gegelulu / RSS3

Derived from the best out of RSS, RSS3 is an open protocol designed for all our cyber existence in the era of Web 3.0.

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Derived from the best out of RSS, RSS3 is an open protocol designed for all our cyber existence in the era of Web 3.0.

Latest draft


🎉 v0.3.0

// File ids
type RSS3ID = string; // A 42-character hexadecimal address with 0x appended in front.
type RSS3ItemsID = string; // `${RSS3ID}-items-${index}`
type RSS3ListID = string; // `${RSS3ID}-list-links.${links.type}-${index}`, `${RSS3ID}-list-backlinks.${backlinks.type}-${index}`, `${RSS3ID}-list-assets-${index}`, `${RSS3ID}-list-backlinks.item.${item.index}.${backlinks.type}-${index}`

type RSS3FileID = RSS3ID | RSS3ItemsID | RSS3ListID; // Unique indicate for current file

type RSS3ItemID = string; // `${RSS3ID}-item-${index}`

type ThirdPartyAddress = string[]; // A series of url or ipfs hash that link to an identical file

// Common attributes for each files
interface RSS3Base {
    version: ''; // Proposal version for current file. It should be like ``
    id: RSS3FileID;
    date_created: string; // Specifies the created date in RFC 3339 format
    date_updated: string; // Specifies the updated date in RFC 3339 format

// Entrance, RSS3 file, indicating a persona
interface RSS3 extends RSS3Base {
    id: RSS3ID;
    signature: string; // Signed by persona's private key; The signature content is the Keccak-256 hash of the array of object sorted by alphabetical and excluding objects containing `auto: true` field and the `signature` field itself(for example {a: "1", c: "2", b: {d: "3"}, e: {auto: true}} -> [["a", "1"], ["b", ["d", "3"]], ["c", "2"]]) or the string `Hi, RSS3. I'm your agent ${agent_id}` if using agent signature; Used for the object integration verification for both server side and persona side
    agent_id?: string; // A random ed25519 public key generated by the client
    agent_signature?: string; // A signature signed by `agent_id`'s private key, its content is the same as `signature`
    controller?: string; // A contract address indicating ownership of the file

    profile?: {
        name?: string;
        avatar?: ThirdPartyAddress;
        bio?: string;

        accounts?: {
            tags?: string[];
            platform: string; // Platform name, for example: EVM+ or Twitter
            identity: string; // Platform identity, for example: 0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 or @username
            signature?: string; // Signature of [["address": id], ["identity": account.identity], ["platform", account.platform]], optional for no public-key cryptography platform

    items?: RSS3ItemsID;

    links?: {
        tags?: string[];
        type: string; // Link type, for example: follow superfollow
        list?: RSS3ListID; // Personas who belong to this link
    backlinks?: { // Backlinks for this persona, for example: follow type of backlink means followers.
        auto: true;
        type: string; // The same as links.type
        list: RSS3ListID; // File ID of backlink list that belong to this type. See **RSS3List** for more details

    assets?: RSS3ListID;

// RSS3Items file, used for pagination of RSS3 files
interface RSS3Items extends RSS3Base {
    id: RSS3ItemsID;
    signature: string;
    agent_id?: string;
    agent_signature?: string;

    items: RSS3Item[]; // List of items
    items_next?: RSS3ItemsID; // Next page of items

// RSS3List file, used for pagination of links and contexts
interface RSS3List extends RSS3Base {
    id: RSS3ListID;

    list?: RSS3ID[] | RSS3ItemID[] | RSS3Asset[];
    list_next?: RSS3ListID;

// Asset
type RSS3Asset = RSS3UserAsset | RSS3NodeAsset;

interface RSS3NodeAsset {
    auto: true;
    platform: string; // Corresponding to profile.accounts.platform
    identity: string; // Corresponding to profile.accounts.identity
    id: string; // Unique asset ID
    type: string; // Asset type, for example: Ethereum-NFT xDai-POAP

interface RSS3UserAsset {
    tags?: string[];
    platform: 'custom'; // Corresponding to profile.accounts.platform
    identity: string; // Corresponding to profile.accounts.identity
    id: string; // Unique asset ID
    type: string; // Asset type, for example: Ethereum-NFT xDai-POAP

// Item
type RSS3Item = RSS3UserItem | RSS3NodeItem;

interface RSS3ItemBase {
    id: RSS3ItemID;
    date_published: string; // Specifies the published date in RFC 3339 format
    date_modified: string; // Specifies the modified date in RFC 3339 format

    backlinks?: { // Interactive items from other personas.
        auto: true;
        type: string;
        list: RSS3ListID; // File ID of items list that belong to this context. See **RSS3List** for more details

// A type of content posted by persona itself
interface RSS3UserItem extends RSS3ItemBase {
    tags?: string[];
    authors?: RSS3ID[];
    title?: string;
    summary?: string;

    link?: {
        type: string; // Link type for the non-original item, for example: comment like
        target: RSS3ItemID; // Target of the non-original item

    contents?: { // Contents of current item, possibly multiple different types of content
        tags?: string[];
        address: ThirdPartyAddress;
        mime_type: string; // [MIME type]( of current content
        name?: string;
        size_in_bytes?: string;
        duration_in_seconds?: string;

// A type of content that is automatically generated by a node to represent a change of an asset
interface RSS3NodeItem extends RSS3ItemBase {
    auto: true;
    account_platform: string; // Corresponding to profile.accounts.platform
    account_identity: string; // Corresponding to profile.accounts.identity
    asset_id: string; // Corresponding to
    asset_type: string; // Corresponding to asset.type
    asset_action: {
        type: string;
        target?: string;

Historical drafts


RSS3 is a community-based project, built with an open ecosystem and creative developers, and we thank every one for the participation.


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Derived from the best out of RSS, RSS3 is an open protocol designed for all our cyber existence in the era of Web 3.0.