geekonion / YJLLDB

LLDB commands for iOS debugging and reverse engineering.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


一些用于调试iOS应用的lldb命令。Some very useful lldb commands for iOS debugging and reverse engineering.

Commands list


​ * bab - break at bytes

​ * baf - break all functions in module

​ * bdc - breakpoint disable current

​ * bda - breakpoint disable at class

​ * bdr - breakpoint disable in range

​ * bblocks - break blocks (arm64 only)

​ * binitfunc - break init func

​ * bmethod - break method

​ * bmain - break main function


​ * slookup - lookup string

​ * blookup - lookup bytes

​ * fblock - find block (arm64 only)

​ * blocks - find blocks (arm64 only)

​ * ffunc - find function


​ * mtrace - trace module

​ * rtrace

​ * notifier


​ * patch (private)


​ * dmodule - dump module (private)

​ * dapp - dump App (private)

Shell command

​ * addcmd

​ * delcmd

​ * pwd

​ * cd

​ * ls


​ * commads to get common directory

​ * ils

​ * dfile - download file

​ * ddir - download directory

​ * ufile - upload local file to device

​ * irm - remove file


​ * image_list

​ * info_plist

​ * executable - print main executable name

​ * appdelegate

​ * mname - module name

​ * segments - print segments

​ * main

​ * initfunc - print init func

​ * func_starts - function starts

​ * got - print __got section

​ * lazy_sym - print __la_symbol_ptr section

​ * entitlements - dump entitlements


​ * classes - print class names

​ * dmethods

​ * divars

​ * duplicate_class


​ * inst2bytes

​ * bytes2inst


​ * read_mem_as_addr

​ * read_cstring - read memory as c style string


​ * load_dSYM

​ * symbolize


​ * UIControl extension

​ * NSObject extension

​ * NSBlock extension

​ * iOS Sandbox Explorer

​ * vmmap


​ * find_el - find endless loop

​ * thread_eb - extended backtrace of thread


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Open up (or create) ~/.lldbinit
  3. Add the following command to your ~/.lldbinit file: command script import /path/to/YJLLDB/src/



bab - break at bytes

Set breakpoints at the specified bytes in user modules.

// for example, break at ret
(lldb) bab c0 03 5f d6
Breakpoint 1: where = LLDBCode`-[ViewController viewDidLoad] + 240 at ViewController.m:29:1, address = 0x1029b3008
set 728 breakpoints

(lldb) x 0x1029b3008
0x1029b3008: c0 03 5f d6 ff 03 03 d1 fd 7b 0b a9 fd c3 02 91  .._......{......
0x1029b3018: e8 03 01 aa e1 03 02 aa e3 0f 00 f9 a0 83 1f f8  ................
(lldb) dis -s 0x1029b3008 -c 1
LLDBCode`-[ViewController viewDidLoad]:
    0x1029b3008 <+240>: ret

back to commands list

baf - break all functions in module

Break all functions and methods in the specified module.

For example,break Foundation:

(lldb) baf Foundation
-----break functions in Foundation-----
will set breakpoint for 13880 names
Breakpoint 4: 13961 locations

bdc - breakpoint disable current

Disable current breakpoint and continue.

(lldb) thread info
thread #1: tid = 0x2cb739, 0x000000018354f950 libsystem_kernel.dylib`open, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 5.13

(lldb) bdc
disable breakpoint 5.13 [0x18354f950]libsystem_kernel.dylib`open
and continue

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bda - breakpoint disable at class

Disable breakpoint(s) at the specified class.

(lldb) bda -i ViewController
disable breakpoint 1.8: where = LLDBCode`__41-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:]_block_invoke_4 at ViewController.m:57, address = 0x00000001040e32f8, unresolved, hit count = 1  Options: disabled 
disable breakpoint 1.27: where = LLDBCode`__41-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:]_block_invoke at ViewController.m:45, address = 0x00000001040e318c, unresolved, hit count = 1  Options: disabled 

(lldb) bda -i ViewController(extension)
disable breakpoint 1.23: where = LLDBCode`-[ViewController(extension) test] at ViewController.m:20, address = 0x0000000102ec2e7c, unresolved, hit count = 0  Options: disabled 

bdr - breakpoint disable in range

Disable breakpoint(s) in the specified range.

