README What is Mockey? =================== A testing tool, used to mock end point web services for the purpose of testing web service client applications. Features ==================== * Use Mockey as a proxy to a real service, to inspect request and response messages * Set up Mockey to go through a corporate proxy server, to reach an endpoint web service * Support for HTTP/s interactions (even if your corporate proxy server has https as an endpoint web service) * Ability to 'play back' conversations for when endpoint services are not available * Ability to run EVERYTHING in a sandbox - your application and the endpoint webservices your application is consuming. What is Mockey not good at? ==================== * Large payloads used in conversations, e.g. 10MB per message * Transport protocols other than HTTP, e.g. FTP. * Complicated conversations e.g. if X, then call this database, else if Y, call 'rake FOO', else kick-off-Maven. * Solving everything