Geremy Labrador's repositories
React components for NFT projects like Marketplaces, Games and DeFi.
This project is a clone of which is a hotel, flights and cabs booking website, It is a group project which is done by 5 members and was completed in the duration of 5 days
About React App that displays upcoming sports games and their betting lines from the most popular bookmakers
About Build an complete `Hotel-Room-Booking-System` projects using React.js, Next.js, Redux.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Tailwind-CSS & And-Design.
The project is based on an app to book an appointment with a health specialist(Doctor). The doctor appointment booking app permits healthcare providers to manage their appointments with increased efficiency while giving reliable management. However, it displays all details of the patients, complete history of appointment, analyses the doctors, etc
About This project is a online bus reservation app built using React and Redux on the frontend, and Express and Node JS on the backend using an MVC pattern
A simple graphite exporter for gathering Kafka consumer group info from [burrow]
Distributed Networks Institute
Golang Microservices for implementing pub/sub messesing using RabbitMQ.
Gantt Gantt Gantt Timeline Schedule Calendar [ javascript gantt, js gantt, projects gantt, timeline, scheduler, gantt timeline, reservation timeline, react gantt, angular gantt, vue gantt, svelte gantt, booking manager ]
Chef Available!? is a chef booking app I made to practice building a full-stack application with technologies such as React and Node.js with express. It served as my final project at Codaisseur.
An advanced starter project for interacting with Ethereum on the Internet Computer
Capstone Project: vaccine booking systems for Frontend Admin, this project is belong to Full Stack Engineering program by Alterra Academy - Kampus Merdeka