ggdream / msix

Create Msix installer for flutter windows-build files.

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A command-line tool that create Msix installer from your flutter windows-build files.

πŸ“‹ Install

In your pubspec.yaml, add msix as a new dependency:

    sdk: flutter
  msix: ^2.4.2

πŸ“¦ Create Msix

Run the commands:

PS c:\src\flutter_project\> flutter build windows
PS c:\src\flutter_project\> flutter pub run msix:create

The flutter build windows is required to build the executable that flutter pub run msix:create bundles up in the MSIX install file.

βš™οΈ Configuration (Optional)

This package have default configuration values, but you can configure it to suit your needs by adding msix_config: at the end of your pubspec.yaml file:

  display_name: MyAppName
  publisher_display_name: MyName
  identity_name: MyCompany.MySuite.MyApp
  logo_path: C:\<PathToIcon>\<Logo.png>
  capabilities: 'internetClient,location,microphone,webcam'

See full list of available configurations.

MSIX Windows Store

To generate msix file for publish to the Windows Store, use the --store flag or add store: true in msix configuration section in your pubspec.yaml.


For Windows Store publication the configuration values: publisher_display_name, identity_name, msix_version, publisher must be valid, you can find those values in your windows store dashboard (Product > Product identity).

For more information about publish to the Windows Store see: How to publish your MSIX package to the Microsoft Store

βœ’οΈ Signing Options

The created installer file (.msix) is automatically sign with default test certificate. for publishing, the Windows Store will automatically sign it for you.

If you need, you can use your own certificate using the configuration fields:certificate_path, certificate_password, publisher or signtool_options

πŸ“ .dll Files And Assets (FFI Library)

To include your .dll and other third party assets in your msix installer, you can use the configuration field: assets_directory_path:

assets_directory_path:  'C:\Users\me\flutter_project_name\myAssets'
  1. create new folder in your root project folder (where pubspec.yaml is located)
  2. put there all your assets (.dll etc.)
  3. in your application code, use the FFI package like so:
var helloLib ='myAssets/hello.dll');
var helloLib2 ='myAssets/subFolder/hello2.dll');

Note: don't use absolute path:

var absolutePath = path.join(Directory.current.path, 'myAssets/hello.dll');
var helloLib =;

πŸ“‹ Available Configuration Fields:

Configuration Name Description (from microsoft docs) Example
display_name A friendly name that can be displayed to users. MyAppName
publisher_display_name A friendly name for the publisher that can be displayed to users. MyName
identity_name Defines a globally unique identifier for a package. com.flutter.MyApp
msix_version The version number of the package.
(must be this format)
store The installer (.msix) is for publish to Windows Store false
logo_path Path to the app logo C:/<PathToIcon>/<Logo.png>
start_menu_icon_path Path to logo that will used in start-menu.
if not specified will use logo_path
tile_icon_path Path to logo used as the app tile logo. (win10)
if not specified will use logo_path
Visual Studio can generate for you optimized icons (logo, tile and more), see Thomas's explanation. This is an alternative for logo_path, start_menu_icon_path, tile_icon_path C:\<PathToFolder>\icons
icons_background_color Specifies the background color of the app icons, can be transparent or hex color like: '#ffffff' (win10) transparent
assets_directory_path Path to assets folder (.dll files) to include in the installer C:\<PathToFolder>\myAssets
languages Declares a language for resources contained in the package en-us, ja-jp
capabilities List of the capabilities the application requires.
see full capabilities list
architecture Describes the architecture of the code contained in the package, one of:
x86, x64, arm, neutral
certificate_path Path to your certificate file C:/<PathToCertificate>/<MyCertificate.pfx>
certificate_password The certificate password 1234
publisher Describes the publisher information. The Publisher attribute must match the publisher subject information of the certificate used to sign a package. CN=My Company, O=My Company, L=Berlin, S=Berlin, C=DE
signtool_options Signtool use the syntax: [command] [options] [file_name], so you can provide here the [options] part, see full documentation

this overwriting the fields: certificate_path, certificate_password
/v /fd SHA256 /f C:/Users/me/Desktop/my.cer
file_extension File extensions that the app will used to open .txt, .myFile, .test1
protocol_activation Protocol activation that will open the app http
Command-Line Arguments

You can use also the CLI arguments to set the configuration value, for example:

flutter pub run msix:create --v --c C:/Users/me/Desktop/test_certificate.pfx --p 1234 --pu "CN=Msix Testing, O=Msix Testing Corporation, C=US"
Available Arguments Options:
  • package version: --v (must be in the format:
  • certificate path: --c
  • certificate password: --p
  • debug signing problems: --d
  • display name: --dn
  • publisher display name: --pdn
  • identity name: --in
  • publisher: --pu
  • logo path: --lp
  • start_menu icon path: --smip
  • tile icon path: --tip
  • assets directory path: --adp
  • vs generated images folder path: --vsi
  • icons background color: --ibc
  • signtool options: --so
  • protocol activation: --pa
  • file extension: --fe
  • architecture: --a
  • capabilities: --cap
  • languages: --l
Available Arguments Flags:
  • store: --store
  • debug: --debug

package tags: msi windows win10 win11 windows10 windows11 windows store windows installer windows packaging appx AppxManifest SignTool MakeAppx


Create Msix installer for flutter windows-build files.

License:MIT License


Language:Dart 100.0%