germancq / EdC

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AVR assembler on PlatformIO

  1. Install visual studio code
  2. Install PlatformIO plugin
  3. Add our user to dialout group
username@cpu:~$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout <username>
  1. Create in PlatformIO a project with
    1. Board : ATmega328P/PA
    2. framework : Arduino
  2. In the file Platformio.ini
    1. Delete the framework line. In order to use avr-gcc as compiler
    2. add the follow line to the file debug_tool = simavr
  3. Close vscode
  4. Go to the PlatformIO path. If you are already crate the project you will see the atmelavr folder
username@cpu:~$ cd ~/.platformio/platforms/atmelavr
  1. Create the path ~/.platformio/platforms/atmelavr/misc/svd
username@cpu:~/.platformio/platforms/atmelavr$ mkdir misc
username@cpu:~/.platformio/platforms/atmelavr$ cd misc
username@cpu:~/.platformio/platforms/atmelavr/misc$ mkdir svd
  1. Copy the file atmega328p.svd into the svd folder
username@cpu:~$ cp <path_to_this_repo>/atmega328p.svd ~/.platformio/platforms/atmelavr/misc/svd
  1. Change the file "~/.platformio/platforms/atmelavr/boards/ATmega328P.json" for the one given in this repository
username@cpu:~$ rm ~/.platformio/platforms/atmelavr/boards/ATmega328P.json
username@cpu:~$ cp <path_to_this_repo>/ATmega328P.json ~/.platformio/platforms/atmelavr/boards/
  1. Open vscode and change "src/main.cpp" to "src/main.S"
  2. Modify main.S with your assembler code. you can use the examples in this repository as a template



Language:Assembly 100.0%