genepattern / ComBat_Seq

Batch effect adjustment based on negative binomial regression for RNA sequencing count data. Credits:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About ComBat-Seq


ComBat-Seq is a batch effect adjustment tool for bulk RNA-seq count data. Improved model based on ComBat.


To run ComBat Seq, these inputs are used:

  1. input matrix (required)
    • The input matrix is a counts matrix with dimensions gene x sample. The input counts matrix. Can be a .GCT or a .tsv (tab separated value) file. Rows should be genes, column should be samples, and the value are counts. File format documentation for GCT files: Some sample inputs can be found here:
    • The input matrix should have corresponding sample names for the first row, and corresponding genes for the first column.
Example input matrix:
Name Sample 1 Name Sample 2 Name Sample 3 Name Sample 4 Name Sample 5 Name ... Sample m Name
Gene 1 Name 30 49 554 394 345 ... 33
Gene 2 Name 839 485 123 223 339 ... 234
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Gene n Name 423 442 123 553 754 ... 22
  1. batch information (required)
    • Batch information contain information on batches. It is a table that looks like the following:
    • The file can be a .CLS file contaning only batch information, or a .tsv (tab separated file) containing batch, group, and any other additional information as long as it follows the format below.
Example batch information file
Samples Sample 1 Name Sample 2 Name Sample 3 Name Sample 4 Name Sample 5 Name ... Sample m Name
Batch 1 1 2 2 2 ... 4
Group Group 1 info Group 1 info Group 1 info Group 1 info Group 1 info ... Group 3 info
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

  1. covariates (optional)
    • Row names for covariates to use for this run of ComBat Seq.
  2. output prefix (required)
    • Prefix for output filenames.

Advanced Parameters

  1. Shrink
    • Whether to apply empirical Bayes estimation on dispersion.
  2. gene subset n
    • Number of genes to use in empirical Bayes estimation, only useful when shrink = Yes
  3. covariance matrix
    • If you wish to specify multiple biological variables. Model matrix for other covariates to include in the linear model besides batch and condition of interest.



Yuqing Zhang, Giovanni Parmigiani, W Evan Johnson, ComBat-seq: batch effect adjustment for RNA-seq count data, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, Volume 2, Issue 3, 1 September 2020, lqaa078,



Batch effect adjustment based on negative binomial regression for RNA sequencing count data. Credits:



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