geektoni / ekom-rakuten

Code of the SIGIR 2018 eCom Rakuten Data Challenge.

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Large-scale taxonomy classification of product titles


The methods used were inspired by [1] (FastText embeddings) and [2]. See the reference section for the original papers.

Data preprocessing

The data analysis was not reported here. Please have a look at [1] for a brief explanation (especially sections 2 and 2.1).

Before feeding the data to our model, we perform several standard actions to improve the quality of our dataset. The steps taken are:

  • Place everything to lowercase.
  • Remove punctuation marks.
  • Tokenize the given product title.
  • Convert numbers with a specific token @NUMBER@. We keep unchanged alphanumeric entries (e.g, 3343als) since they could provide meaningful information specific to certain categories.
  • Add @EOS@ token at the end of the product title.

No further improvements are made. It is hinted in [2] that character-level tokenization may be better since there is a high incidence of alphanumeric product codes.

The original dataset was then split into two separate entries (train_dataset.tsv.gzip and test_dataset.tsv.gzip) which are used to train and then validate our model (80% training, 20% test). The splitting was done by random sampling (as an improvement, stratified sampling could be used instead).

Embeddings and Categories

We use the FastText utility to produce suitable embeddings given the training dataset only. We also create a dictionary to match all the 3001 categories of the training set with an index. We also set an index for unknown categories (which may be present in the test set but not in the training set). We have only 3001 categories in the training set out of 3008 because of the random sampling used.


The model is a Bidirectional LSTM with a Linear layer to predict the target categories. Dropout is employed to reduce overfitting and to improve final performances. We use the Cross-Entropy loss and Adam as the optimizer. More complex strategies such as cross-validation to validate the models were not used because of time constraints. The same applies for hyperparameters search.

The training process is the following:

  • We fetch a batch of product titles and the corresponding categories.
  • We add padding (@PAD@ symbol) to some of the product titles to have a uniform size batch. The padding symbol's embedding is an empty tensor (all zeros);
  • For each product, we convert the title in its embedding form;
  • We feed the result to our network and we compute the Cross-Entropy loss. We then perform a learning iteration.
  • We start over with a new batch.

Project Files

  • it contains the class used to load the dataset and to generate the batches needed during training;
  • this script computes the evaluation metrics given the predictions and the ground truth data;
  • it contains the PyTorch model used for this task;
  • this script loads a pre-trained model to generate predictions (see --help).
  • this script process and generates the data needed for this task (see --help);
  • this scripts trains the models (see --help);


This repository was tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with Python 3.7. You can use conda to install all the dependencies needed for the project. Once you have cloned the repository, please follow these steps to install everything and to start the environment.

git clone
cd ekom-rakuten
conda create --name ekom python=3.7
conda activate ekom
pip install -r  requirements.txt

Besides standard requirements, we make use of FastText library of Facebook to generate the word embeddings. Follow the steps below to obtain the code (you will need to have a suitable g++ compiler).

cd ekom-rakuten
conda activate ekom
git clone
cd fastText
pip install .


Prepare the data

Note: you will need to place the data called rdc-catalog-train.tsv.gz into the dataset directory before running any script

Before training or running a pre-trained model, we need first to parse the original dataset. We also need to create the word embeddings by using the FastText command-line tool. We first preprocess the dataset with the script. The script will generate two files, train_dataset.tsv.gzip and test_dataset.tsv.gzip. The option --fasttext generates also a suitable file to be parsed with FastText.

cd ekom-rakuten
conda activate ekom
python --fasttext

We then compute the FastText embeddings by taking as inputs the file generated in the ./dataset directory. We use the skipgram model and we generate 100 dimensions embeddings.

cd fastText
./fasttext skipgram -input ../dataset/train_dataset.tsv.gzip.fasttext.csv -output ../dataset/fasttext_embeddings -dim 100

Train the model

After having built the embeddings and the training and test dataset, we can move forward to training the model itself. Since we load most of the data inside the main memory, make sure to have at least around 6GB of free RAM.

cd ekom-rakuten
conda activate ekom

To speed up training, it is possible also to skip the validation by passing an additional keyword.

python --skip-validation

Predict and evaluate

Once the model is trained, we can easily compute our predictions and evaluate our model by running the script.

cd ekom-rakuten
conda activate ekom
python --load-models ./dataset/<model_of_you_choice>.pth
python prediction.csv gold.csv

If you want to supply the pre-trained model provided with this repository the commands are:

python --load-models ./dataset/rakuten_model.pth
python prediction.csv gold.csv


[1] Lin, Yiu-Chang, Pradipto Das, and Ankur Datta. "Overview of the SIGIR 2018 eCom Rakuten Data Challenge." eCOM@ SIGIR. 2018.

[2] Skinner, Michael. "Product categorization with LSTMs and balanced pooling views." eCOM@ SIGIR. 2018.


Code of the SIGIR 2018 eCom Rakuten Data Challenge.


Language:Python 100.0%