germandt / galera-java-client

Galera client written in Java for MariaDB Galera Cluster and Percona XtraDB Cluster

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galera-java-client is a client written in Java for MariaDB Galera Cluster and Percona XtraDB Cluster.

It is designed to be use as an alternative option to connect JVM applications to MariaDB/Percona galera nodes without HAProxy.

The client has a load balance policy to distribute connection requests, it discovers new joined nodes automatically and activates/deactivates nodes based on Galera specific states, the primary component membership and network errors.

It doesn't implement the mysql protocol or manage jdbc connections by itself. It relies on mariadb-java-client to open connections and HikariCP to manage the connection pools against the MariaDB/Percona nodes.


galera-java-client is in an early stage of development. It is not recommended to be used in production yet.


  • Ignoring donor nodes: Configure this flag with new GaleraClient.Builder().ignoreDonor(true). When this flag is enabled, donor nodes are marked as down, so you will not get connections from donor nodes. Default value: true

  • Supporting custom connections: You can get a connection with a simple client.getConnection(). In this case, you'll get a connection from any node and the consistency level will be the global value configured in your mariaDB wsrep_sync_wait (or wsrep_causal_reads for earlier versions). But you can also use something like client.getConnection(ConsistencyLevel.SYNC_READ_UPDATE_DELETE, true). The ConsistencyLevel values can change depending of the Galera versions as follows:

    • Galera 5.5.39 - MariaDB Galera 10.0.x
      • SYNC_OFF
      • SYNC_READS
    • Earlier versions
  • GaleraClientListener: You can extend functionality, for example to report some metrics, setting on the client builder an implementation of GaleraClientListener, which has callbacks for the following events: activating/removing node, marking node as down and selecting a new master node. The default implementation just logs this events.

  • ElectionNodePolicy: You can provide a custom election node policy only with supplying a fully qualified name of the implementation of com.despegar.jdbc.galera.policies.ElectionNodePolicy that will be used to select the node and get the connection. When you ask for a connection with holdsMaster in true the client uses the com.despegar.jdbc.galera.policies.MasterSortingNodesPolicy otherwise com.despegar.jdbc.galera.policies.RoundRobinPolicy.



How to use it

1) Build the client

  GaleraClient client = new GaleraClient.Builder()
                            .seeds("maria-1, maria-2")

There are few more options for configuration, you can check these in the source code.

2) Getting a Connection

Connection connection = client.getConnection(ConsistencyLevel.CAUSAL_READS_ON, false);
  • The first parameter specifies the consistency level for this connection (it will be reseted to the global value when the connection returns to the pool).
  • The second parameter means holdsMaster. The first time you ask for a connection with holdsMaster in true, galeraClient will choose a master node and all the following connections asked with holdsMaster=true will be from that master node (GaleraClient only chooses a new master node when the current one is marked as down/removed). It is a useful feature when you want all your writes in the same node of the cluster.

3) Releasing resources



The connection.close() returns the connection to the pool and client.shutdown() stops all the underlying machinery of the client.

For a more complete example, see CausalReadsTest.

Implementation details

  • mariadb-client 1.1.7
  • HikariCP 2.3.5


galera-java-client is open to the community to collaborations and contributions


Galera client written in Java for MariaDB Galera Cluster and Percona XtraDB Cluster



Language:Java 100.0%