geonaut / Vagrant-VM-puphpet-zf2-14.04

A Vagrant VM, made using the puphpet tool, plus various updates. Delivers a working copy of Zend Framework Skeleton App and A working Foundation 5 template. See below for details.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This VM is intended to allow the rapid deployment of the Zend Framework 2 Skeleton App and a Foundation 5 template, for use as a learning environment.

It is not intended for use in a Production envrionment


  • Vagrant
  • VBox
  • SSH Client

Resources used

Default programs included

  • PHP 5.5 with xDebug
  • MariaDB
  • Apache2 with 2 vhosts
  • Ruby 2.1.2 Multiuser
  • RVM (stable)
  • Node.js (stable)
  • n (stable)
  • npm (stable)
  • Bower & Grunt (stable)
  • Bazaar
  • Foundation 5
  • Compass
  • Composer

Initial Setup

  • Clone to your local system
  • Navigate in to the folder, using terminal
  • Make sure the base box is up to date - vagrant box update
  • Set up guest additions - vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
  • Type: vagrant up
  • Once the VM is built type: vagrant ssh

Bash Scripts

  • geonaut/ - enabled by default in Vagrantfile
  • geonaut/ - enabled by default in Vagrantfile
  • geonaut/ - enabled by default in Vagrantfile
  • geonaut/ - run manually
  • geonaut/Housekeeping_& - run manually
  • geonaut/ - run manually

Accessing / editing the test sites

This VM should deliver a fresh copy of the Zend Skeleton App and a fresh copy of a Foundation 5 template

  • Edit your local hosts file (not on the VM), adding:  foundation-test.local  zend-app.local
  • Sites should be available at http://foundation-test.local and http://zend-app.local
  • Further vhosts can be added by copying and editing the vhost code in config.yaml
  • If you are using livereload, add options: { livereload: true, }, under watch: { in \vagrant\foundation-test.local\gruntfile.js
  • If you want to use Grunt, Navigate to eg /vagrant/foundation-test.local/ and type grunt watch

Optional features

Desktop GUI

  • To use the vbox GUI window, edit the vagrant file by putting virtualbox.gui = true somewhere under config.vm.provider - eg

    config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |virtualbox|
    virtualbox.gui = true
    data['vm']['provider']['virtualbox']['modifyvm'].each do |key, value|
  • Then run sh /vagrant/Housekeeping_& and enter y when prompted

  • Once setup, restart the vm with exit then vagrant halt and vagrant up. You should see the vbox GUI, followed by a standard desktop login prompt. Login as the user vagrant (default is no password).

  • Type sudo startxfce4&

  • X should start up, and log you into your shiny new desktop


  • When you destroy the vm (vagrant destroy), the zend-app.local and foundation-test.local folders will persist. To get a fresh copy of these, uncomment the 'rm' lines in

  • On login as the vagrant user, you can update installed gems by running 'gem update'

Using this VM on Windows

  • This Repo was committed from a Mac and runs on Ubuntu, so UNIX line endings are used. If pulling to a Windows machine, you will need to ensure Unix line endings are preserved. You can achieve this by setting git config --global core.autocrlf = false to make sure your system pulls and pushes code without changing line endings.
  • If you wish to create symlinks within your shared folder, you will need to uncomment the line virtualbox.customize ["setextradata", :id, "VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/v-root", "1"] You will also need to launch vagrant from a Administrator-level cmd window.
  • Install SSH client and configure it to be available from the command line. You may need to add the ssh client location to the system path. This can be found in Enviroment Variables.


A Vagrant VM, made using the puphpet tool, plus various updates. Delivers a working copy of Zend Framework Skeleton App and A working Foundation 5 template. See below for details.


Language:Ruby 61.6%Language:Puppet 32.4%Language:Shell 2.8%Language:Perl 1.5%Language:CSS 1.3%Language:Vim Script 0.4%Language:PHP 0.0%