gee-one / atitool

Console utility to control and monitor AMD GPU device operating parameters

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


atitool is a console utility to control and monitor AMD GPU device operating parameters.

  • Clock and Voltage management
  • PowerPlay support
  • Device information and status reporting
  • I2C operations off GPU
  • MC control/status
  • GRBM soft reset
  • PCIE control/status
  • Serial ID reporting
  • HDCP A-Key reporting

Software and Hardware Requirements

atitool requires a supported AMD GPU device and Linux to function.


Decompress atitool.tar.xz package under designated folder. Run atitool as executable file while making sure the user has administrative rights.


For help execute atitool without parameters.

  • ./atitool clock Displays options for clock operations
  • ./atitool powerplay Displays options for PowerPlay operations
  • ./atitool pcie Displays options for PCIE operations
  • ./atitool vctf Displays options for Voltage/Current/Thermal/Fan control
  • ./atitool sid Displays options for ASIC Serial ID
  • ./atitool mc Displays options for memory controller settings
  • ./atitool flash Displays options for ROM operations
  • ./atitool display Displays options for Display operations
  • ./atitool clockoutput Displays options for clock observation operations
  • ./atitool reset Displays options for reset operations
  • ./atitool efuse Displays options for verifying EFUSE infomation
  • ./atitool hwid Displays options for various ASIC/Board related info
  • ./atitool baco Displays options for BACO (Bus Alive Chip Off) operations
  • ./atitool cail Displays options for CAIL (Common ASIC Init Library) operations
  • ./atitool fw Displays options for firmware related operations for SMC and micro engines
  • ./atitool btc Displays options for Boot Time Caibration and Power Supply Monitor logging
  • ./atitool pace Displays options for getting/setting PACE table
  • ./atitool pm Displays options for Power Management parameters logging
  • ./atitool gpustatus Displays options for GPU status
  • ./atitool raserrortest Displays options for RAS error injection/detection and error counters


  • ./atitool -v=silent Run ATITOOL in silent mode with no screen output
  • ./atitool -UseVbiosImage{=<filename>} Use vbios image from a file
  • ./atitool -DumpVbiosImage{=<filename>} Dump vbios image to a file
  • ./atitool -i Displays a list of all present ATI graphics devices
  • ./atitool -i=<#> Select a target device to apply commands. Supports both simple index (reported by -i) and PCI location (-i=PCI:<bn>.<dn>.<fn>)
  • ./atitool -usefinddevice Debug flag to target a specific device (requires -i=PCI:xx.yy.zz)
  • ./atitool -asicinit Initialize ASIC into working state (ie. secondary GPU) Can be combined with -i=<#>
  • ./atitool -forceasicinit Initialize ASIC into working state even if it's already initialized
  • ./atitool -skipvbiospost Do not perform VBIOS post on uninitialized GPUs
  • ./atitool -sriovLoadUcode Load SRIOV Ucodes. Applies to -asicinit.
  • ./atitool -debug=<#> Enable debug logging (generates TOOL.LOG), <#> = verbosity
  • ./atitool -logpath=<#> Specify location of debug log file (TOOL.LOG)
  • ./atitool -logtoconsole Content sent to debug log (TOOL.LOG) is redirected to console. Useful on read only filesystems
  • ./atitool -pxversion Check the PowerXpress version of the system
  • ./atitool -boardid=<#> Override board ID with given string. Useful when VBIOS image is missing board ID string


Please note that not all command line options listed below are applicable to all supported ASICs.

