gerrywastaken / tiny-slider

Pure javascript slider for all purposes.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tiny slider for all purposes, inspired by Owl Carousel.

The previous version is still available in branch v0, you may want to know how to transfer from v0.


bower install tiny-slider or npm install tiny-slider


  • carousel / gallery
  • responsive
  • fixed width
  • vertical slider
  • gutter
  • edge padding (center)
  • loop
  • rewind (pull 10)
  • slide by
  • customize controls / nav
  • lazyload
  • autoplay
  • auto height
  • touch support
  • mouse drag (pull 32)
  • arrow keys
  • accessibility for people using keyboard navigation or screen readers (issue4)
  • response to visibility changing (pull 19)
  • custom events
  • nested slider


1. Include tiny-slider
<link rel="stylesheet" href="tiny-slider.css">

<!--[if (lt IE 9)]><script src="tiny-slider.ie8.js"></script><![endif]-->
<script src="tiny-slider.js"></script>

Or tiny-slider.native + go-native,

<link rel="stylesheet" href="tiny-slider.css">

<!--[if (lt IE 9)]><script src="go-native.ie8.js"></script><![endif]-->
<script src="go-native.js"></script>
<script src="tiny-slider.native.js"></script>

You can import it via webpack or rollup:

import { tns } from "path/to/src/tiny-slider.module"

var slider = tns({
  key: value
2. Add markup
<!-- markup -->
<div class="slider">

<!-- or
<ul class="slider">
3. Call tiny-slider on DOM ready
  gn.ready(function () {
    var slider = tns({
      container: document.querySelector('.slider'),
      items: 3,
      slideBy: 'page',
      autoplay: true

Have a look at the demo page, or check out some examples of usage.


Option Type Description
container Node Default: document.querySelector('.slider').
The slider container element.
mode 'carousel' | 'gallery' Default: 'carousel'.
Controls animation behaviour.
With carousel everything slides to the side, while gallery uses fade animations and changes all slides at once.
axis 'horizontal' | 'vertical' Default: horizontal.
The axis of the slider.
items Integer Default: 1.
Number of slides being displayed.
gutter Integer Default: 0.
Space between slides (in "px").
edgePadding Integer Default: 0.
Space on the outside (in "px").
fixedWidth Integer | false Default: false.
Controls width attribute of the slides.
slideBy Integer | 'page' Default: 1.
Number of slides going on one "click".
controls Boolean Default: true.
Controls the display and functionalities of controls components (prev/next buttons). If true, display the controls and add all functionalities.
controlsText (Text | Markup) Array Default: ['prev', 'next'].
Text or markup in the prev/next buttons.
controlsContainer Node | false Default: false.
The container element around the prev/next buttons.
nav Boolean Default: true.
Controls the display and functionalities of nav components (dots). If true, display the nav and add all functionalities.
navContainer Node | false Default: false.
The container around the dots and the autoplay start/stop button.
arrowKeys Boolean Default: false.
Allows using arrow keys to switch slides.
speed Integer Default: 300.
Speed of the slide animation (in "ms").
autoplay Boolean Default: false.
Toggles the automatic change of slides.
autoplayTimeout Integer Default: 5000.
Time between 2 autoplay slides change (in "ms").
autoplayDirection 'forward' | 'backward' Default: 'forward'.
Direction of slide movement (ascending/descending the slide index).
autoplayText (Text | Markup) Array Default: ['start', 'stop'].
Text or markup in the autoplay start/stop button.
autoplayHoverPause Boolean Default: false.
Stops sliding on mouseover.
autoplayButton Node | false Default: false.
The autoplay start/stop button.
autoplayResetOnVisibility Boolean Default: true.
Pauses the sliding when the page is invisiable and resumes it when the page become visiable again. (Page Visibility API)
animateIn String Default: 'tns-fadeIn'.
Name of intro animation class.
animateOut String Default: 'tns-fadeOut'.
Name of outro animation class.
animateNormal String Default: 'tns-normal'.
Name of default animation class.
animateDelay Integer | false Default: false.
Time between each gallery animation (in "ms").
loop Boolean Default: true.
Moves to the first slide with the same direction when reaching the last slide.
rewind Boolean Default: false.
Moves to the first slide with the opposite direction when reaching the last slide.
autoHeight Boolean Default: false.
Height of slider container changes according to each slide's height.
responsive Map (breakpoint, items) | false Default: false.
Defines number of slides for different viewport widths (see example).
lazyload Boolean Default: false.
Enables lazyloading images that are currently not viewed, thus saving bandwidth (see example).
touch Boolean Default: true.
Activates input detection for touch devices.
mouseDrag Boolean Default: false.
Changing slides by dragging them.
nested "inner" | "outer" | false Default: false.
Difine the relationship between nested sliders. (see demo)
onInit Function | false Default: false.
Callback to be run on initialization.

Get slider information

There are 2 ways to get slider information, each of them returns an info Object:

  1. getInfo method.
  2. Subscribe to an event.
info = {
  container: container, // slider container
  slideItems: slideItems, // slides list
  navItems: navItems, // dots list
  prevButton: prevButton, // previous button
  nextButton: nextButton, // next button
  items: items, // items on a page
  index: index, // current index
  indexCached: indexCached, // previous index
  navCurrent: navCurrent, // current dot index
  navCurrentCached: navCurrentCached, // previous dot index
  slideCount: slideCount, // original slide count
  cloneCount: cloneCount, // cloned slide count
  slideCountNew: slideCountNew, // total slide count after initialization
  event: e || {}, // event object if available


// get info object
var slider = tns(...);

document.querySelector('.next-button').onclick = function () {
  // get slider info
  var info = slider.getInfo(),
      indexPrev = info.indexCached;
      indexCurrent = info.index;

  // update style based on index
// go to slides by number or keywords
var slider = tns(...);

document.querySelector('.goto-button').onclick = function () {
var slider = tns(...);

Custom Events

Available events include: initialized, indexChanged, transitionStart, transitionEnd, touchStart, touchMove and touchEnd.

var slider = tns(...);

var customizedFunction = function (info) {
  // direct access to info object

// bind function to event'transitionEnd', customizedFunction);

// remove function binding'transitionEnd', customizedFunction);

The initialized event doesn't work actually because the initialization has been finished when you call var slider = tns(...);, and it won't fire when you bind the function to the event later.
You can use a fallback function onInit instead from v1.2.0.

var slider = tns({
  // other options
  // ...
  onInit: function (info) {


.no-js .your-slider { overflow-x: auto; }
.no-js .your-slider > div { float: none; }

Browser Support

Firefox 8+ ✓
Chrome 15+ ✓
Safari 4+ ✓
Opera 11.5+ ✓
IE 8+ ✓

It should work on Chrome 4-14 as well, but I couldn't test it.
No animations on IE8-9 since they don't support CSS3 transition. Animations for legacy browsers have been added in v1.0.2.


This project is available under the MIT license.


Pure javascript slider for all purposes.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 84.1%Language:HTML 14.3%Language:CSS 1.7%