gevatter / generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool -

Simple static site generator, makes use of Jinja2 templates.


Installation is easy:

$ pip -r requirements.txt

To install support for all readers (for formatting):

$ pip -r requirements-recommended.txt

Directory layout

Typical layout:

project/            Site root
|-- _layout/        Site layout templates
|-- _post/          Site posts, can be in several formats (see below)
|-- _site/          Here your generated content will be
`-- *.html/css/rss  Site content


We support serveral formats:

*.bb, *.bbcode : Will be formatted with a BBCode reader

*.md, *.markdown : Will be formatted with a Markdown reader

*.rst, *.rest : Will be formatted with a reStructuredText reader

*.tt, *.textile : Will be formatted with a Textile reader

Template metadata

You can embed a small header in the templates to override some of the defaults for the given file type. For example, to embed site content in a layout template, you may use:

reader: jinja2
template: page.html

This will parse the file using the Jinja2 template engine and then look for page.html in project/_layout and provide the generated template via the page.content variable. See maze/_layout/page.html and maze/index.html for an example on how to use this.

Configuration file

See maze.cfg for an example, use the source Luke!

About generator


Language:Python 43.9%Language:CSS 34.7%Language:HTML 21.4%