(lldb) bdr 980~992
disable breakpoint 980.1: where = LLDBCode`-[Test .cxx_destruct] at Test.m:22, address = 0x00000001049fa1b0, unresolved, hit count = 0  Options: disabled 
disable breakpoint 991.1: where = LLDBCode`func1 at Test.m:42, address = 0x00000001049faaf8, unresolved, hit count = 0  Options: disabled 

back to commands list

bblocks - break blocks (arm64 only)

Break all blocks in user modules

(lldb) bblocks
-----try to lookup block in JITDemo-----
break block: 0x104a78150 with Breakpoint 4: JITDemo`globalBlock_block_invoke at ViewController.m:16:0, address = 0x104a74990
break stack block with Breakpoint 9: JITDemo`__41-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:]_block_invoke_4 at ViewController.m:75:0, address = 0x104a74f08
-----try to lookup block in LLDBJIT-----
break block: 0x104b341c0 with Breakpoint 82: LLDBJIT`__22+[MachoTool findMacho]_block_invoke at MachoTool.m:110:0, address = 0x104b2b130
find a stack block @0x104b32080 in LLDBJIT`+[Image getBlocksInfo:] at Image.m:0:0
break stack block with Breakpoint 88: LLDBJIT`None, address = 0x104b34d40
set 85 breakpoints


(lldb) bblocks JITDemo
-----try to lookup block in JITDemo-----
break block: 0x1026ac140 with Breakpoint 87: JITDemo`___lldb_unnamed_symbol75, address = 0x1026a92f4
find a stack block @0x1026a9694 in JITDemo`___lldb_unnamed_symbol82
break stack block with Breakpoint 93: JITDemo`___lldb_unnamed_symbol83, address = 0x1026a9700
set 7 breakpoints

back to commands list

binitfunc - break init func

Break module init function(s) of specified module.

(lldb) binitfunc
-----try to lookup init function in JITDemo-----
mod init func pointers found: __DATA,__mod_init_func
Breakpoint 6: JITDemo`entry1 at main.m:708:0, address = 0x100e08cb0
Breakpoint 7: JITDemo`entry2 at main.m:740:0, address = 0x100e0960c

bmethod - break method

Break the specified method(s) in user modules

(lldb) bmethod load
-----try to method in JITDemo-----
Breakpoint 3: JITDemo`+[ViewController load] at ViewController.m:26:0, address = 0x1024f89bc
Breakpoint 4: JITDemo`+[AppDelegate load] at AppDelegate.m:16:0, address = 0x1024f96a4
-----try to method in LLDBJIT-----
set 2 breakpoints

back to commands list

bmain - break main function

(lldb) bmain
Breakpoint 9: BasicSyntax`___lldb_unnamed_symbol266, address = 0x10017c3fc

back to commands list


slookup - lookup string

Lookup the specified string, between start addr and end addr.

(lldb) image_list -c 8
index   load addr(slide)       vmsize path
[  0] 0x1022e4000(0x0022e4000)  81.9K /var/containers/Bundle/Application/C134E909-CC52-4A93-9557-37BA808854D3/
[  6] 0x18406f000(0x004044000)   8.7K /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
[  7] 0x184071000(0x004044000) 394.1K /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
(lldb) slookup PROGRAM 0x18406f000 0x184071000
found at 0x184070f7c where = [0x000000018002cf78-0x000000018002cfb8) libSystem.B.dylib.__TEXT.__const
1 locations found

(lldb) x 0x184070f7c -c 64
0x184070f7c: 50 52 4f 47 52 41 4d 3a 53 79 73 74 65 6d 2e 42  PROGRAM:System.B
0x184070f8c: 20 20 50 52 4f 4a 45 43 54 3a 4c 69 62 73 79 73    PROJECT:Libsys
0x184070f9c: 74 65 6d 2d 31 32 35 32 2e 35 30 2e 34 0a 00 00  tem-1252.50.4...
0x184070fac: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 92 93 40 01 00 00 00  ...........@....

back to commands list

blookup - lookup bytes

Lookup the specified bytes in user modules.

(lldb) blookup c0 03 5f d6
-----try to lookup bytes in LLDBCode-----
32 locations found

back to commands list

fblock - find block (arm64 only)

Find the specified block(s) in user modules.

(lldb) po $x0
<__NSGlobalBlock__: 0x100f18210>
(lldb) x/4g 0x100f18210
0x100f18210: 0x00000001b57df288 0x0000000050000000
0x100f18220: 0x00000001043b9724 0x00000001043bc1f0
(lldb) info 0x00000001043b9724
0x00000001043b9724,   ___lldb_unnamed_symbol77     <+0> `JITDemo`__TEXT.__text + 0x290

(lldb) fblock 0x100f18210
-----try to lookup block in JITDemo-----
find a block: 0x100f18210 in JITDemo`-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:]
1 block(s) resolved

back to commands list

blocks - find blocks (arm64 only)

