gecko0307 / wasm-webgl

WebAssembly + WebGL with D

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A cross-platform D application that can be compiled both to machine code or wasm. It renders graphics using OpenGL 3.3 or WebGL 2 and includes a tiny betterC runtime.

Warning: highly experimental!



By default this project targets desktop platforms. To compile WebAssembly do the following:

  1. Install latest LDC, Node.js, Rollup
  2. Install NPM dependencies: npm install
  3. Build wasm module: dub build --config=web --build=release --compiler=ldc2 --build-mode=allAtOnce
  4. Build the bundle and run test server: npm run bundle


WebAssembly + WebGL with D


Language:D 78.8%Language:JavaScript 20.8%Language:Batchfile 0.4%