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The features of this Point of Sale System are the following: Use barcode scanner in Sales Transaction Add, Edit and Delete Products READ ALSO: School Management System in PHP/MYSQL. The table row will highlight if the product is below quantity of 10 Search products Add, Edit and Delete Customers READ ALSO: A Simple Calorie Calculator in PHP Script Add, Edit and Delete Suppliers Generate Daily, Monthly and Yearly Reports Can Print Transaction And More... Admin username: admin Admin password: admin


Good Day everyone, this system will help you on creating your own POS using PHP/MySQL with PDO Query. The feature of this system is it handles 2 payment type which is the cash and the credit. The Other feature of this system is it generate various reports such as sales receipt, inventory report, Sales Report(daily, weekly, yearly).


Attendance Management System is a web based developed for daily employee attendance in company. If facilitates to access the attendance information of a particular employee in a particular work place.


AC POS system is a online web based point of sale system build in PHP language. It uses MySQL as the data storage back-end and has a friendly UI.



ID cards module generation “My Payroll” User can see his payroll summary Support biometric for employees Support Dept & design for teachers Support for custom headers for HTTP SMS configurations Support for controlling which user role can message another user role Support for partial fee type dates Support for inventory stock remaining items calculations Bulk mark sheet generation Bulk invoices generation Support for automated invoice ID generation while creating manual invoice Support attendance notifications for Present, Absent, late, late with excuse Auto generate invoices for hostel & transportations when user assigned to one Export function for online exams results Dashboard widgets controlled from roles & permissions for Role-based dashboard Collection invoice reports Paystack payment gateway integration Wider registration page with enhanced label for fields Support for new invoice when student register Enhanced margins control for Certificates Enhance frontend pages slider picker Enhance visitors, engird & postal view Enhance data privacy for students, parents & teachers Fix for submitting online exam when time ends Fix for Autoscroll issue on Firefox



A powerful grid which was abandoned by the original author (Richard Mewett). As what Morgan Haueisen said "this grid is too good to let die". Now I want to support this grid as most of my application is using this for my master/detail and or parent/child form. This grid can support also any control which in my case I added a multi-column combobox. The primary purpose of this code is to learn how to integrate combobox and other control like datepicker, checkbox, etc. in lynxgrid. You will also learn in different way on how to save using a master/detail form. How to delete record in table which was deleted in lynxgrid control.


This Source code is all about Simple Calculator Source Code in C# and it is free to download. This Source code can be used by the programmers who want to develop the Simple Calculator Source Code in C#.


This is a simple calorie calculator using php, this program calculates how many calorie you need each day in order to maintain your weight! This program uses swith case method.



The CURE Grocery Sales and Inventory System will help the business track sales activity easily, inventory and to ensure that transactions are completed correctly. With the use of the system, retrieval process will speed up and be able to generate immediate sales and inventory report. The data are being stored in the system’s database. The admin is the only person who can add, edit and update products and customers while the cashier can only manipulate the collection payments of customers’ purchases.



The latest school school management system.