Find blocks in user modules and save block symbols to block_symbol.json

(lldb) blocks
-----try to lookup block in JITDemo-----
* using global block var: 0x104a78150 in JITDemo`-[ViewController viewDidLoad] at ViewController.m:39:5
find a block: 0x104a78190 in JITDemo`-[ViewController viewDidLoad] at ViewController.m:0:0
find a stack block @0x104a74e7c in JITDemo`__41-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:]_block_invoke_3 at ViewController.m:0:0
	stack block func addr 0x104a74f08 JITDemo`__41-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:]_block_invoke_4 at ViewController.m:75:0
-----try to lookup block in LLDBJIT-----
find a block: 0x104b341c0 in LLDBJIT`+[MachoTool findMacho] at MachoTool.m:0:0
find a stack block @0x104b32080 in LLDBJIT`+[Image getBlocksInfo:] at Image.m:0:0
	stack block func addr 0x104b34d40 LLDBJIT`None
85 block(s) resolved

back to commands list

ffunc - find function

find function by callee function name

(lldb) ffunc -n open -i 5900
-----parsing module Demo-----
	function call found at: 0x1057c09b0, where = Demo`___lldb_unnamed_symbol255344 + 88

find function by callee funcation address

(lldb) ffunc -a 0x1005106a0 -i 5000
-----parsing module Demo-----
	function call found at: 0x10050dcd8, where = Demo`test_func + 2360

find function by c string

(lldb) ffunc -k test -i 700 -x 800
-----parsing module Demo-----
	keyword test found at 0x105bb5227

back to commands list


(lldb) overridden_method

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mtrace - trace module

Trace all functions in the specified module. By default, only OC methods are traced. To trace swift module, you need to add the -a option.

// begin trace
(lldb) mtrace LLDBCode
-----trace functions in LLDBCode-----
will trace 35 names
begin trace with Breakpoint 1: 35 locations
(lldb) c

// trace log
frame #0: 0x0000000102dd2fb8 LLDBCode`-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:](self=0x00000001d4108040, _cmd="touchesBegan:withEvent:", touches=0x000000015fd0fff0, event=1 element) at ViewController.m:35
frame #0: 0x0000000102dd318c LLDBCode`__41-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:]_block_invoke(.block_descriptor=0x0000000102ec1500) at ViewController.m:45

back to commands list


trace functions using regular expressions

(lldb) rtrace -i GetDeviceInfo
begin trace with Breakpoint 4: where = CoreTelephony`_CTServerConnectionPhoneServicesGetDeviceInfo, address = 0x1bab0f6a0
begin trace with Breakpoint 8: where = MediaRemote`MRMediaRemoteGetDeviceInfo, address = 0x1c85b4c84
begin trace with 5 breakpoint(s)


trace notificaton posting action

(lldb) notifier
begin trace -[NSNotificationCenter postNotification:] with Breakpoint 8
begin trace -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] with Breakpoint 9
begin trace CFNotificationCenterPostNotificationWithOptions with Breakpoint 10

back to commands list


patch (private)

Patch bytes in user modules.

(lldb) patch c0 03 5f d6
-----try to patch bytes in LLDBCode-----
patch 32 locations

back to commands list


dmodule - dump module (private)

Dump the specified module from memory.

(lldb) dmodule UIKit
dumping UIKit, this may take a while
ignore __DATA.__bss
ignore __DATA.__common
ignore __DATA_DIRTY.__bss
ignore __DATA_DIRTY.__common
924057600 bytes dump to ~/lldb_dump_macho/UIKit/macho_UIKit


back to commands list

dapp - dump App (private)

Dump current iOS App (arm64 only). Typically, dump decrypted ipa from jailbreak device.

(lldb) dapp
dumping JITDemo, this may take a while
copy file
copy file
no file need patch
Generating "JITDemo.ipa"
dump success, ipa path: /Users/xxx/lldb_dump_macho/JITDemo/JITDemo.ipa

back to commands list

Shell command


Add a lldb command for mac command line tool.

(lldb) addcmd which
Add command script successfully, try using it
(lldb) which
usage: which [-as] program ...
(lldb) which ls


Delete lldb command added by addcmd.

(lldb) delcmd which
command "which" has been deleted
(lldb) which
error: 'which' is not a valid command.

back to commands list


(lldb) pwd


(lldb) cd /
(lldb) pwd

back to commands list


List directory contents on Mac.

(lldb) ls -l
total 10
drwxrwxr-x  61 root  admin  1952 Jul  4 12:28 Applications
drwxr-xr-x  71 root  wheel  2272 May 21 09:49 Library
drwxr-xr-x@ 10 root  wheel   320 May  7 15:01 System
drwxr-xr-x   5 root  admin   160 May 21 09:48 Users
drwxr-xr-x   4 root  wheel   128 Jul  4 12:29 Volumes
drwxr-xr-x@ 39 root  wheel  1248 May  7 15:01 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel    64 Jul 14  2022 cores
dr-xr-xr-x   3 root  wheel  4982 Jul  2 16:28 dev
lrwxr-xr-x@  1 root  wheel    11 May  7 15:01 etc -> private/etc
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel    25 Jul  2 16:29 home -> /System/Volumes/Data/home
drwxr-xr-x   4 root  wheel   128 May 16 14:10 opt
drwxr-xr-x   6 root  wheel   192 Jul  2 16:29 private
drwxr-xr-x@ 64 root  wheel  2048 May  7 15:01 sbin
lrwxr-xr-x@  1 root  wheel    11 May  7 15:01 tmp -> private/tmp
drwxr-xr-x@ 11 root  wheel   352 May  7 15:01 usr
lrwxr-xr-x@  1 root  wheel    11 May  7 15:01 var -> private/var


commads to get common directory

(lldb) bundle_dir
(lldb) home_dir
(lldb) doc_dir
(lldb) caches_dir
(lldb) lib_dir
(lldb) tmp_dir
(lldb) group_dir

back to commands list


List directory contents on remote device, just like ls -lh on Mac.

