genialis / csmonitor

Monitoring of Genialis platform to cater to the needs of Customer Success Team

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This tool is designed to monitor the Genialis platform. To get things started you will need:


One possible workflow

Prepare virtual environment (one time step)

mkvirtualenv genialis-kpi --python=/usr/local/bin/python3.6
# install dependencies, see links above

Initiate this repository (one time step)

For easier accessing of the repository, consider adding a SSH key to GitHub.

# cd to appropriate folder, e.g. ~/Documents/projects
# fork this repository (on GitHub) and clone it
git clone<username>/csmonitor.git

Run Jupyter Notebook

To ignore certain user names in the analysis, add them to and rename it to

workon genialis-kpi
# default browser should pop-up, navigate to `CS monitoring.ipynb` notebook or create your own

To finish working, press CTRL+c and confirm the shutting down of the server. To leave the virtual envirnment, use deactive.


Monitoring of Genialis platform to cater to the needs of Customer Success Team


Language:Jupyter Notebook 98.7%Language:Shell 1.3%