geoffder / imaging-utils

Miscellaneous analysis and helper scripts

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Suite2p helper scripts

The script is designed to provide a simple way to run the suite2p toolkit on a folder of tiffs and repackaging the results of the analysis in an IgorPro friendly format (hdf5) from the numpy binaries (.npy) produced by suite2p. Currently the script is geared towards usage on bipolar data, so the configurability is limited at the moment for the sake of simplicity. Functionality and configurability will be extended over time as needed.


  1. Follow suite2p installation instructions found here
  2. While in the suite2p conda environment you created while setting up suite2p, ensure the additional libraries required by are installed, like so: conda install scikit-image pillow


  • Run the script from a directory containing tiffs which you would like to extract ROIs from, which might look something like this:
    • Windows: C:\path\to\tiffs> python C:\path\to\script\
    • Linux: user@host /path/to/tiffs $ python /path/to/script/
  • This will run suite2p on all of the tiffs contained in the current directory independantly with the same configuration, outputting a separate .h5 file for each of the tiffs.
  • Tiffs grouped into sub-folders (one level deep only) will be treated as multiple scans/trials of the same scanfield. This should result in more accurate/reliable ROI detection, as the algorithms in suite2p will have more data to work with. A single .h5 (and .gif) will be output to the s2p directory for each sub-folder. Within the hdf5, the extracted recordings will be separated into sub-groups with labels corresponding to the names of the originating tiffs. Shared data (e.g. ROI definitions) across trials will be found at the root level as usual.
  • Configuration options are added as additional (optional) arguments with the form arg=val, like so:
    • python /path/to/script/ diameter=8 gen_movies=1 gif_timestep=100
  • Currently available options incude all those in the suite2p opts dict by the same names as detailed in their docs. Note that the following defaults are changed from the values in suite2p's default_ops for the bipolar GluSnfr use case, though they can be overwritten with arguments provided to the script as with the others:
    • spikedetect = False
    • sparse_mode = False
    • diameter = 8
    • allow_overlap = False
    • connected = False
  • In addition the options listed below for can also be given to this script, as the same code is responsible for exporting the results into hdf5 archives after the analysis by suite2p is complete.

  • This script will re-pack an existing suite2p folder into and hdf5, and generate a denoised gif, placing them in an adjacent directory named s2p.
  • Designed to be ran inside of a folder containing a tiff (or tiffs, assuming the whole folder was used) that has already been analysed using the suite2p GUI.
  • Usage is otherwise similar to
  • Currently available options are:
    • gen_movies: (0 or 1) whether to generate denoised movies (memory intensive). Off (0) by default.
    • gif_timestep: milliseconds per frame for the generated gif
    • only_cells: (0 or 1) If 1, ROIs predicted as non-cells by suite2p will not be included in the hdf5 data, otherwise all are included (default).

Anatomy of an output h5

  • Fcell: raw fluorescence of each ROI (N x T matrix)
  • Fneu: neuropil (bg) fluorescence assigned to each ROI (N x T matrix)
  • pixels: folder with triplet of arrays for each ROI: xpix, ypix, and lam.
  • xpix + ypix: coordinates (indices) of each pixel that make up the ROI
  • lam (naming from suite2p): weighting of each pixel
  • masks: stack of 2D masks (constructed from the data in “pixels”) each containing the weighted footprint of a single ROI (X x Y x N matrix)
  • denoised: movie constructed using a denoised signal (default: Fcell – Fneu * 0.7) of each ROI

  • This script runs the current folder (including sub-folders) of tiffs through a processing pipeline, and saves the output in an adjacent folder (in the parent directory) with the name postpended with _processed.
  • The pipeline is described by the arguments given to the script when it is run. With the exception of the multi_trial flag, these are translated into functions to be applied to the input imaging data in order.


  • multi_trial: (0 or 1) indicates that tiffs found grouped in a folder represent multiple recordings of the same field responding to the same stimulus. This will be used to adapt the processing functions to the correct shape of the data. The placement of this argument does not matter, first makes the most sense though. Off (0) by default.
  • crop: Comma separated pair of integer values indicating the number of pixels to trim from both sides in x, and y.
    • For example, crop=48,0, would result in 48 pixels removed from both sides of the recordings in x and zero pixels in y.
  • reduce: Comma separated triplet of integer values indicating the 3d shape (time, x, y) of a kernel with which to apply a strided mean reduction/pooling to the data. Particularly useful for improving signal to noise while reducing the memory required for analysis.
    • For example, reduce=1,4,4 will pool over the spatial dimensions with a 4x4 kernel, quarering the number of pixels in x and y.
  • qi: Float value defining a quality index threshold. A quality index will be calculated for each pixel (beam over time), and any pixels that do not meet the threshold will be zeroed out. As these calculations rely on multi-trial data, this option requires that the multi_trial=1 option be given (and that data is multi trial, with tiffs grouped in subfolders).
    • For example, qi=0.4, would set to zero any pixels that did not meet a quality index of 0.4 over multiple stimulus presentations.
  • snr: List of 5 comma delimited values defining the baseline time index window (2 integers), the response window (2 integers), and a signal-to-noise ratio threshold. For each pixel, the snr is calculated as the ratio of the variance between the response window indices over the baseline window variance. If the snr does not pass the given threshold, the pixel is zeroed out.
    • For example, snr=50,500,600,1200,2.0, would calculate snr as the ratio of the variance between time points 600:1200 over the variance between 50:500, and check if it passed a threshold of 2.0.

Example usage:

python /path/to/script/ multi_trial=1 crop=48,0 reduce=1,4,4 qi=0.4


Miscellaneous analysis and helper scripts


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.8%Language:Python 0.2%