(lldb) ils bu
drwxr-xr-x        128B 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 Base.lproj
drwxr-xr-x         96B 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 _CodeSignature
drwxr-xr-x         64B 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 META-INF
-rw-r--r--        1.5K 2023-05-16 03:17:32 +0000 Info.plist
-rwxr-xr-x      103.0K 2023-05-19 11:07:02 +0000 Interlock
-rw-r--r--          8B 2023-05-16 03:17:32 +0000 PkgInfo
-rw-r--r--      194.7K 2023-05-16 03:17:31 +0000 embedded.mobileprovision
(lldb) ils home
drwxr-xr-x         96B 2023-05-19 07:28:01 +0000 Documents
drwxr-xr-x        128B 2023-05-16 04:51:14 +0000 Library
drwxr-xr-x         64B 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 SystemData
drwxr-xr-x         64B 2023-05-16 04:51:14 +0000 tmp
(lldb) ils /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/09E63130-623F-4124-BCBB-59E20BD28964/Documents
-rw-r--r--         18B 2023-05-16 05:36:05 +0000 report.txt

back to commands list

dfile - download file

Download file from home, bundle or group path.

(lldb) dfile /var/containers/Bundle/Application/7099B2B8-39BE-4204-9BEB-5DF6A75BAA29/
dumping Info.plist, this may take a while
1464 bytes written to '/Users/xxx/Info.plist'


(lldb) dfile bundle/Info.plist
dumping Info.plist, this may take a while
1464 bytes written to '/Users/xxx/Info.plist'

back to commands list

ddir - download directory

Download dir from home, bundle or group path.

(lldb) ddir /var/containers/Bundle/Application/7099B2B8-39BE-4204-9BEB-5DF6A75BAA29/
dumping, this may take a while
1197 bytes written to '/Users/xxx/'
8 bytes written to '/Users/xxx/'
196731 bytes written to '/Users/xxx/'

back to commands list

ufile - upload local file to device

Upload local file to the specified directory or path on device.

(lldb) doc
(lldb) ufile /Users/xxx/uploadfile /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/1171F451-C2DC-47E6-B6E3-74A0FE5A6572/Documents
uploading uploadfile, this may take a while
upload success
(lldb) ufile /Users/xxx/uploadfile /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/1171F451-C2DC-47E6-B6E3-74A0FE5A6572/Documents/test
uploading uploadfile, this may take a while
upload success
(lldb) ils doc
-rw-r--r--       12.1K 2023-08-10 07:11:29 +0000 test
-rw-r--r--       12.1K 2023-08-10 07:11:22 +0000 uploadfile

back to commands list

irm - remove file

Remove file or directory on remote device.

(lldb) ils doc
-rw-r--r--       12.1K 2023-08-10 07:32:05 +0000 test
-rw-r--r--       12.1K 2023-08-10 08:22:40 +0000 uploadfile
(lldb) irm /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B142040E-B1A0-4E97-8E76-03357585BFF8/Documents/uploadfile
remove success
(lldb) ils doc
-rw-r--r--       12.1K 2023-08-10 07:32:05 +0000 test

back to commands list



List current executable and dependent shared library images, sorted by load address.

(lldb) image_list
index     load_addr(slide)     vmsize path
[  0] 0x1048dc000(0x0048dc000) 655.4K /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/D5752641-F291-4170-9576-67D8011C88D3/
[  1] 0x10497c000(0x10497c000) 131.1K /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/LLDBJIT-xxx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
(lldb) image_list -v
index    load_addr - end_addr(slide)         vmsize arch  uuid   path
[  0] 0x1048dc000 - 0x10497c000(0x0048dc000) 655.4K arm64 5B4BAB05-B614-339D-909E-1877AA53AD11 /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/D5752641-F291-4170-9576-67D8011C88D3/
[  1] 0x10497c000 - 0x10499c000(0x10497c000) 131.1K arm64 E8938575-D438-3175-B846-B60CF9DE0304 /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/LLDBJIT-xxx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
(lldb) image_list -u
index     load_addr(slide)     vmsize path
[  0] 0x1022f8000(0x0022f8000)  98.3K /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5DD99AF7-20FE-4369-AD0B-6A898DB12171/
[  1] 0x1024cc000(0x1024cc000) 147.5K /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/LLDBJIT-bwkzhcqdptajftbnezhkwkpwqlqb/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
[  2] 0x1027a0000(0x1027a0000) 655.4K /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/LLDBJIT-bwkzhcqdptajftbnezhkwkpwqlqb/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/

back to commands list

info_plist - print Info.plist

(lldb) info_plist
-----parsing module Demo-----
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

back to commands list

executable - print main executable name

Print main executable name.