./atitool clock


  • -clkstatus Display BIOS default and current clock values
  • -clklog Log output to a file called ATICLK.LOG
  • -clksave=fn Save clock settings to a file fn (file name is optional where default name is clkstat.inf)
  • -clkappend=fn Append clock settings to a file fn (file name is optional where default name is clkstat.inf)
  • -clkload=fn Load clock settings from a file fn (file name is optional where default name is clkstat.inf)
  • -eng=<#> Set Engine clock (SCLK in fusion) to new value # (MHz)
  • -mem=<#> Set Memory clock to new value # (MHz)
  • -socclk=<#> Set SOC clock to a new value # (MHz)
  • -clkrestore Restore to BIOS default values
  • -incclk=<#> Increase mem/eng clock to BIOS default + delta # (MHz)
  • -decclk=<#> Decrease mem/eng clock to BIOS default - delta # (MHz)
  • -incmclk=<#> Increase mem clock to current clk + delta # (MHz)
  • -incsclk=<#> Increase eng clock to current clk + delta # (MHz)
  • -incmclkpct=<#> Increase mem clock by # percent of current clk (MHz)
  • -incsclkpct=<#> Increase eng clock by # percent of current clk (MHz)
  • -decmclk=<#> Decrease mem clock to current clk - delta # (MHz)
  • -decsclk=<#> Decrease eng clock to current clk - delta # (MHz)
  • -biosclkctrl Use AtomBIOS to change engine clock
  • -clkinst=<#> Specify clock instance for multi instance clocks
  • -allinst Set clock on all instances for multi instance clocks
  • -adjpll Adjust PLL to change clock
  • -favordclk Favor DCLK over VCLK
  • -favorvclk Favor VCLK over DCLK
  • -clkcounter Display clock counters
  • -dyngfx=<on/off> Enable/Disable dynamic gfx clock gating
  • -test:memeq=<#> Is current memory clock = #?
  • -test:memgt=<#> Is current memory clock > #?
  • -test:memlt=<#> Is current memory clock < #?
  • -test:engeq=<#> Is current engine clock = #?
  • -test:enggt=<#> Is current engine clock > #?
  • -test:englt=<#> Is current engine clock < #?
  • -dclk=<#> Set UVD DCLK to new value # (MHz)
  • -vclk=<#> Set UVD VCLK to new value # (MHz)
  • -maxvco=<#> Specify UPLL VCO limit (MHz) for DCLK/VCLK
  • -uvdclkstatus=<#> UVD clock gating status : On,Off
  • -skipmemparam Skip memory parameter changes
  • -skipmempll Skip memory PLL reprogramming
  • -gteq Set mem/eng clock to a value >= the value specified. For use with insclkpct/incmclkpct
  • -lclk=<#> Set LCLK to a new value # (Mhz)
  • -eclk=<#> Set VCE ECLK (APU) to a new value # (Mhz)
  • -ecclk=<#> Set VCE ECCLK to new value # (MHz)
  • -evclk=<#> Set VCE EVCLK to new value # (MHz)
  • -favorecclk Favor ECCLK over EVCLK
  • -favorevclk Favor EVCLK over ECCLK
  • -maxvcovce=<#> Specify VCEPLL VCO limit (MHz) for ECCLK/EVCLK
  • -aclk=<#> Set ACP CLK to a new value # (Mhz)
  • -samclk=<#> Set SAMU CLK to a new value # (Mhz)
  • -pspclk=<#> Set PSP CLK to a new value # (Mhz)
  • -smnclk=<#> Set SMN CLK to a new value # (Mhz)
  • -smcclk=<#> Set SMC CLK to a new value # (Mhz)
  • -dcefclk=<#> Set DCEF CLK to a new value # (MHz)
  • -ispclk=<#> Set ISP CLK to a new value # (MHz)
  • -sfhclk=<#> Set SFH (Sensor Fusion Hub) CLK to a new value # (MHz)
  • -shubclk=<#> Set SHUBCLK to a new value # (MHz)
  • -fclk=<#> Set FCLK to a new value # (MHz)
  • -dispclk=<#> Set DISPLCLK to a new value # (Mhz)
  • -dppclk=<#> Set DPPLCLK to a new value # (Mhz)
  • -usbdfsclk=<#> Set USBDFSLCLK to a new value # (Mhz)
  • -sclkdiv=<#> Set SCLK DFS divider
  • -lclkdiv=<#> Set LCLK DFS divider
  • -vclkdiv=<#> Set VCLK DFS divider
  • -dclkdiv=<#> Set DCLK DFS divider
  • -eclkdiv=<#> Set ECLK DFS divider
  • -aclkdiv=<#> Set ACLK DFS divider
  • -samclkdiv=<#> Set SAMCLK DFS divider
  • -pspclkdiv=<#> Set PSPCLK DFS divider
  • -dispclkdiv=<#> Set DISPCLK DFS divider
  • -smnclkdiv=<#> Set SMNCLK DFS divider
  • -smcclkdiv=<#> Set SMCCLK DFS divider
  • -dcefclkdiv=<#> Set DCEFCLK DFS divider
  • -ispclkdiv=<#> Set ISPCLK DFS divider
  • -sfhclkdiv=<#> Set SFHFCLK DFS divider
  • -shubclkdiv=<#> Set SHUBCLK DFS divider
  • -clockinfo Show current clock status in full screen mode, continuously refreshed. Requires terminal emulation.
  • -refresh=# Applies to clockinfo. Screen refresh period in ms.
  • -enablecks Enable CKS when SCLK change is requested.
  • -cksstatus Show current CKS status.
  • -bypassffcdisable not disable FFC on MCLK changes.
  • -enableacg Use ACG for clock change (if supported)
  • -useafll Use AFLL for clock change (if supported)
  • -gcea Apply GCEA settings after changing GFXCLK/MCLK (if supported)


Console utility to control and monitor AMD GPU device operating parameters