genisis0x / 42-exam-miner----Basic

Exam Prep Guide for Basic C - 42 School Silicon Valley πŸ’€πŸ˜Ž πŸ‘½πŸΌ

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! If you want to contribute then please fork the repo make new Branch by the name of
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✌️ πŸ™Œ

42-School--C- Basic Exam Pisicne Questions and Solution's

Repository is used for the prepration of C - beginner exam in 42 School Silicon Valley. It contains all of the Beginner Questions and solutions to it.

Solution provided are fully tested and written by me, for some problem's there are more then one solution.

For better understanding pull the work and use debugger(LLDB or GBD) to see how each step works. Any suggestion's will be highly appreciated. -_-

42 Intra Name -> maparmar
Email -> πŸ“§

Screen Shot 2019-05-30 at 11 35 16 PM

LLDB Basic Working Steps:imp:

  1. gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror filename.c -g
  2. lldb ./a.out -- > Used to go into LLDB mode.
  3. b main --> to set breakpoint
  4. r --> run
  5. gui ---> Graphic User Interface.
  6. use 's' key to go to each next step.

Steps to clone the work

  1. cd ~
  2. git clone
  3. cd C--Basic--Examshell--42---Piscine.git
  4. Search Questions as per level.
  5. Located at various directory distinguished by there difficulty levels and see the subject.en.txt to undertsand the question and for solutions see the *.c files and there working.

^-^ Status Report πŸ’€

char *:star2: = "Good_Question's";
char *:smiling_imp: = "Very_Good_question's";

Subject Status level 0 βœ”οΈ

  1. ft_countdown βœ…
  2. ft_print_numbers βœ…
  3. hello βœ…
  4. aff_a βœ…
  5. aff_first_param βœ…
  6. aff_last_param βœ…
  7. aff_z βœ…
  8. maff_alpha βœ…
  9. maff_revalpha βœ…
  10. only_z βœ…
  11. only_a βœ…

Subject Status level 1 βœ”οΈ

  1. first_word βœ…
  2. ft_putstr βœ…
  3. ft_strcpy βœ…
  4. ft_strlen βœ…
  5. ft_swap βœ…
  6. repeat_alpha βœ…
  7. rev_print βœ…
  8. rot_13 βœ…
  9. rotone βœ…
  10. search_and_replace βœ…
  11. ulstr βœ…

Subject Status level 2 βœ”οΈ

  1. alpha_mirror βœ…
  2. do_op βœ…
  3. ft_atoi βœ…
  4. ft_strcmp βœ…
  5. ft_strdup βœ…
  6. ft_strrev βœ…
  7. inter βœ… 🌟 🌟 -> used Memorization method to get it done in a O(N) time complexity
  8. is_power_of_2 βœ…
  9. last_word βœ…
  10. max βœ…
  11. print_bits βœ…
  12. reverse_bits βœ…
  13. swap_bits βœ…
  14. union βœ…
  15. wdmatch βœ…

Subject Status level 3 βœ”οΈ

  1. add_prime_sum βœ…
  2. epur_str βœ…
  3. expand_str βœ…
  4. ft_atoi_base βœ…
  5. ft_list_size βœ…
  6. ft_range βœ…
  7. hidenp βœ…
  8. lcm βœ… -> Various method with iteration and Recursion (Euclidean Algorithm)
  9. paramsum βœ…
  10. pgcd βœ…
  11. print_hex βœ…
  12. rstr_capitalizer βœ…
  13. str_capitalizer βœ…
  14. tab_mult βœ…

Subject Status level 4 βœ”οΈ

  1. fprime βœ… -> Improved time complexity by figuring out with Odd and Even number.
  2. ft_itoa βœ…
  3. ft_list_foreach βœ…
  4. ft_list_remove_if βœ… 🌟
  5. ft_split βœ… 🌟
  6. rev_wstr βœ…
  7. rostring βœ…
  8. sort_int_tab βœ… -> 🌟 Merge Sort o(NlogN).
  9. sort_list βœ…
  10. flood_fill βœ… 😈 😈

Subject Status level 5 🌟 🌟 βœ”οΈ

  1. brackets βœ…
  2. brainfuck βœ… 😈
  3. ft_itoa_base βœ… -> Shortest Solution
  4. options βœ…
  5. print_memory βœ… 😈
  6. rpn_calc βœ…


Exam Prep Guide for Basic C - 42 School Silicon Valley πŸ’€πŸ˜Ž πŸ‘½πŸΌ


Language:C 100.0%