(lldb) executable

back to commands list


Find the class that conforms to the UIApplicationDelegate protocol.

(lldb) appdelegate

mname - module name

Get module name with header address.

(lldb) p/x header
(const mach_header *) 0x1043e8000

(lldb) mname 0x1043e8000

(lldb) mname header

back to commands list

segments - print segments

Print segments and section info of macho.

(lldb) segments JITDemo
-----parsing module JITDemo-----
       [start - end)			size		name
[0x497c000  -0x10497c000)		0x100000000 __PAGEZERO
[0x10497c000-0x104984000)		0x8000      __TEXT
	[0x104980000-0x1049811b0)	0x11b0        __text
	[0x1049811b0-0x104981270)	0xc0          __stubs
	[0x104981270-0x104981348)	0xd8          __stub_helper
	[0x104981348-0x1049815a8)	0x260         __objc_stubs
	[0x1049815a8-0x1049824e5)	0xf3d         __objc_methname
	[0x1049824e5-0x104982736)	0x251         __cstring
	[0x104982736-0x1049827b5)	0x7f          __objc_classname
	[0x1049827b5-0x1049832de)	0xb29         __objc_methtype
	[0x1049832e0-0x104983360)	0x80          __unwind_info
[0x104984000-0x104988000)		0x4000      __DATA
	[0x104984000-0x104984030)	0x30          __got
	[0x104984030-0x1049840b0)	0x80          __la_symbol_ptr
	[0x1049840b0-0x1049841f0)	0x140         __cfstring
	[0x1049841f0-0x104984210)	0x20          __objc_classlist
	[0x104984210-0x104984218)	0x8           __objc_nlclslist
	[0x104984218-0x104984238)	0x20          __objc_protolist
	[0x104984238-0x104984240)	0x8           __objc_imageinfo
	[0x104984240-0x104985408)	0x11c8        __objc_const
	[0x104985408-0x1049854a8)	0xa0          __objc_selrefs
	[0x1049854a8-0x1049854e0)	0x38          __objc_classrefs
	[0x1049854e0-0x1049854e8)	0x8           __objc_superrefs
	[0x1049854e8-0x1049854f0)	0x8           __objc_ivar
	[0x1049854f0-0x104985630)	0x140         __objc_data
	[0x104985630-0x1049857c0)	0x190         __data
	[0x1049857c0-0x104985800)	0x40          __common
	[0x104985800-0x104985818)	0x18          __bss
[0x104988000-0x104994000)		0xc000      __LINKEDIT
	[0x1049887c0-0x1049887f0)	0x30          Function Starts
	[0x1049887f0-0x104989d10)	0x1520        Symbol Table
	[0x1049887f0-0x1049887f0)	0x0           Data In Code Entries
	[0x104989d10-0x104989da8)	0x98          Dynamic Symbol Table
	[0x104989da8-0x10498b470)	0x16c8        String Table
	[0x10498b470-0x104990140)	0x4cd0        Code Signature

back to commands list


Print the address of main function.

(lldb) main
function main at 0x102911b70, fileoff: 0x5b70

initfunc - print init func

Dump module init function(s) of specified module.

(lldb) initfunc
-----try to lookup init function in JITDemo-----
mod init func pointers found: __DATA,__mod_init_func
address = 0x100e08cb0 JITDemo`entry1 at main.m:708:0
address = 0x100e0960c JITDemo`entry2 at main.m:740:0

back to commands list

func_starts - function starts

Print function starts

(lldb) func_starts
-----parsing module JITDemo-----
address = 0x1021bc5c8 size = 64 where = JITDemo`globalBlock_block_invoke at ViewController.m:17
address = 0x1021bc608 size = 20 where = JITDemo`+[ViewController load] at ViewController.m:27
address = 0x1021bdae0 size = 56 where = JITDemo`-[SceneDelegate .cxx_destruct] at SceneDelegate.m:14

got - print __got section

(lldb) got
-----parsing module JITDemo-----
address = 0x1ac734ce0 where = where = Foundation`NSFileModificationDate -> NSFileModificationDate (not a function)
address = 0x180d44900 where = libobjc.A.dylib`objc_msgSend (matched)
address = 0x1814ce1c0 where = libdyld.dylib`dyld_stub_binder (matched)
13 location(s) found

back to commands list

lazy_sym - print __la_symbol_ptr section

(lldb) lazy_sym
-----parsing module JITDemo-----
address = 0x104c7fe14 where = JITDemo`my_NSHomeDirectory at ViewController.m:63 -> Foundation`NSHomeDirectory
address = 0x1815fb950 where = libsystem_kernel.dylib`open (matched)
36 location(s) found

entitlements - dump entitlements

Dump codesign entitlements of the specified module if any.

