georgia-tech-db / pgvector-remote

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


pgvector-remote is a PostgreSQL extension developed by the Georgia Tech Database Labs. It builds upon the functionality provided by pgvector, introducing seamless integration with dedicated vector stores like Pinecone, with plans to support other vendors in the future.

This extension simplifies the process of storing and retrieving vectors in vector stores while leveraging the power and familiarity of PostgreSQL.


  • exact and approximate nearest neighbor search
  • Metadata filtering with vector similarity search
  • L2 distance, inner product, and cosine distance
  • vectors are buffered and batch-inserted into remote stores per user-defined sizes
  • Seamless data integration and synchronization between pgvector and Pinecone


Linux and Mac

Compile and install the extension (supports Postgres 12+)

cd /tmp
git clone --branch feature/remote_indexes
cd pgvector-remote
make install # may need sudo

See the installation notes if you run into issues

You can also install it with Docker


Ensure C++ support in Visual Studio is installed, and run:

call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"

Note: The exact path will vary depending on your Visual Studio version and edition

Then use nmake to build:

set "PGROOT=C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\16"
git clone --branch feature/remote_indexes
cd pgvector-remote
nmake /F
nmake /F install

You can also install it with Docker

Getting Started

Enable the extension (do this once in each database where you want to use it)


Create a vector column with 3 dimensions

CREATE TABLE items (id bigserial PRIMARY KEY, embedding vector(3));

Insert vectors

INSERT INTO items (embedding) VALUES ('[1,2,3]'), ('[4,5,6]');

Get the nearest neighbors by L2 distance

SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY embedding <-> '[3,1,2]' LIMIT 5;

Also supports inner product (<#>) and cosine distance (<=>)

Note: <#> returns the negative inner product since Postgres only supports ASC order index scans on operators


Create a new table with a vector column

CREATE TABLE items (id bigserial PRIMARY KEY, embedding vector(3));

Or add a vector column to an existing table

ALTER TABLE items ADD COLUMN embedding vector(3);

Insert vectors

INSERT INTO items (embedding) VALUES ('[1,2,3]'), ('[4,5,6]');

Upsert vectors

INSERT INTO items (id, embedding) VALUES (1, '[1,2,3]'), (2, '[4,5,6]')
    ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET embedding = EXCLUDED.embedding;

Update vectors

UPDATE items SET embedding = '[1,2,3]' WHERE id = 1;

Delete vectors

DELETE FROM items WHERE id = 1;


pgvector-remote utilizes Pinecone to create a remote index from vectors stored in PostgreSQL for vector similarity search. To enable metadata filtering alongside vector similarity search, additional metadata must be passed when creating the index.

Add pinecone api key as a system configuration value

ALTER SYSTEM SET pinecone.api_key = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx–xxxxxxxxxxxx';

Add an index for each distance function you want to use.

L2 distance

CREATE INDEX ON items USING pinecone (embedding vector_l2_ops) with (spec = '{"serverless":{"cloud":"aws","region":"us-west-2"}}');

Metadata along with vector embedding

CREATE INDEX ON items USING pinecone (embedding vector_l2_ops, price, quantity) with (spec = '{"serverless":{"cloud":"aws","region":"us-west-2"}}');

Here price and quantity are other columns present in postgresql which you want to use as a filter while performing vector similarity search.

Inner product

CREATE INDEX ON items USING pinecone (embedding vector_ip_ops) with (spec = '{"serverless":{"cloud":"aws","region":"us-west-2"}}');

Cosine distance

CREATE INDEX ON items USING pinecone (embedding vector_cosine_ops) with (spec = '{"serverless":{"cloud":"aws","region":"us-west-2"}}');


Get the nearest neighbors to a vector

SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY embedding <-> '[3,1,2]' LIMIT 5;

Get the nearest neighbors to a row

SELECT * FROM items WHERE id != 1 ORDER BY embedding <-> (SELECT embedding FROM items WHERE id = 1) LIMIT 5;

Get rows within a certain distance

SELECT * FROM items WHERE embedding <-> '[3,1,2]' < 5;

Note: Combine with ORDER BY and LIMIT to use an index


Get the distance

SELECT embedding <-> '[3,1,2]' AS distance FROM items;

For inner product, multiply by -1 (since <#> returns the negative inner product)

SELECT (embedding <#> '[3,1,2]') * -1 AS inner_product FROM items;

For cosine similarity, use 1 - cosine distance

SELECT 1 - (embedding <=> '[3,1,2]') AS cosine_similarity FROM items;


Average vectors

SELECT AVG(embedding) FROM items;

Average groups of vectors

SELECT category_id, AVG(embedding) FROM items GROUP BY category_id;

Query Options

pinecone.top_k: Get the top K relevant results from pinecone.
pinecone.vectors_per_request: Number of vectors per request.
pinecone.requests_per_batch: Number of requests to be sent in one batch.
The buffer size is calculated as pinecone.vectors_per_request * pinecone.requests_per_batch
pinecone.max_buffer_scan: Pinecone max buffer search


Vector Type

Each vector takes 4 * dimensions + 8 bytes of storage. Each element is a single precision floating-point number (like the real type in Postgres), and all elements must be finite (no NaN, Infinity or -Infinity). Vectors can have up to 16,000 dimensions.

Vector Operators

Operator Description Added
+ element-wise addition
- element-wise subtraction
* element-wise multiplication 0.5.0
<-> Euclidean distance
<#> negative inner product
<=> cosine distance

Vector Functions

Function Description Added
cosine_distance(vector, vector) → double precision cosine distance
inner_product(vector, vector) → double precision inner product
l2_distance(vector, vector) → double precision Euclidean distance
l1_distance(vector, vector) → double precision taxicab distance 0.5.0
vector_dims(vector) → integer number of dimensions
vector_norm(vector) → double precision Euclidean norm

Aggregate Functions

Function Description Added
avg(vector) → vector average
sum(vector) → vector sum 0.5.0

Installation Notes

Postgres Location

If your machine has multiple Postgres installations, specify the path to pg_config with:

export PG_CONFIG=/Library/PostgreSQL/16/bin/pg_config

Then re-run the installation instructions (run make clean before make if needed). If sudo is needed for make install, use:

sudo --preserve-env=PG_CONFIG make install

A few common paths on Mac are:

  • EDB installer - /Library/PostgreSQL/16/bin/pg_config
  • Homebrew (arm64) - /opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql@16/bin/pg_config
  • Homebrew (x86-64) - /usr/local/opt/postgresql@16/bin/pg_config

Note: Replace 16 with your Postgres server version

Missing Header

If compilation fails with fatal error: postgres.h: No such file or directory, make sure Postgres development files are installed on the server.

For Ubuntu and Debian, use:

sudo apt install postgresql-server-dev-16

Note: Replace 16 with your Postgres server version

Missing SDK

If compilation fails and the output includes warning: no such sysroot directory on Mac, reinstall Xcode Command Line Tools.

Additional Installation Methods


Get the [Docker image] with:

docker pull kslohith17/pgvector-remote:latest

This contains postgres along with pgvector-remote configured to run on it.


Thanks to:


Coming soon




Language:C 63.5%Language:PLpgSQL 29.3%Language:Perl 5.8%Language:Jupyter Notebook 0.8%Language:Makefile 0.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Raku 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%