geekyme / terraform-aws-alb-single-listener

A terraform module which provisions a DNS record that points to an Application LB with a single listener

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  • Terraform. This module currently tested on 0.11.14

Quick Start

A terraform module which provisions a DNS record that points to an Application LB with a single listener



Name Version
aws n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
lb_name The name of the LB, will override the default <service_name>-<lb_type>-<random_string> name. string n/a no
lb_logs_s3_bucket_name The S3 bucket that will be used to store LB access logs. string n/a yes
lb_internal Whether the LB will be public / private. string true no
lb_security_groups List of security group IDs for the LB. list n/a yes
lb_subnet_ids List of subnet IDs of the LB. list n/a yes
lb_ip_address_type The LB's ip address type. string ipv4 no
lb_idle_timeout The LB's idle timeout. string 60 no
lb_tags The additional LB tags that will be merged over the default tags. map {} no
tg_health_check The default target group's health check configuration, will be merged over the default (see map {} no
tg_target_type The type of target that you must specify when registering targets with this target group. string instance no
tg_stickiness The default target group's stickiness configuration. map default = { "type" = "lb_cookie" "cookie_duration" = 1 "enabled" = true } no
tg_name The default target group's name, will override the default <service_name>-default name. string n/a no
tg_port The default target group's port. string 5000 no
tg_protocol The default target group's protocol. string HTTP no
tg_protocol_version The default target group's protocol version. string HTTP1 no
tg_deregistration_delay The default target group's deregistration delay. string 300 no
tg_tags The additional Target Group tags that will be merged over the default tags. map {} no
listener_port The LB listener's port. string 443 yes
listener_protocol The LB listener's protocol. string HTTPS yes
listener_certificate_arn The LB listener's certificate ARN. string n/a yes if tg_protocol is set to HTTPS
listener_ssl_policy The LB listener's SSL policy. string ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08 no
listener_conditions List of conditions ( for the listener rules. A rule can have either 1 or 2 conditions. The rule's order will be its priority, i.e. the first is the highest. list [] no
listener_target_group_idx Indexes, starting from 0, of the target_group_arns variable that the listener rules will use when choosing target groups. '0' means the default target group. list [] no
service_name The service name that will be used in tags and resources default name. string n/a yes
description Will be used in resources' Description tag. string n/a yes
environment Will be used in resources' Environment tag. string n/a yes
product_domain Abbreviation of the product domain the created resources belong to. string n/a yes
target_group_arns A list of target group arns, will be used by listener rules using listener_target_group_idx variable. list [] no
vpc_id The default target group's VPC. string n/a yes
cluster_role Primary role/function of the cluster. Example value: 'app', 'fe', 'mongod', etc. string n/a yes


Name Description
lb_dns The DNS name of the load balancer.
lb_zone_id The canonical hosted zone ID of the load balancer (to be used in a Route 53 Alias record).
lb_arn The ARN of the ALB.
lb_arn_suffix The ARN suffix of the ALB, useful with CloudWatch Metrics.
tg_arn The arn of the default target group.
tg_arn_suffix The arn suffix of the default target group, useful with CloudWatch Metrics.
listener_arn The ARN of the listener.
listener_id The ID of the listener.




Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.


A terraform module which provisions a DNS record that points to an Application LB with a single listener

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HCL 100.0%