gfoiani / MTConnect-Agent-For-Haas

MTConnect Agent and Adapter for Haas CNC Machines using RS-232

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MTConnect® Agent For Haas

Open Source MTConnect® Agent and Adapter for Haas CNC Machines using RS-232

This supports the basic data collection variables available using setting 143 on Haas machines described in the link below:


  • Add the ability to add Q600 variables to the configuration file
  • Better error management

Adapter Configuration File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
	<!-- Device Name used in Devices.xml file for MTConnect® Agent's schema -->
	<!-- Port to communicate with MTConnect Agent -->
	<!-- Adapter heartbeat -->

	<!-- COM Port to communicate with the Haas machine -->


MTConnect Agent and Adapter for Haas CNC Machines using RS-232


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