constitutes "simple" is debatable and doesn't necessarily even always have the same meaning from project to project, but for me some key metrics are how many dependencies I have (web development today is a NIGHTMARE in this regard - less is GENERALLY better) and how many layers of abstraction there are. Developers, especially in the Java world, like to abstract everything and they do so under the assumption that it's more flexible. But if there's one thing I've learned over the years it's that the way to write flexible code is to write simple code. It's better than abstractions and extension points and that sort of stuff because it's just far easier to understand the consequences of your changes.

As a corollary, terse code is NOT simpler code! Simple code is code that anyone can quickly understand, even less capable developers, and even yourself years after. Terse and "clever" code tends to be the exact opposite. Often times, more verbose code is actually simpler because there are less assumptions and often less knowledge needed to understand it, less "code hoping" you have to do to follow things. Related to this is that writing less code isn't AUTOMATICALLY better. No, you shouldn't re-invent the wheel, but you also shouldn't be AFRAID to invent a marginally better wheel when it makes sense. Knowing the difference is hard of course and comes from experience, but if you think it's ALWAYS better to write less code then you're going to make your life harder in the long run.

Of course, don't over-simplify code either. Too simple and suddenly extending it almost MUST mean a refactor. You never want to completely refactor because you HAVE to in order to build an app over time. There's a balance that's difficult to strike but it should always be the goal.

Oh yeah, and I wish I knew how to express myself in less words... but actually, I'm still obviously working on that one :)

Janic Duplessis

Janic is the co-founder of App & Flow, a react-native contributor and open-source contributor.

Q: Any tips to becoming a better developer?

A: Don't think there's anything in particular, you just have keep learning and getting out of your comfort zone. Like trying a new language or framework from time to time. At least that's what I do but I'm pretty sure there are some other good ways haha :-)

Q: How can I start contributing to React Native?

A: The best is to start with something small like a bug fix or adding a small feature like an extra prop on a component. Most contributors know either iOS or Android and a bit of JS. There are also some JS devs that work on things like the packager and cli. We keep some issues with a Good First Task label that should be a good place to start

Jake Murzy

Jake is an Open-source Archaeologist. He writes buzzword compliant code. Co-founder at @commitocracy.

Q: Hey Jake, any tips to becoming a better programmer? :-)

A: Number one thing you should do is to learn your tools before you learn the language you work in, because it will lead to faster feedback loops and you will get to experience more in less time. So install a linter and it will catch most of your errors as you type. It statically analyzes your code and recommends best practices to follow. You should always follow best practices until you gain enough experience to start questioning them.

Jun Ho Hwang

Jun is a software engineer at Coupang, which is the $5 Billion Startup Filling Amazon's Void In South Korea. He is a very friendly developer who loves to connect.

Q: How do you become a better developer?

A: The word 'better' can be described in various ways--especially in the field of programming. A good developer could be someone who is exceptionally talented in development, someone who is amazing at communicating, or someone who understands Business very well. I peronsally think a "good" developer is someone who is in the middle--a person who can solve his or her business problem with their development skills, and communicate with others about the issue. Ultimately, to achieve this, it requires lot of practice, and I recommend you to create your own service. Looking and thinking from the perspective of the user and improving the service to fulfill their needs really helps you grow as a better developer.

Q: Is there something you wish you'd known or learned earlier as a developer?

A: I really wish I started my own service earlier on. The hardest thing to grasp before developing is realizing how you can apply what you learned. Many developers are afraid to start a "service" because it sounds difficult; however, pondering about what to make and where to start, and then connecting those points of thought help you grow as a better developer.

Q: What do you do at Coupang? What are you currently working on?

A: Coupang provides a rocket-delivery-service, and I am working on developing a system called "Coupang Car," which is related to insurance and monetary management. Furthermore, I'm thinking about adding transporation control system and the ability to analyze data from the log.

Keon Kim

Keon is a student at NYU who is really passionate about Machine Learning. He is a very active GitHub member who tries to contribute to open source projects related to machine learning.

Q: What are your interests? What kind of projects have you worked on?

