gerbenvoshol / pacbam

PaCBAM is a C command line tool for the complete characterization of genomic regions and single nucleotide positions from next-generation sequencing data.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NON OFFICIAL REPOSITORY!! See for the official repository


PaCBAM is a C command line tool for the complete characterization of genomic regions and single nucleotide positions from next-generation sequencing data.
PaCBAM implements a fast and scalable multi-core computational engine, generates exhaustive output files for downstream analysis, introduces an innovative on-the-fly read duplicates filtering strategy and provides comprehensive visual reports.

Compilation from source code

To install PaCBAM clone the repository and compile the C source code.

git clone 
cd pacbam
make -f Makefile.linux

Use instead Makefile.macos and Makefile.mingw to compile PaCBAM on, respectively, macOS and Windows systems.
Samtools library libbam.a has been generated for GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS systems.
For compilation on Windows we have added also libz.a library, while compilation on Linux/macOS requires the installation of the development zlib package.
Libraries can be found in ./lib directory.
Windows libraries have been generated using MinGW.
If libraries are not working we suggest to download/recompile them again.


PaCBAM expects as input a sorted and indexed BAM file, a BED file with the coordinates of the genomic regions of interest (namely the target, e.g. captured regions of a WES experiment), a VCF file specifying a list of SNPs within the target and a reference genome FASTA file.
Different running modes and filtering/computation options are available.
Running PaCBAM executable will list all usage options.

 ./pacbam bam=string bed=string vcf=string fasta=string [mode=int] [threads=int] [mbq=int] [mrq=int] [mdc=int] [out=string]
          [dedup] [dedupwin=int] [regionperc=float] [strandbias]

 NGS data file in BAM format 
 List of target captured regions in BED format 
 List of SNP positions in VCF format (no compressed files are admitted)
 Reference genome FASTA format file 
 Execution mode [0=RC+SNPs+SNVs|1=RC+SNPs+SNVs+PILEUP(not including SNPs)|2=SNPs|3=RC|4=PILEUP|6=BAMCOUNT]
 (default 6)
 On-the-fly duplicates filtering
 Flanking region around captured regions to consider in duplicates filtering [default 1000]
 Number of threads used (if available) for the pileup computation
 (default 1)
 Fraction of the captured region to consider for maximum peak signal characterization
 (default 0.5)
 Min base quality
 (default 20)
 Min read quality
 (default 1)
 Min depth of coverage that a position should have to be considered in the output
 (default 0)
 Print strand bias count information
 Print genotype calls for input SNPs using a strategy based on an allelic fraction cutoff threshold at 20%
 Print genotype calls for input SNPs using a strategy based on a binomial test with significance at 1%)
 Path of output directory (default is the current directory)


Folder examples contains a small example of a BAM file and correspoding target regions in BED format and a SNPs in target regions in VCF format.
The following command executes PaCBAM with mode 1, generating 4 output files.

../pacbam bam=NGSData.bam bed=TargetRegions.bed vcf=SNPsInTargetRegions.vcf fasta=/path-to-reference-genome/human_g1k_v37.fasta mode=1 out=./

The reference genome to use in this example can be downloaded at

Duplicates filtering

To activate the on-the-fly read duplicates filtering add to the command dedup. To enlarge the genomic window (default 1000) used at captured regions to find duplicated reads use dedupwin=N with N integer number. When single end reads are used you can set W=0.

Output files

Each execution mode computes and generates a combination of the following files.

Depth of coverage characterization of all genomic regions

For each region provides the mean depth of coverage, the GC content and the mean depth of coverage of the subregion (user specified, default 0.5 fraction) that maximizes the coverage peak signal (rcS and corresponding genomic coordinates fromS and toS), to account for the reduced coverage depth due to incomplete match of reads to the captured regions.

chr	from	to	fromS	toS	rc	rcS	gc
20	68348	68410	68348	68378	130.40	129.68	0.48
20	76643	77060	76845	77052	81.18	111.99	0.41
20	123267	123329	123293	123323	93.00	99.81	0.50
20	126053	126335	126100	126240	32.55	54.73	0.44
20	138183	138236	138210	138235	78.08	99.92	0.51
20	139412	139667	139510	139636	117.86	125.38	0.39
20	168524	168761	168524	168641	69.79	91.03	0.39
20	170213	170266	170213	170238	13.91	18.69	0.40
20	207927	207989	207958	207988	96.40	106.65	0.48

Single-base resolution pileup

For each genomic position in the target provides the read depth of the 4 possible bases A, C, G and T, the total depth of coverage, the variants allelic fraction (VAF), the strand bias information for each base, the unique identifier (e.g. dbsnp id) if available.

