gellings / HRC

Bike trainer Heart Rate Control

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Bike trainer Heart Rate Control

Its an android app. It uses ant+ (requires the ant+ stuff be installed from the play store: ANT+ plugins Service, ANT Radio service, and ANT USB service and also potentially a ant+ dongle) to control a trainer based on heart rate.

The app is used by connecting to the devices and then setting your nominal workout power and maximum heart rate. It uses feed forward/integrator control to slowly reduce your power as you fatigue and your heart rate climbs. It is supposed to keep your heart rate below what you set as your max.

I obviously ripped lots of this code from the ant+ examples at I'll try to credit them better in the future.


Bike trainer Heart Rate Control



Language:Java 100.0%