gerardojbaez / linguist

Localization support for the Laravel framework

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Linguist - Localization for Laravel

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality

This package provides an easy localization support for the Laravel framework.

Read more about the approach and package from blog.


Install using Composer:

"keevitaja/linguist": "1.0.*"

Add service provider to config/app.php:


Add aliases to config/app.php:

'Linguist'  => Keevitaja\Linguist\Facades\LinguistFacade::class,
'LinguistHtml'  => Keevitaja\Linguist\Facades\HtmlBuilderFacade::class

Swap HttpKernel in app/Http/Kernel.php:


namespace App\Http;

//use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel as HttpKernel;
use Keevitaja\Linguist\Http\Kernel as HttpKernel;

class Kernel extends HttpKernel

Publish configuration file to config/:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Keevitaja\Linguist\LinguistServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Set your locales in config/linguist.php:


return [

     * i18n locale slugs
    'locales' => ['en', 'fr', 'et'],

     * Hide i18n slug for default locale
    'hide_default' => false,

     * Default i18n locale slug
    'default' => 'en'


Linguist is very easy to use. The locale slug is removed from the REQUEST_URI leaving the developer with the cleanest multilingual environment possible.

Linguist uses Laravel UrlGenerator for the URL generation.


Linguist hides locale slug from the framework. Because of that routing is done as it would be normally:

Route::get('about', 'AboutController@index');

The route above will catch both, and URL without a locale slug is treated as a default locale.

Sometimes there is a need for translated URLs: for the English content and for the French content

With Linguist no extra configuration is need. Just create two routes with identical destinations:

Route::get('people', 'PeopleController@index');
Route::get('personnes', 'PeopleController@index');


Provides locale information and generates localized URLs.

Get default locale

 * Get default locale
 * @return string
public function defaultLocale()

Get working locale or default on fail

 * Get working locale or default on fail
 * @return string
public function workingLocale()

Is locale slug hidden

 * Is locale slug hidden
 * @param  string  $slug
 * @return boolean
public function isHidden($slug)

Generate localized URI

 * Generate localized URI
 * @param  string  $uri
 * @param  mixed $slug
 * @return string
public function uri($uri, $slug = false)

Generate localized URL from URI

 * Generate localized URL from URI
 * @param  string  $uri
 * @param  array   $extra
 * @param  mixed   $secure
 * @param  mixed   $slug
 * @return string
public function url($uri, $extra = [], $secure = null, $slug = false)

Generate localized URL from named route

 * Generate localized URL from named route
 * @param  string  $name
 * @param  array   $parameters
 * @param  array   $extra
 * @param  mixed   $secure
 * @param  mixed   $slug
 * @return string
public function route(
    $parameters = [],
    $extra = [],
    $secure = null,
    $slug = false


Generates localized HTML anchor tags

Generate localized HTML anchor tag

 * Generate localized HTML anchor tag
 * @param  string  $uri
 * @param  string  $title
 * @param  array   $attributes
 * @param  array   $extra
 * @param  mixed  $secure
 * @param  boolean $slug
 * @return string
public function linkTo(
    $attributes = [],
    $extra = [],
    $secure = null,
    $slug = false

Generate localized HTML anchor tag to named route

 * Generate localized HTML anchor tag to named route
 * @param  string  $name
 * @param  string  $title
 * @param  array   $parameters
 * @param  array   $attributes
 * @param  boolean $slug
 * @return string
public function linkToRoute(
    $parameters = [],
    $attributes = [],
    $extra = [],
    $secure = null,
    $slug = false

Parse HTML anchor tag

 * Parse HTML anchor tag
 * @param  string $url
 * @param  string $title
 * @param  array  $attributes
 * @return string
public function link($url, $title, $attributes = [])


There are available helpers for HTML tag generation.


 * Generate localized HTML anchor tag
 * @param  string  $uri
 * @param  string  $title
 * @param  array   $attributes
 * @param  array   $extra
 * @param  mixed  $secure
 * @param  boolean $slug
 * @return string
function lnk_to(
    $attributes = [],
    $extra = [],
    $secure = null,
    $slug = false


 * Generate localized HTML anchor tag to named route
 * @param  string  $name
 * @param  string  $title
 * @param  array   $parameters
 * @param  array   $attributes
 * @param  boolean $slug
 * @return string
function lnk_to_route(
    $parameters = [],
    $attributes = [],
    $extra = [],
    $secure = null,
    $slug = false


Linguist also comes with Facades:

Linguist => Keevitaja\Linguist\Services\Linguist,
LinguistHtml => Keevitaja\Services\Linguist\HtmlBuilder


The examples below are generated by php artisan tinker command and the default Linguist configuration is in use.

>>> Linguist::workingLocale();
=> "en"

>>> Linguist::url('some/path');
=> "http://localhost/en/some/path"

>>> Linguist::url('some/path', [], true, 'fr');
=> "https://localhost/fr/some/path"

>>> Linguist::route('', [3]);
=> "http://localhost/en/test/3"

>>> LinguistHtml::linkToRoute('', 'Show third test', [3]);
=> "<a href="http://localhost/en/test/3">Show third test</a>"

>>> lnk_to('/', 'Home');
=> "<a href="http://localhost/en">Home</a>"

>>> Config::set('linguist.hide_default', true);
>>> lnk_to('/', 'Home');
=> "<a href="http://localhost">Home</a>"

>>> lnk_to_route('', 'Show third test', [3], ['class' => 'button', 'data-delete']);
=> "<a class="button" data-delete href="http://localhost/en/test/3">Show third test</a>"

The pledge

If this repository gets more than 50 stars, I will pledge myself to maintain it as long as the people use it!


Localization support for the Laravel framework

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%