chr	pos	ref	A	C	G	T	af	cov
20	68348	G	0	0	129	0	0.000000	129
20	68349	C	0	130	0	0	0.000000	130
20	68350	C	0	130	0	0	0.000000	130
20	68352	T	0	0	0	130	0.000000	130
20	68353	G	0	0	130	0	0.000000	130
20	68354	A	130	0	0	0	0.000000	130
20	68355	A	130	0	0	0	0.000000	130
20	68356	T	0	0	0	130	0.000000	130
20	68357	A	130	0	0	0	0.000000	130

Single-base resolution pileup (mode 6: BAMCOUNT)

For each genomic position in the target provides the read depth of the 4 possible bases A, C, G and T, the total depth of coverage, the allelic fraction (e.g. FracA), and the strand bias information for each base (e.g. StrandA).

chr     pos     ref     cov     CountA  FracA   StrandA CountC  FracC   StrandC CountG  FracG   StrandG CountT  FracT   StrandT
20      68348   G       129     0       0.0000  0.00    0       0.0000  0.00    129     0.0000  1.00    0       0.0000  0.00
20      76643   C       19      0       0.0000  0.00    19      1.0000  0.79    0       0.0000  0.00    0       0.0000  0.00
20      76644   A       19      19      1.0000  0.79    0       0.0000  0.00    0       1.0000  0.00    0       0.0000  0.00
20      76645   G       19      0       0.0000  0.00    0       0.0000  0.00    19      0.0000  0.79    0       0.0000  0.00
20      76646   G       19      0       0.0000  0.00    0       0.0000  0.00    19      0.0000  0.79    0       0.0000  0.00
20      76647   T       15      0       0.0000  0.00    0       0.0000  0.00    0       0.0000  0.00    15      1.0000  1.00
20      76648   A       15      15      1.0000  1.00    0       0.0000  0.00    0       1.0000  0.00    0       0.0000  0.00
20      76649   G       15      0       0.0000  0.00    0       0.0000  0.00    15      0.0000  1.00    0       0.0000  0.00
20      76650   C       15      0       0.0000  0.00    15      1.0000  1.00    0       0.0000  0.00    0       0.0000  0.00

Positions with reads support for alternative base

Provides pileup information only for position with positive VAF, computed using the alternative base with highest read depth (if any).

chr	pos	ref	alt	A	C	G	T	af	cov
20	76953	G	A	1	0	99	0	0.010000	100
20	126263	C	T	0	26	0	1	0.037037	27
20	139484	A	G	156	0	1	0	0.006369	157
20	139557	A	G	99	0	1	0	0.010000	100
20	139570	C	A	1	171	0	0	0.005814	172
20	139622	C	A	1	135	0	0	0.007353	136
20	168728	T	A	56	0	0	0	1.000000	56
20	209986	A	T	227	0	0	2	0.008734	229
20	210097	C	T	0	82	0	1	0.012048	83

when strandbias option is used, the output format is the following:

chr	pos	ref	alt	A	C	G	T	af	cov	Ars	Crs	Grs	Trs
20	76953	G	A	1	0	99	0	0.010000	100	1	0	80	0
20	126263	C	T	0	26	0	1	0.037037	27	0	0	0	0
20	139484	A	G	156	0	1	0	0.006369	157	111	0	1	0
20	139557	A	G	99	0	1	0	0.010000	100	39	0	0	0
20	139570	C	A	1	171	0	0	0.005814	172	0	91	0	0
20	139622	C	A	1	135	0	0	0.007353	136	0	67	0	0
20	168728	T	A	56	0	0	0	1.000000	56	19	0	0	0
20	209986	A	T	227	0	0	2	0.008734	229	106	0	0	1
20	210097	C	T	0	82	0	1	0.012048	83	0	37	0	0

Last four columns represent the number of reads, for each base, that are on the reverse strand. This information can be used to compute strand bias at base-specific resolution.

