ggcarmi / words-counter

Words counter in text

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Words Counter

words is an flask app for counting the frequencies in given text.

How to start


  • docker or
  • local redis, python 3.7+ and pipenv intstalled

Build and run

first, you should clone the project:

$ mkdir Project
$ cd Project
$ git clone .

Then, there are two ways to run the project.

  1. the easiest way is with docker docker :

    $ docker-compose up 

    it will launch 2 docker containers: flask app and redis.

  2. The second way is to run redis on docker(or on your machine if you preffer), and manually run the flask app on your machine

    $ docker run -p 6379:6379 redis
    $ pipenv install
    $ flask run

now the app is available at

Project structure

├── words                       
│   ├── api
│       └── resource          the Rest Resources. in this app we have only one. Word
│   ├── common                common functionality for parsing text
│   ├── database              database related operations
│   └── tests
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── .flaskenv
├── Pipfile
├── Pipefile.lock


we use GET /api/v1/words/<input_word> to get the occurrence of a given word.

we use POST /api/v1/words to insert words.

in the request body we have to pass 2 parameters:

  1. input_type, and his value should be one of the three: text, url, file.

  2. data, which is the actual data for the given type. text string, url path or path to file. accordingly to input_type.

Sample API Calls

to insert words from text string:

POST /api/v1/words body={ "input_type": "text", "data": "Hi! My name is (what?), my name is (who?), my name is Slim Shady"}

to insert words from url:

POST /api/v1/words body={ "input_type": "url", "data": ""}

to insert words from text file(i already copy some test files to the folder words/tests/test_files):

POST /api/v1/words body={ "input_type": "file", "data": "C:\\lemonade\\words\\tests\\test_files\\words3.txt"}

to insert words from text file (this version workd on the docker. just run docker compose and than run this request:

POST /api/v1/words body={ "input_type": "file", "data": "./words/tests/test_files/words3.txt"}

to get the total occurrence of a given word:

GET /api/v1/words/my

How it works?

the app contains 2 components: Flask app and Redis database. when we get one of the 3 input types: text, url, file, we parse it, and store the words in Redis as key=word, value=frequencies.

so when we want to get specific word, its very fast to retrieve it, we just get the value of that ord in redis.

for very large files (>GB), we use parallel computing. we read the file in chunks of X lines at a time. than we send that chunk to aub-process, to handle it. when it done, the ,ain process get the result back, and merge all the results.

for small files (<1MB) run on the file sequentially may be faster(because the processes overhead) but for larger files the use of multiproccessing have significant better result for example:

0.3 MB: sequentially(0.027 sec), parallel(0.24 sec)
12 MB: sequentially(12.6 sec), parallel(1.88 sec)
46 MB: sequentially(30.7 sec), parallel(5.8 sec)

i also tested it on 1GB file, and it took 135 sec.


  • words are case insensitive - we convert the words to lowercase before saving them.
  • results persist between runs - it store in redis
  • input file, for processing, located on the same machine of the app.


Words counter in text


Language:Python 98.0%Language:Dockerfile 2.0%