geeksourcecodes / Employee-Attendance-System-with-Fingerprint-Scanning

Employee Attendance System with Fingerprint Scanning

Repository from Github https://github.comgeeksourcecodes/Employee-Attendance-System-with-Fingerprint-ScanningRepository from Github https://github.comgeeksourcecodes/Employee-Attendance-System-with-Fingerprint-Scanning


Employee Attendance System with Fingerprint Scanning Employee Attendance System with Fingerprint Scanning is a capstone project that I made for a particular school. It has a front-end of Visual Basic.Net 2008 and MS Access as back-end. Install also GrFinger software for the fingerprint driver.

Features of the system:

  • Biometric Fingerprint Scanner
  • Save Fingerprint and image to database
  • Recognize Fingerprint during attendance
  • Add employee information
  • Employee Attendance
  • Remarks of Employee's Attendance such as Late and Overtime
  • Employee's Attendance Records
  • Reports

For more inquiries and need programmer for your thesis systems in any kind of programming languages, just contact my number below. +254714643906


Employee Attendance System with Fingerprint Scanning