SNPs pileup

Provides pileup information for all positions specified in the input VCF and uses the alternative alleles specified in the VCF file for the VAFs calculations.

chr	pos	rsid	ref	alt	A	C	G	T	af	cov
20	68351	rs757428359	A	G	130	0	0	0	0.000000	130
20	68363	rs200192457	A	T	129	0	0	0	0.000000	129
20	68373	rs745889706	T	C	0	0	0	130	0.000000	130
20	68375	rs754912258	A	G	54	0	50	0	0.480769	104
20	68396	rs138777928	C	T	0	141	0	0	0.000000	141
20	68397	rs748102612	G	A	0	0	141	0	0.000000	141
20	68406	rs771803424	A	G	140	0	0	0	0.000000	140
20	76654	rs564320474	G	T	0	0	31	0	0.000000	31
20	76658	rs745496891	C	A	0	49	0	0	0.000000	49

when genotype or genotypeBT option is used, the output format is the following:

chr	pos	rsid	ref	alt	A	C	G	T	af	cov	genotype
20	68351	rs757428359	A	G	130	0	0	0	0.000000	130	0/0
20	68363	rs200192457	A	T	129	0	0	0	0.000000	129	0/0
20	68373	rs745889706	T	C	0	0	0	130	0.000000	130	0/0
20	68375	rs754912258	A	G	54	0	50	0	0.480769	104	0/1
20	68396	rs138777928	C	T	0	141	0	0	0.000000	141	0/0
20	68397	rs748102612	G	A	0	0	141	0	0.000000	141	0/0
20	68406	rs771803424	A	G	140	0	0	0	0.000000	140	0/0
20	76654	rs564320474	G	T	0	0	31	0	0.000000	31	0/0
20	76658	rs745496891	C	A	0	49	0	0	0.000000	49	0/0

where 0/0, 0/1 and 1/1 represent, respectively, the reference base homozygous genotype, the heterozygous genotype and the alternative base homozygous genotype.

The genotype option implements an allelic fraction cutoff method where heterozygous genotype is assigned when the position allelic fraction is in the range (0.2,0.8). The genotypeBT option, instead, implements a Binomial Test statistics at significance of 1% and with probabilities p=0.55 (reference) and q=45 (alternative) to account for the reference mapping bias.

Visual reports

PaCBAM includes a script to generate visual data reports written in python.
It provides different graphs for every output file:

rc: gc content and region coverage distributions  
snps: total SNPs count, total distribution and quantile distributions of alternative heterozygous and alternative homozygous SNPs 
pabs: base modification count and strand bias distribution  
pileup: cumulative coverage and allelic fraction distributions  


Python 3.6.8
Numpy 1.17.3
matplotlib 3.1.1


The report scripts expect as input the prefix of the output files from PaCBAM and the mode in which it was runned.

 ./ -i/--input string -m/--mode int [-o/--output string] [-s/--strandBias]

-i INPUT, --input INPUT
	Specify the input file prefix
-m MODE, --mode MODE
	Specify the mode used
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
	Specify the output file name (Default input.pdf)
-s, --strandBias
	Plots the strand bias distribution 

Mode option:
0 Files: .rc, .snps and .pabs 1 Files: .rc, .snps, .pabs and .pileup
2 Files: .snps
3 Files: .rc
4 Files: .pileup

StrandBias reporting is available only in modes 0 and 1.


The following command computes the visual reports for the example data.

./ -i example/NGSData -m 1 -o reports/reports.pdf

If you are using a container:

docker run cibiobcg/pacbam:latest -i example/NGSData -m 1 -o reports/reports.pdf

singularity run pacbam.simg -i example/NGSData -m 1 -o reports/reports.pdf

Output file

The report script produces a single pdf file with all the graphs of the choosen mode.

Example of PaCBAM reporting the cumulative coverage distribution for all positions reported in the PaCBAM pileup output file.

Example of PaCBAM reporting on allelic fraction (AF) distribution of all positions contained in the PaCBAM SNPs output file. SNPs are classified as heterozygous or alternative homozygous based on standard AF thresholds. Classification is also reported stratified by coverage quartiles.

Example of PaCBAM reporting on distribution of alternative bases found for each reference base across all positions reported in the PABS PaCBAM output file (i.e. all positions with non-zero variant allelic fraction).

Example of PaCBAM reporting on mean depth of coverage distribution computed across all regions reported in the genomic regions of the PaCBAM output file. Distribution is reported both for regions overall mean coverage and for regions fractions maximizing mean coverage.


PaCBAM is released under MIT licence.


Samuel Valentini, Tarcisio Fedrizzi, Francesca Demichelis, Alessandro Romanel. PaCBAM: fast and scalable processing of whole exome and targeted sequencing data. BMC Genomics, 20:1018, 2019.


PaCBAM is a C command line tool for the complete characterization of genomic regions and single nucleotide positions from next-generation sequencing data.

License:MIT License


Language:C 85.4%Language:Perl 7.4%Language:Roff 2.4%Language:Python 2.2%Language:C++ 0.9%Language:Makefile 0.7%Language:Java 0.6%Language:TeX 0.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Singularity 0.0%