gematik GmbH's repositories
The official Android App of the german e-prescription
API specification for gematik's TI-Messenger - a messaging standard, which will enable healthcare personnel in the German healthcare sector to communicate interoperable via DSGVO-conform messaging-services. The TI-Messenger builds on matrix, the open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication over IP.
Der Gematik IDP-Server dient zur Identifizierung von Versicherten und Leistungserbringenden Organisationen.
This repo serves as a communication platform on examples of fhir resources in the context of electronic prescriptions
Testframework to facilitate quick, powerful, portable and reliable test suites. Can be used with Gherkin and supports Screenplay-pattern, Zero-line testsuites, testing anytime, anywhere. The embedded Tiger Proxy can intercept and parse traffic. The Testenvironment Manager can build test setups from JARs, Dockers, Kubernetes and External Urls.
Swift extension wrapper for gematik specific crypto operations with embedded OpenSSL
Project includes docker-compose file to start all relevant services (including VAU encryption/decryption) for an ePA environment.
The ISiK module "Appointment Scheduling" (Terminplanung) provides FHIR resources as a specification, examples and an implementation guide. The resources allow the following task processing: Retrieval of images of available partial and full inpatient treatment services by a hospital, query of appointments and availabilities, booking management of available appointments, notifications of appointment changes as well as creation of a new patient in the appointment-keeping system (transmission of patient/insurance information).
The Information Technology Systems in Hospitals (ISiK – Informationstechnische Systeme in Krankenhäusern) "Basic Module" enables use-case-independent functionalities for the communication and validation of data within hospital environments, by providing FHIR resources, examples and an implementation guide.
The ISiK module "Vital signs and body measurements" (Vitalzeichen und Körpermaße) provides FHIR resources as a specification, examples and an implementation guide. The FHIR resources can be used for structured, REST-based exchange of vital signs in hospital environments.
"gematik sektoraler IDP" and Testsuite to test any "Sektoraler IDP" as part of the IDP federation
The ISiK module "Medication" enables data integration through structured communication options based on a RESTful API for the exchange of medication information ("Medication Plan") as well as prescription and administration data.
REST Interface for a Test-App for the ePA-FdV
This Repo contains the fsh files to the published E-Rezept Worklow files on and a script to validate them.
The ISiK module "Security" (Sicherheit) provides FHIR resources as a specification and an implementation guide. The security module includes two use cases that allow authentication and authorization of different actors within the hospital so that secured data can be read from or stored in an ISiK FHIR endpoint.
A Gradle plugin for managing license headers in source files. It provides tasks to add, update, remove, and validate license headers across your project's source files.
A Gradle Plugin and CLI tool for extracting and analyzing requirements from source code. It detects marked requirements, captures metadata, and generates a CSV report.
The ISiK module "Labor" (eng: diagnostics) enables data integration through structured communication options based on a RESTful API for the exchange of diagnostic information such as observations. Labor has a Support-Status only. This means, other thematically relevant resources, e.g. orders, and reports will be specified in a later stage.
GitHub Pages project for the provision/use of the DEMIS helm charts
Dependency-Track is an intelligent Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain.
gematik template for implementation guides written by means of FHIR IG Publisher
🔥 HAPI FHIR - Java API for HL7 FHIR Clients and Servers
Questionnaires and Profiles for the German Schuleingangsuntersuchung
Extension for the Tiger test framework, adding the ability to deploy directly into a kubernetes cluster through the use of Helm.
Tiger-on-FHIR is an extension for the Tiger platform. It enhances Tiger by providing the capability to validate and perform tests on recorded network traffic between components that exchange data in the FHIR format.
The tiger-workshop project is used for the Tiger training and serves as a reference for the training participants and to make it easier for them to follow along if they have problems with the individual stages.