A: I've been working on machine learning projects these days. I am one of the project members of DeepCoding Project, a project with a goal of translating written English to source code. I've been contributing to a C++ machine learning framework called mlpack(, which is equivalent to scikit-learn in Python.

I've also done some fun side projects: DeepStock ( project is an attempt to predict the stock market trends by analyzing daily news headlines. CodeGAN ( is a source code generator that uses one of the new deep learning methods called SeqGAN.

Q: How do you become a better developer?

A: I think it is really important to understand the basics. By basics I mean math, data structures and algorithms. Deep learning is really hot right now, and I see people jumping into learning it without basic knowledge in computer science and mathematics. And of course most of them give up as soon as mathematical notations appear in the tutorial. I know this because I was one of them and it took me really long time to understand some concepts that students with a strong fundamentals could understand in a fraction of the time I spent. New languages, libraries, and frameworks are introduced iterally every day these days, and you need the fundamentals in order to keep up with them.

Munseok Oh

Munseok is a Full-stack developer and CTO at Sketchware. He previously worked at System Integration for ~7 years.

Q: How do I become a better developer?

A: When I was very young and cocky, I evaluated other developers based on their coding style. There were certain criterias they had to pass in order for me to judge them as a good developer. But now, I really don't think that way. Now, I believe that every developer is progressive, which means he or she is becoming a better developer every day. It doesn't really matter if the style is bad or code is good--as logn as the program runs, I think it's great! Whether the program has room for growth or has bugs, I think the motivation to develop is what really matters. Developers usually are never satisfied with their skills. They are always eager to become better--probably why you're doing this. It's really hard to justify "good developer". People like you will become better than me in no time. I still don't think I am a good developer.

Q: What was the most difficult thing when you were developing Sketchware?

A: Developing Sketchware wasn't too difficult, because we had a good blueprint for the item. The direction was very clear for us to follow, so developing it was a breeze. However, there was a line we had to maintain for Sketchware--this line had two conditions:

  1. Sketchware must be an easy tool for anyone to create applications.
  2. Whatever the user takes away from Sketchware can be applied in their future career

Since we wanted Sketchware to be an efficient tool that can help users learn programming concepts, I am very considerate and think a lot when it comes to adding new features in the application.

Q: As a developer, is there something you wish you knew or fixed earlier?

A: I really wish I jumped into the Start-up world earlier. When it comes to developing, you need to be passionate and really enjoy what you do. Even if you pull 3 all-nighters, ponder all day long about a new algorithm, or stress about a new bug, everything will be okay if you're enjoying it. It really goes back to the question #1--I get my energy from the joy I have when I develop, and that joy eventually makes you a better developer. When life hits you, most developers lose the passion to develop if you think of it as work. I used to be like that. But now, I'm really not worried--since developing brings joy to me now. Even if we run out of funds or our company burns down, it's really okay since I am making the most out of what I am doing.

Satyajit Sahoo

Satyajit is the UX Lead at Glucosio, and Front-end Engineer at He is an amazing open-source contributor; he is one of the top 5 contributors in React Native

Q: What is your background as a programmer?

A: I don't really come from a programming background. I did my graduation in Forestry. I left post-graduation after getting a job offer and never looked back.

Q: What's your day like on day to day basis?

A: It's pretty boring. I wake up, order some breakfast online or go out, then start office work. In evening I go out to a bar or take a long walk if there's enough time left. At night I mostly watch TV series or hack on side-projects.

Q: Motivation behind contributing to open source projects?

A: I've been involved in Open Source for a long time. When I was doing my graduation I got into Linux and got introduced to the world of Open Source. I loved it how we could learn so much from other projects. It fascinated me that developers were selfless to let us see and use there code for free (mostly). I did a lot of Open Source projects in form of themes and apps during my college days, and it always made me happy when people forked them and changed to meet their needs, and send pull requests to fix things.

As a developer, I contribute to Open Source projects most of the time because I need a feature, or it improves something in a project I love. I think it's better if we work together to fix stuff that are important to us rather than just filing issues.

Q: How do I become a better developer?