(lldb) ent
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
(lldb) ent UIKit
UIKit apparently does not contain code signature

Dump bundle ID in the codesign entitlements.

(lldb) ent -b

Dump team ID in the codesign entitlements.

(lldb) ent -t

Dump group ID(s) in the codesign entitlements.

(lldb) ent -g

back to commands list


classes - print class names

Print class names in the specified module.

(lldb) classes
AppDelegate <0x10468e378>
SceneDelegate <0x10468e418>
ViewController <0x10468e260>

back to commands list


Dumps all methods implemented by the NSObject subclass, supporting both iOS and MacOS.

(lldb) dmethods ViewController
<ViewController: 0x1021c9b48>:
in ViewController:
		@property unsigned long test;  (@synthesize test = _test;)
	Instance Methods:
		- (void) setRepresentedObject:(id)arg1; (0x1021c7020)
		- (void) setTest:(unsigned long)arg1; (0x1021c7190)
		- (unsigned long) test; (0x1021c7170)
		- (void) viewDidLoad; (0x1021c6e90)
(NSViewController ...)

Dumps all ivars for an instance of a particular class which inherits from NSObject, supporting both iOS and MacOS.

(lldb) divars ViewController
in ViewController:
	_test (unsigned long): {length = 8, bytes = 0x5a00ab0000000000}
(lldb) duplicate_class
class DDContextAllowlistFilterLogFormatter is implemented in:
class DDLoggingContextSet is implemented in:
24 duplicate classes were found



Convert assembly instructions to machine code.

(lldb) inst2bytes 'mov    x9, sp;mov    x8, x0'
       0: 910003e9     	mov	x9, sp
       4: aa0003e8     	mov	x8, x0
machine code: e9030091e80300aa


Convert machine code to assembly instructions.

(lldb) bytes2inst e9030091e80300aa
<+0>:	mov	x9, sp
<+4>:	mov	x8, x0

back to commands list



(lldb) seg
[0x102ee0000-0x102ee4000)		0x4000      __DATA
	[0x102ee0000-0x102ee0000)	0x68          __got
	[0x102ee02e0-0x102ee0560)	0x280         __cfstring

// read __got section
(lldb) read_mem_as_addr 0x102ee0000 0x102ee0068
0x102ee0000: 0x00000001ac734ce0 Foundation`NSFileModificationDate
0x102ee0058: 0x0000000180d44900 libobjc.A.dylib`objc_msgSend
0x102ee0060: 0x00000001814ce1c0 libdyld.dylib`dyld_stub_binder

// read __cfstring section
(lldb) read_mem_as_addr 0x102ee02e0 0x102ee0560
0x102ee02e0: 0x00000001b40b2610 (void *)0x00000001b40b25c0: __NSCFConstantString
0x102ee02e8: 0x00000000000007c8
0x102ee02f0: 0x0000000102ede156 "%s"
0x102ee02f8: 0x0000000000000002
0x102ee0540: 0x00000001b40b2610 (void *)0x00000001b40b25c0: __NSCFConstantString
0x102ee0548: 0x00000000000007c8
0x102ee0550: 0x0000000102ede2cc "Default Configuration"
0x102ee0558: 0x0000000000000015

back to commands list

read_cstring - read memory as c style string

(lldb) seg
	[0x10077b3ae-0x10077b424)	0x76          __objc_classname
	[0x100782898-0x1007857f0)	0x2f58        String Table

// read __TEXT.__objc_classname
(lldb) read_cstring 0x10077b3ae 0x10077b424
0x10077b3ae: "ViewController"
0x10077b414: "UISceneDelegate"
9 locations found

// read String Table
(lldb) read_cstring 0x100782898 0x1007857f0
0x100782898: " "
0x10078289a: "_JITDemoVersionNumber"
0x1007857c8: "__OBJC_PROTOCOL_$_UIWindowSceneDelegate"
338 locations found

back to commands list



Add debug symbol file(s) to corresponding module(s)

(lldb) load_dSYM /path/to/dSYMs/Alamofire.framework.dSYM
1 dSYM file(s) loaded


(lldb) load_dSYM /path/to/dSYMs
16 dSYM file(s) loaded


Symbolize address, uncaught exception address list or crash report file.

