germainvictor / wizzcad-challenge

API in Typescript and Node that allows for the management of form model creation.

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Wizzcad Challenge

API in Typescript and Node that allows for the management of form model creation.

Getting started

git clone
cd wizzcad-challenge
yarn db-migrate
yarn start


POST /newForm

This endpoint creates a new form. To create a form you have to return a json of this type :

	"name": "formName",
	"metadata": [{
		"type": "field",
		"name": "FirstName",
		"required": "true",
		"subType": "TEXT"
	}, {
		"type": "field",
		"name": "LastName",
		"required": "true",
		"subType": "TEXT"
		"type": "section",
		"name": "section-1",
		"metadata": [{
			"type": "field-section-1",
			"name": "LastName",
			"required": "true",
			"subType": "TEXT"

First you have to name your form

	"name": "formName", <--- Name of the form
	"metadata": [...] <-- Metadata this form contains

And add metadata, the metadata respresents the structure of your form. You have two type of metadata :

Field metadata :

		"type": "field", <-- Type of the metadata
		"name": "FirstName", <-- Name of the field
		"required": "true", <-- Is field is required
		"subType": "TEXT" <-- The type of the field

You have BOOLEAN, LIST, DIGITAL, TEXT as available type of field

Section metadata : Each section can contain field and section

		"type": "section", <-- Type of the metadata
		"name": "section-1", <-- Name of section
		"metadata": [...] <-- Metadata this section contains

GET /form/:id

Return a form. You can pass the seeDeletedElement parameter to see the deleted elements of the form.

GET /forms

Returns the list of all forms. You can pass the seeDeletedElement parameter to see the deleted elements of the form.

POST /add/field

Allows you to add a field to a form or a section. You can pass this json :

	"formId": 1, <-- The form id
	"sectionId": 1, <-- The section id
	"type": "TEXT", <-- Type of the field
	"name": "fieldName", <-- Name of the field
	"required": "true" <- If form is required

⚠️ You can only assign either a section or a form.

POST /add/section

Allows you to add a field to a form or a section. You can pass this json :

	"formId": 1, <-- The form id
	"sectionId": 1, <-- The section id
	"name": "sectionName", <-- Name of the field
	"metadata": [...] <-- The metadata contained in this section

⚠️ You can only assign either a section or a form.

POST /update/section/:id

Allows you to update a section. You can pass this json :

	"name": "newName", <-- The new name of the section
	"sofDeleted": "false", <-- If you need to restore/destroy section

POST /update/field/:id

Allows you to update a field. You can pass this json :

	"name": "newName", <-- The new name of the field
	"required": "true" <-- If this field is required
	"sofDeleted": "false", <-- If you need to restore/destroy field

POST /update/form/:id

Allows you to update a form. You can pass this json :

	"name": "newName", <-- The new name of the form

POST /delete/form/:id

Allows you to delete a form.


  • Add all the logic of the field LIST
  • Adding an order to the form elements
  • Add tests to ensure that the application is working properly.


API in Typescript and Node that allows for the management of form model creation.


Language:TypeScript 70.9%Language:JavaScript 29.1%