gebus93 / samples-todo-list-app

Sample project showing coding skills

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[Samples] To do list app

Sample project showing my coding skills.

Project overview

Requirements for application

  1. Should be production ready as much as possible
  2. Should use JWE token to pass a user's authentication information
  3. Should use hexagonal architecture
  4. Should be written using TDD
  5. Should have full spectrum of tests: architecture, unit, integration, contract, component

Required features

  1. Creating todo list by user
  2. Managing (updating & deleting) todo lists by user
  3. Listing todo lists
  4. Viewing single todo list
  5. Limiting the number of created todo lists by each user. At this moment each user can create only 5 todo lists.
  6. Getting user statistics (number of created lists and max todo lists count)


  1. List name must have at least 3 characters and no more than 50.
  2. List can be empty but cannot have more than 25 tasks.
  3. Task name must have at least 3 characters and no more than 150.

Running and testing


  • JDK 17 (tested on Temurin-17.0.2+8)
  • Docker and docker-compose with permissions to execute without sudo
  • At least 2GB disk space (required by testcontainers)

Running locally

To simplify running application locally, I decided to create docker-compose file with a few shell scripts. To start the application just execute following command:

$ ./local-setup/

If you're using windows system, use the command below:

> .\local-setup\compose-up.bat

Docker-compose will start 4 containers, but only two of them will be bind to the host ports.

Application URL Credentials
Todo list app http://localhost:8080 See section "Authorization"
grafana http://localhost:3000 Username: admin
Password: adminPass


There are 2 dashboards imported to local grafana instance. These dashboards should be enough to monitor application state (MVP of course). In the real world, these dashboards should have configured alerts, but I think that dashboards without them are good enough for the demo purposes.

Custom grafana dashboard


API documentation is automatically generated by springdoc-openapi dependency and is compatible with well known swagger-ui.

To get a look at the documentation just open this page in your web browser: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html


This application uses JWE tokens (RFC7516) to pass authenticated user's data. This way of securing applications is much safer than using JWT, because there is no way to read internal data without knowing secret key.

To make requests authorized, JWE token must be put in "Authorization" header using the "Bearer" scheme (RFC6750, section 2.1).

For example:

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiZGlyIn0..cRHGsWBM3Fkrpt4E.6OozLAfwDWdMWP7W0tNpuI_hQl1j2kubru0eyUZE9LtbZXXcJLIee-Pvwv3rlfCi5s2P9_IDr8oI-ke95B-rM1AFWsvOHlUB23jcPL8X3ARWISyLaPWRZglBp2yrS7k7lDAzkwg6s52sPQ.F1jWA0pPp9wAYrf041ez1A" http://localhost:8080/secured-resource

Test tokens

In the table below, you can find few JWE tokens for testing purposes. In real scenario, these tokens should be generated by authentication server.

UUID Username Expiration time JWE Token
d003065b-adad-426a-8e8b-befe5bd47527 jkowalski 2100-01-01T00:00:00Z eyJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiZGlyIn0..cRHGsWBM3Fkrpt4E.6OozLAfwDWdMWP7W0tNpuI_hQl1j2kubru0eyUZE9LtbZXXcJLIee-Pvwv3rlfCi5s2P9_IDr8oI-ke95B-rM1AFWsvOHlUB23jcPL8X3ARWISyLaPWRZglBp2yrS7k7lDAzkwg6s52sPQ.F1jWA0pPp9wAYrf041ez1A
9bf5eb14-7aee-44c6-9a4e-3310d1da8a54 jnowak 2100-01-01T00:00:00Z eyJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiZGlyIn0..bEpRINka6tf8jVox.1eQhF02Fs5adSPad4soKuX1vL0n2z1J1_1DtpCZXaUKk86CGScV-uiSi-kSd3qFIKlgpA8JKpQCgydygus0htxOrrb1md-KwUEbhxl5m-01MHAavbVADCyt75zhiN0Tj7SHc2hX4KQ.MEFFjGmgEhInQ76bQfI0pw
b3d53502-858c-46d1-ae02-6a502949400a jbravo 2100-01-01T00:00:00Z eyJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiZGlyIn0..U3di2TqTFf3PBTO9.2rdNMW-qjbG8fnsMKdpjFxOYOjp7166FT3NWMWfvDhMuyuRScNH1U53WWN1xkBj_GcXTZMEKJYe2keWRg1NjFU8Ydqkr8lfXAyeDE_-mD2GA-vQEJrC7l1tYmW-pRZy5Fz5hxY00xA.VRkMueg6pOhsZR0Ij0elnQ

Running tests from Gradle

Everything should work out-of-the-box. Just run standard gradle command:

$ ./gradlew check

Or if you're using windows system:

> .\gradlew.bat

Running component tests from IDE

To ensure that component tests are testing real application instead of custom local stack mixed with stubs and mocks, I decided to use docker-compose to run real docker image with real mongodb. This can make some troubles for example when running in IDE. I tried to make script executing automatically from IDE on my linux system in many ways, but my IDE (Intellij Idea 2021.3.2) prevent me from doing that. This scripts needs jdk 17 to build fresh JAR and docker-image, but Intellij uses its own jdk (version 11) while executing shell commands. I didn't find any way to change it to jdk17. To my surprise on my windows system everything was working fine, but I decided not to create shared componentTest task for intellij with "before launch" step that is failing on all the other systems.

Before running component tests from IDE, make sure that docker-compose with tests environment is running. To run it manually, execute following command:

  • On linux or mac
$ ./gradlew componentTestSetUp
  • On windows
> .\gradlew.bat componentTestSetUp


Sample project showing coding skills

License:The Unlicense


Language:Java 94.9%Language:Groovy 3.0%Language:Batchfile 0.8%Language:Shell 0.8%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%