geekcell / terraform-aws-ecs-container-definition

Terraform module to provision an AWS ECS Container Definition.

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Terraform AWS ECS Container Definition

This module is used to generate a container definition for use in an AWS ECS task definition.


Name Description Type Default Required
command The command that is passed to the container. list(string) null no
cpu The number of cpu units reserved for the container. number 0 no
depend_on The dependencies defined for container startup and shutdown. map(string) {} no
disable_networking When this parameter is true, networking is disabled within the container. bool null no
dns_search_domains A list of DNS search domains that are presented to the container. list(string) null no
dns_servers A list of DNS servers that are presented to the container. list(string) null no
docker_labels A key/value map of labels to add to the container. map(string) null no
docker_security_options A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems. list(string) null no
entrypoint The entry point that is passed to the container. list(string) null no
environment The environment variables to pass to a container. map(string) {} no
environment_files The environment files to pass to a container. list(string) [] no
essential Whether this container is essential to the task. If the container fails or stops for any reason, all other containers that are part of the task are stopped. bool true no
extra_hosts A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the /etc/hosts file on the container. map(string) {} no
firelens_configuration The FireLens configuration for the container.
type = string
options = optional(map(string))
null no
healthcheck The container health check command and associated configuration parameters for the container.
command = list(string)
interval = optional(number)
retries = optional(number)
start_period = optional(number)
timeout = optional(number)
null no
hostname The hostname to use for your container. string null no
image The image used to start the container. string n/a yes
interactive When this parameter is true, the container is given read-only access to its root file system. bool null no
links Links to other containers. list(string) null no
linux_parameters Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container, such as Linux kernel capabilities.
init_process_enabled = optional(bool)

shared_memory_size = optional(number)
max_swap = optional(number)
swappiness = optional(number)

capabilities = optional(object({
add = optional(list(string))
drop = optional(list(string))

devices = optional(list(object({
host_path = string
container_path = optional(string)
permissions = optional(list(string))
})), [])

tmpfs = optional(list(object({
container_path = string
size = number
mount_options = optional(list(string))
})), [])
null no
log_configuration The log configuration specification for the container.
log_driver = optional(string)
options = optional(map(string))
secret_options = optional(map(string))
null no
memory The hard limit (in MiB) of memory to present to the container. number null no
memory_reservation The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container. number null no
mount_points The mount points for data volumes in your container.
source_volume = string
container_path = string
read_only = optional(bool, false)
[] no
name The name of the container. string n/a yes
port_mappings The list of port mappings for the container.
app_protocol = optional(string)
container_port_range = optional(string)

container_port = optional(number)
host_port = optional(number)
protocol = optional(string, "tcp")
[] no
privileged When this parameter is true, the container is given elevated privileges on the host container instance (similar to the root user). bool null no
pseudo_terminal When this parameter is true, a TTY is allocated. bool null no
readonly_root_filesystem When this parameter is true, the container is given read-only access to its root file system. bool null no
repository_credentials The private repository authentication credentials to use. string null no
resource_requirements The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container. map(string) {} no
secrets The secrets to pass to the container. map(string) {} no
start_timeout Time duration (in seconds) to wait before giving up on resolving dependencies for a container. number null no
stop_timeout Time duration (in seconds) to wait before the container is forcefully killed if it doesn't exit normally on its own. number null no
system_controls A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container. map(string) {} no
ulimits A list of ulimits to set in the container.
hard_limit = number
soft_limit = number
{} no
user The user to use inside the container. string null no
volumes_from Data volumes to mount from another container.
read_only = optional(bool, false)
{} no
working_directory The working directory in which to run commands inside the container. string null no


Name Description
hcl Rendered container definition as HCL object.
json Rendered container definition as JSON output.


Name Version
jq 0.2.1


  • data source.jq_query.main (



module "basic-example" {
  source = "../../"

  name  =
  image = "nginx:1.23-alpine"


module "full" {
  source = "../../"

  name      =
  image     = "nginx:latest"
  essential = true

  command    = ["sleep", "1000"]
  entrypoint = ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
  user       = "root"

  interactive     = false
  pseudo_terminal = false

  cpu                = 256
  memory             = 512
  memory_reservation = 1024

  working_directory        = "/tmp"
  readonly_root_filesystem = true

  port_mappings = [
      container_port = 80
      host_port      = 80
      protocol       = "tcp"
      container_port = 443
      host_port      = 443
      protocol       = "tcp"

  links = ["app"]
  mount_points = [
      container_path = "/tmp"
      source_volume  = "tmp"
      read_only      = false
  volumes_from = {
    app = { read_only = true }

  dns_search_domains = [""]
  dns_servers        = [""]

  hostname = "nginx"
  extra_hosts = {
    "" = ""
    "loopback"   = ""

  privileged         = true
  disable_networking = false
  ulimits = {
    nofile = {
      soft_limit = 1024
      hard_limit = 2048
    nproc = {
      soft_limit = 1024
      hard_limit = 2048

  docker_security_options = ["label:type:container_t"]
  system_controls = {
    "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies" = 1
    "net.core.somaxconn"      = 1024

  linux_parameters = {
    init_process_enabled = true

    shared_memory_size = 1024
    max_swap           = 1024
    swappiness         = 50

    capabilities = {
      add  = ["SYS_TIME"]
      drop = ["MKNOD"]

    devices = [
        host_path      = "/dev/null"
        container_path = "/dev/null"
        permissions    = ["read", "write"]

    tmpfs = [
        size           = 1024
        container_path = "/tmp"
        mount_options  = ["rw", "noexec", "nosuid", "nodev"]

  environment_files = ["s3://bucket/key/to/file.env"]
  environment = {
    APP_ENV   = "dev"
    APP_DEBUG = false

  secrets = {
    DATABASE_USER = "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:awsExampleAccountID:parameter/awsExampleParameter:DB_PASS::"
    APP_SECRET    = "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:awsExampleAccountID:parameter/awsExampleParameter:APP_SECRET::"

  docker_labels = {
    "" = "bar"
    "com.example.baz" = "qux"

  start_timeout = 60
  stop_timeout  = 60
  depend_on = {
    redis = "HEALTHY"
  healthcheck = {
    command      = ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1"]
    interval     = 30
    retries      = 3
    start_period = 0
    timeout      = 5

  resource_requirements = {
    GPU                  = 256
    InferenceAccelerator = "eia1.medium"

  repository_credentials = "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:awsExampleAccountID:parameter/awsExampleParameter"

  log_configuration = {
    log_driver = "awsfirelens"
    options = {
      endpoint = ""
    secret_options = {
      apiKey = "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:awsExampleAccountID:parameter/awsExampleParameter:apiKey::"


Terraform module to provision an AWS ECS Container Definition.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 51.9%Language:HCL 43.0%Language:Makefile 5.1%