geekmuse / BibleApp

:book: Bible.JS CLI client. Read the Holy Bible via the command line.

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Read the Holy Bible via the command line.



You can install the package globally and use it as command line tool:

$ npm i -g bible

Then, run bible --help and see what the cli tool can do.

$ bible --help
bible --help
usage: bible [options] [reference1, reference2, ...]

Bible.JS CLI client. Read the Holy Bible via the command line.

  --v, --version          prints the tool and the Bible.JS version.
  --lang, --language      sets the language.
  --onlyVerses            doesn't display the table, just the verses.
  --s, --search           gets the verses that match to the string or
                          regular expression provided.
  --rc, --resultColor     sets the result color when searching something.
  -h --help               prints this output.

 - References separated by spaces (see the examples).

   bible --lang en 'John 1:1-10' 'Genesis 2:3-7'
   bible --lang ro --search 'Meroza'
   bible --lang ro --search '/Meroza/gi'

When the module is initialized, the packages listed in configuration file,
are downloaded and used (~/.bible directory).  The configuration is stored
in a JSON file, in the home directory: ~/.bible-config.json

If this doesn't exist, it's created at the first `bible` call.

You can create custom packages, including them there (in  the `versions`
field). The additional configuration fields are listed below:

 - `language`: a string representing the default language (if this is set,
               `--lang`  is not needed anymore unless you want to override
               the language value)

 - `resultColor`: a string  representing  the  default  result color  when
                  searching    something   (if  this  is  set,  `--rc`  or
                  `--resultColor`  options are not needed anymore unless
                  you want to override the `resultColor` value)

 - `searchLimit`: an integer representing max number of verses that will be
                  output when searching something

Documentation can be found at

First run

Like documented above, on the first run the application will sync the submodules creating the configuration file (~/.bible-config.json) and downloading the submodules in the ~/.bible directory.

$ bible 'Genesis 1:1'
warn  [...] No configuration file was found. Initing the configuration file.
warn  [...] The configuration file created successfully at the following location: /home/ionicabizau/.bible-config.json
info  [...] ~/.bible directory was not found. Downloading packages. This may take a while.

The default configuration file is:

    "versions": {
        "en": {
            "source": "",
            "version": "master",
            "language": "en"
        "ro": {
            "source": "",
            "version": "master",
            "language": "ro"
    "resultColor": "255, 0, 0",
    "searchLimit": 10,
    "language": "en"

If the system language is Romanian, then the language field will be ro.


# Provide the reference and the language
$ bible --lang en '2 Peter 3:9-18'
Reference: 2 Peter 3:9-18
 2 Peter 3:9│The Lord is not slow concerning his promise, as some regard slowness, but is    
            │being patient toward you, because he does not wish for any to perish but for all│
            │to come to repentance.                                                          
│2 Peter 3:10│But the day of the Lord will come like a thief; when it comes, the heavens will 
            │disappear with a horrific noise, and the celestial bodies will melt away in a   
            │blaze, and the earth and every deed done on it will be laid bare.               
│2 Peter 3:11│Since all these things are to melt away in this manner, what sort of people must│
            │we be, conducting our lives in holiness and godliness,                          
│2 Peter 3:12│while waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God? Because of this   
            │day, the heavens will be burned up and dissolve, and the celestial bodies will  
            │melt away in a blaze!                                                           
│2 Peter 3:13│But, according to his promise, we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth,  
            │in which righteousness truly resides.                                           
│2 Peter 3:14│Therefore, dear friends, since you are waiting for these things, strive to be   
            │found at peace, without spot or blemish, when you come into his presence.       
│2 Peter 3:15│And regard the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as also our dear brother 
            │Paul wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to him,                        
│2 Peter 3:16│speaking of these things in all his letters. Some things in these letters are   
            │hard to understand, things the ignorant and unstable twist to their own         
            │destruction, as they also do to the rest of the scriptures.                     
│2 Peter 3:17│Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard that  
            │you do not get led astray by the error of these unprincipled men and fall from  
            │your firm grasp on the truth.                                                   
│2 Peter 3:18│But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him 
            │be the honor both now and on that eternal day.                                  

# One verse
$ bible --lang en 'Genesis 1:24'
Reference: Genesis 1:24
│Genesis 1:24│God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds:    
            │cattle, creeping things, and wild animals, each according to its kind. It was│

# Without table
$ bible --lang en 'Genesis 1:24' --onlyVerses
God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: cattle, creeping things,
and wild animals, each according to its kind. It was so.

# Use together with `cowsay`
$ cowsay `bible --lang en 'Genesis 1:24' --onlyVerses`
/ God said, “Let the land produce living \
| creatures according to their kinds:    |
| cattle, creeping things, and wild      |
| animals, each according to its kind.”  |
\ It was so.                             /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

# Or convert it to speech
$ say `bible --lang en 'Genesis 1:24' --onlyVerses`

# Search (currently supported only in the Romanian submodule)
$ bible --search '/meroza/i'
Results for search: /meroza/i
│Judecători 5:23│Blestemaţi pe Meroza, a zis Îngerul Domnului, blestemaţi,                      
               │blestemaţi pe locuitorii lui; căci n-au venit în ajutorul Domnului, în ajutorul│
               │Domnului, printre oamenii viteji.                                              

How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.


KINDLY © Ionică Bizău–The LICENSE file contains a copy of the license.


:book: Bible.JS CLI client. Read the Holy Bible via the command line.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%