A: I think it's important that we are open to new things. There's a lot to learn, and we cannot learn if we stay in our bubble. Try new things, even if you think you can't do it, even it looks complex on the surface. I have failed to do things so many times, but eventually succeed. In the process I understand the problem and the solution, and then it becomes really simple.

Sonny Lazuardi Hermawan

Sonny is a JavaScript Full Stack Engineer, a React & React Native player, and an Open source enthusiast. He currently works as an Engineer at Sale Stock.

Q: How do you become a better developer?

A: I think always eager to learn is the key. Try everything, make mistakes, and learn from that mistakes. I agree that code review from partners and senior engineers will make our code better. Try publishing your own open source projects, meet other great developers and learn from them.

Q: What's your motivation behind creating open source projects?

A: I just want the people know about our idea, and try implementing it so that others can use our project. I'm really inspired by people that work on open source projects that used by many devs such as Dan Abramov that created redux.

Sunggu Hwang

Sunggu worked at Daum Communications for 4 years. Then, he left Daum to work at Scatter Lab as the CTO. This is his 5th year at Scatter Lab.

Q: How do you become a better developer?

A: Hmm... Becoming a good developer... Every developer has his or her own personality when it comes to programming. As an analogy, think about blacksmiths! Not all blacksmiths are alike--some enjoy crafting the best sword, while some might enjoy testing out the sword more than crafting it. I am a thinker--who plans and organizes thoughts before I carry out an action. I think a good developer knows how to write concise and clean code; you should practice this habit. Even though the trend for programming is always changing, and many people use different languages, write a piece of code that anyone can understand without comments.

Q: What do you think is the next BIG thing?

A: I've observed the evolution of programming languages, and I think it's becoming more abstract every generation--procedural programming, imperative programming, functional programming... I think in the future, maybe in about 20 to 30 years, we will live in the time where the computer writes the code for us, and we just put them together like legos.

Q: What should I focus on studying?

A: I think deep learning is a must. Try different tutorials and learn it with passion. Math, algorithms--anything will help you in the long run.

Timothy Ko

Timothy is a software engineer at Snapchat. He previously worked at many places such as Riot Games, Square, etc.

Q: What do you do at Snapchat?

A: I'm a software engineer on the monetization team, so I work on anything related to making money. Some example projects are: Snapchat Discover, a news platform within the iOS and Android apps; Ad Manager, a control panel used by sales and ad operations to flight ads; Ads API, which allows third party partners to integrate their own ad platforms into Snapchat. Also, I was a past intern at Snapchat so I occasionally give talks and Q&As to upcoming interns. I'm also heavily invested in hiring and conduct a lot of interviews there.

Q: What do you do on day-to-day basis?

A: What I've mentioned previously. Also, even after I pass on the work to other people, sometimes I have to go back and help support it or be part of the technical discussions on future changes. When new people join the team, usually I'm the one to ramp people up on how the code base looks like, the kinds of frameworks we use, how a typical engineer workflow looks like, etc.

Q: What languages / framework do you guys mostly use?

A: For server code, it's usually Java and for UI we use React Redux. Most teams work in google appengine, which is why we use Java, but some teams switch it up a little bit due to some appengine limitations. And of course, the product teams work in objective C for iOS and Java for Android.

Q: How do you think I can become a better developer?

A: I think the best thing to do is to do as many things as possible. I did seven internships while in school so I already had two years of work experience before I graduated. Work experience is super important because coding in a hackathon, doing personal projects, and doing school assignments are totally different than working with enterprise software and apps with real users. But you have to start somewhere, so that's where going to school, doing personal projects, and competing in hackathons comes in. And while at work, i think the best way to succeed is to ask lots of questions and learn by doing. You can read and study all you want, but you might not understand what's going on until you actually do it. Another thing is code reviews -- you can do so much knowledge transfer by having a more senior engineer tear your code apart and tell you how to make it better. Also, if you ever come up with a proposal on how to solve a problem, getting a tech lead to bombard you with hard questions forces you to make sure you have every little detail covered.


πŸ’‘ A compilation of answers I received from other developers when I asked them--"How do I become a better developer?"