Symbolize address

(lldb) dis -c 1 -a 0x1045843d4
    0x1045843d4 <+0>: sub    sp, sp, #0x1f0
(lldb) symbolize 0x1045843d4
0x1045843d4: JITDemo`-[ViewController ls_dir:] + 0

back to commands list

Symbolize uncaught exception address list

(lldb) symbolic (0x1845aed8c 0x1837685ec 0x18450a448 0x104360f78 0x18e4fd83c 0x18e3a3760 0x18e39d7c8 0x18e392890 0x18e3911d0 0x18eb72d1c 0x18eb752c8 0x18eb6e368 0x184557404 0x184556c2c 0x18455479c 0x184474da8 0x186459020 0x18e491758 0x104361da0 0x183f05fc0)
frame #0: 0x1845aed8c CoreFoundation`__exceptionPreprocess + 228
frame #1: 0x1837685ec libobjc.A.dylib`objc_exception_throw + 56
frame #2: 0x18450a448 CoreFoundation`-[__NSArray0 objectEnumerator] + 0
frame #3: 0x104360f78 JITDemo`-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:] + at ViewController.m:51:5


(lldb) symbolic 0x1845aed8c 0x1837685ec 0x18450a448 0x104360f78 0x18e4fd83c 0x18e3a3760 0x18e39d7c8 0x18e392890 0x18e3911d0 0x18eb72d1c 0x18eb752c8 0x18eb6e368 0x184557404 0x184556c2c 0x18455479c 0x184474da8 0x186459020 0x18e491758 0x104361da0 0x183f05fc0
frame #0: 0x1845aed8c CoreFoundation`__exceptionPreprocess + 228
frame #1: 0x1837685ec libobjc.A.dylib`objc_exception_throw + 56
frame #2: 0x18450a448 CoreFoundation`-[__NSArray0 objectEnumerator] + 0
frame #3: 0x104360f78 JITDemo`-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:] + at ViewController.m:51:5

Symbolize crash report file.

(lldb) symbolize /Users/xxx/test/JITDemo-2024-07-29-163051.ips


(lldb) symbolize /Users/xxx/Desktop/JITDemo.crash

back to commands list


Debugkit is a framework for debugging, it is not loaded by default.

You can load it using the debugkit command.

(lldb) debugkit
loading DebugKit, this may take a while
[INFO] GCDWebUploader started on port 80 and reachable at
DebugKit loaded

UIControl extension

(lldb) po btn
<UIButton: 0x107d2eaf0; frame = (100 100; 200 30); opaque = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x282f4ee20>>
    control events list:
        target: <ViewController: 0x107e2ac90>, action: -[ViewController clicked:], event: UIControlEventTouchUpInside

NSObject extension

UIKit provides debugging methods in NSObject(IvarDescription),It works on iOS but not on macOS.Debugkit provides several alternative solutions for this.

Here's one solution in DebugKit:

(lldb) divars self
in ViewController:
    _test (unsigned long): {length = 8, bytes = 0x5a00ab0000000000}
(lldb) dmethods self
<ViewController: 0x1063c7c10>: (FP)
in ViewController:
    Class Methods:
        + (void) ivar_description:(id)arg1; (0x1063c4d10)
        + (void) method_description:(id)arg1; (0x1063c4870)
        @property unsigned long test;  (@synthesize test = _test;)
    Instance Methods:
        - (void) setRepresentedObject:(id)arg1; (0x1063c4800)
        - (void) setTest:(unsigned long)arg1; (0x1063c5120)
        - (unsigned long) test; (0x1063c5100)
        - (void) viewDidLoad; (0x1063c4790)
(NSViewController ...)

Here's another solution in DebugKit (Powered by pookjw/IvarDescription):

(lldb) divars ofile
<CDMachOFile: 0x600002580000>: (DK)
in CDMachOFile:
    <+ 32> _byteOrder (unsigned long): 0
    <+ 24> _searchPathState (CDSearchPathState*): nil
in NSObject:
    <+  0> isa (Class): CDMachOFile(isa, 0x23d8001000711c5)
(lldb) dmethods ofile
<CDMachOFile: 0x1000711c0>: (DK)
in CDMachOFile:
        @property (readonly) unsigned long byteOrder;
        @property (readonly, nonatomic) Class processorClass;
    Instance Methods:
        - (int) cputype; (0x10002b310)
        - (id) segmentWithName:(id)arg1; (0x100028f00)
(CDFile ...)

back to commands list

NSBlock extension

block code sample

^(NSURLSessionDataTask * _Nullable task, NSError * _Nonnull error) {
    NSLog(@"%@ %d", self, fd);

Here is the official block description.

(lldb) po $x0
<__NSMallocBlock__: 0x282090ab0>
 signature: "v24@?0@"NSURLSessionDataTask"8@"NSError"16"
 invoke   : 0x102fe4a4c (/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/3AF6DA13-4E66-4E8F-89D0-BDD268A430A7/`__41-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:]_block_invoke_2)
 copy     : 0x102fe4bc8 (/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/3AF6DA13-4E66-4E8F-89D0-BDD268A430A7/`__copy_helper_block_e8_32s)
 dispose  : 0x102fe4c00 (/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/3AF6DA13-4E66-4E8F-89D0-BDD268A430A7/`__destroy_helper_block_e8_32s)

Here is DebugKit's block description, it's clearer and more straightforward.

(lldb) po [$x0 description]
<__NSMallocBlock__: 0x282090ab0>
    - size: 44
    - func_addr: <0x102fe4a4c>
    - func_prototype: void (*)(id(block) , NSURLSessionDataTask * , NSError * )
    - variable or captured variable:
        - <ViewController: 0x107e2ac90>
        - int 20

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iOS Sandbox Explorer

Powered by GCDWebServer.The server starts along with DebugKit, and once it's running, you can access sandbox files via a web browser.

[INFO] GCDWebUploader started on port 80 and reachable at
(lldb) c
Process 4569 resuming
[INFO] GCDWebUploader now locally reachable at http://iPhone-8.local/


show vm map info of address

(lldb) po self
<ViewController: 0x105329a40>

(lldb) vmmap self
pid: 4713
path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/08326E5F-4DEB-41CC-8320-4417B1649E7F/
0000000105300000-0000000105400000 [   1.0M] rw-/rwx SM=PRIVATE <MALLOC_TINY>
    (offset 0) /usr/share/icu/icudt70l.dat

show vm map info of current process

(lldb) vmmap
pid: 4713
path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/08326E5F-4DEB-41CC-8320-4417B1649E7F/
DYLD all image info: 0000000104cd0000 + 170 format = 1
0000000104c00000-0000000104c04000 [    16K] r-x/r-x SM=COW
    104c00000-104c0c000: __TEXT r-x (/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/08326E5F-4DEB-41CC-8320-4417B1649E7F/ slide=4c00000
    (offset 0) /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/08326E5F-4DEB-41CC-8320-4417B1649E7F/
0000000104c04000-0000000104c08000 [    16K] r-x/rwx SM=PRIVATE
    104c00000-104c0c000: __TEXT r-x (/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/08326E5F-4DEB-41CC-8320-4417B1649E7F/ slide=4c00000
    (offset 0) /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/08326E5F-4DEB-41CC-8320-4417B1649E7F/
    221e4c000-235b08000: __LINKEDIT r-- (/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSSOCore.framework/AppSSOCore) slide=c204000
    221e4c000-235b08000: __LINKEDIT r-- (/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vImage.framework/Libraries/libCGInterfaces.dylib) slide=c204000
0000000280000000-00000002a0000000 [ 512.0M] rw-/rwx SM=PRIVATE <MALLOC_NANO>
0000000fc0000000-0000001000000000 [   1.0G] ---/--- SM=EMPTY
0000001000000000-0000007000000000 [ 384.0G] ---/--- SM=EMPTY

back to commands list


find_el - find endless loop

Detects endless loop in all threads at this point.

- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet<UITouch *> *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    int a = 1;
    NSLog(@"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    while (a) {
# touch device screen
2023-05-20 12:29:52.604910+0800 Interlock[56660:1841567] -[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:]
# pause program execution, then execute find_el in lldb
(lldb) find_el
Breakpoint 1: where = Interlock`-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:] + 136 at, address = 0x109dd8d48
Breakpoint 2: where = Interlock`main + 110 at main.m:17:5, address = 0x109dd911e
delete breakpoint 2
call Interlock`-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:] + 136 at ViewController.m:34:5, 22 times per second, hit_count: 100

back to commands list

thread_eb - extended backtrace of thread

Get extended backtrace of thread.

(lldb) bt
* thread #2, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 6.1
  * frame #0: 0x0000000104ab58f8 Concurrency`__41-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:]_block_invoke(.block_descriptor=0x0000000104ab80f8) at ViewController.m:29:13
    frame #1: 0x0000000104df51dc libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24
    frame #2: 0x0000000104df519c libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_client_callout + 16
    frame #3: 0x0000000104e01200 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 968
    frame #4: 0x0000000104e067c8 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_root_queue_drain + 604
    frame #5: 0x0000000104e06500 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_worker_thread3 + 136
    frame #6: 0x0000000181fc3fac libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_wqthread + 1176
    frame #7: 0x0000000181fc3b08 libsystem_pthread.dylib`start_wqthread + 4

(lldb) thread_eb
thread #4294967295: tid = 0x190c, 0x0000000104e907cc libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_root_queue_push_override + 160, queue = ''
    frame #0: 0x0000000104e907cc libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_root_queue_push_override + 160
    frame #1: 0x0000000104ded884 Concurrency`-[ViewController touchesBegan:withEvent:](self=<unavailable>, _cmd=<unavailable>, touches=<unavailable>, event=<unavailable>) at ViewController.m:25:5
    frame #2: 0x000000018bb1583c UIKit`forwardTouchMethod + 340
    frame #3: 0x000000018b9bb760 UIKit`-[UIResponder touchesBegan:withEvent:] + 60

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Credits (block with private data)


YJLLDB is released under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file for details.


LLDB commands for iOS debugging and reverse engineering.

License:Apache License 2.0


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