ge0mk / commentsense-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status

Comment-Sense Server

this is the server software for comment-sense



  • get a file:

    • method: "GET"
    • sub-url: "/"
    • response:
      • format: auto detects format of the file based on the ending, defaults to ""
      • possible status-codes: 200, 404, 422
    • description:
      • returns the file in <./data/%url%>
      • if the file doesn't exist:
        • status-code 404, payload == index.html
      • else:
        • status-code 200, payload == file-content
    • examples:
      • "/index.html"
      • "/res/icon.png"
  • get comments:

    • method: "GET"
    • sub-url: "/api/comments"
    • arguments: (in the url)
      • site: only get comments for the specified site and all sub-sites
        • default: any
      • count: limit comments to the first n comments
        • default: all
      • username: mark the comments whether they have been upvoted by the user
        • default: nobody
    • response:
      • format: json
      • possible status-codes: 200
      • data: { "comments" : [ { "id":1, "headline":"abc", "content":"def", "author":"admin", "likes":10, "voted":false, "url":"" }, ... ] }
    • description:
      • returns the first -count- comments ordered by upvotes
      • the given url (site='url') is the start of the url the comment needs to have
      • if a username is specified the "voted" flag of the comments in the response is set to true if the user has upvoted that comment
    • examples:
      • "/api/comments ..."
      • "/api/comments?count=5&"
      • "/api/comments?username=admin&"
      • "/api/comments?username=admin&"
  • get top sites:

    • method: "GET"
    • sub-url: "/api/sites"
    • arguments: (in the url)
      • count: number of sites
        • default 5
      • url: limit sites to the ones that match this url (basic sql pattern matching)
        • default: any
    • response:
      • possible status-codes: 200
    • description:
      • returns the n most commented sites, ordered by the number of comments
    • examples:
      • "/api/sites" // get the 5 most commented sites
      • "/api/sites?count=10" // get the 10 most commented sites
      • "/api/sites?" // get all sites that start with ""
  • post comment:

    • method: "POST"
    • sub-url: "/api/comments"
    • payload:
      • format: "json"
      • data: {"username":"my name", "password":"my password", "sid":"1a2b3c4d5e6f789", "url":"", "headline":"this is the headline", "content":"this is the content"}
        • either username and password or the sid needs to be given
        • the sid can also be sent as a cookie -> username, password and sid are optional in the json, when the sid is set as a cookie -> if the sid is set as a cookie it overwrites the sid in the json
        • if both are given, both are checked and if any of them is valid the comment is posted
    • response:
      • possible status-codes: 403, 500, 200
    • description:
      • post a comment with headline, content, url
      • only works if if username and password or the sid is valid
  • vote comment:

    • method: "PATCH"
    • suburl: "/api/comments"
    • payload:
      • format: "json"
      • data: {"username":"my name", "password":"my password", "sid":"1a2b3c4d5e6f789", "id":1, "vote":true}
        • either username and password or the sid needs to be given
        • the sid can also be sent as a cookie -> username, password and sid are optional in the json, when the sid is set as a cookie -> if the sid is set as a cookie it overrides the sid in the json
        • if both are given, both are checked and if any of them is valid the comment is voted / unvoted
    • response:
      • possible status-codes: 200, 400, 401, 404, 409, 500
    • description:
      • vote / unvote a comment
      • if "vote" is set to true the comment with the matching id will be upvoted
      • else it will be unvoted
  • signup:

    • method: "POST"
    • suburl: "/api/signup"
    • payload:
      • format: json
      • data: {"username":"my name", "password":"my password", "email":""}
        • email is optional
    • response:
      • possible status-codes: 200, 403, 500
    • description:
      • create an account with specified username, password and email if the username is not already used
  • signin:

    • method: "GET"
    • suburl: "/api/signin"
    • arguments: (in the url)
      • username
      • password
    • response:
      • format: json
      • header: "Set-Cookie: sid=1a2b3c4d5e6f789; PATH=/"
      • data: {"sid":"1a2b3c4d5e6f789"}
      • possible status-codes: 200, 403
    • description:
      • creates a session that is valid 24 hours and returns the session id (=sid)
      • the sid is also set as a cookie, which gets stored by the browser until it is closed
      • if it needs to be stored longer you can extract the sid from the json in the response
    • examples:
      • "/api/signin?username=my username&password=my password"
  • check sid:

    • method: "GET"
    • suburl: "/api/checksid"
    • arguments: (in the url)
      • sid, only needed when not set as a cookie
    • response:
      • possible status-codes: 200, 401
    • description:
      • checks if the sid is still valid (is currently active and jounger than 24 hours)
    • examples:
      • "/api/checksid ..." // requires the sid to be set as a cookie
      • "/api/checksid?sid=1a2b3c4d5e6f789"
  • signout:

    • method: "GET"
    • suburl: "/api/signout"
    • arguments: (in the url)
      • sid, only needed when not set as a cookie
      • username, replaces sid
    • response:
      • possible status-codes: 200
    • description:
      • removes the current active sid from the user
      • examples:
        • "/api/signout ..." // requires the sid to be set as a cookie
        • "/api/signout?username=my username"
        • "/api/signout?sid=1a2b3c4d5e6f789"
  • is username available:

    • method: "GET"
    • suburl: "/api/checkuser"
    • arguments: (in the url)
      • username
    • response:
      • possible status-codes: 200, 409
    • description:
      • check if the given username is already taken or not
      • examples:
        • "/api/checkuser?username=my username"
  • get user data:

    • method: "GET"
    • suburl: "/api/user"
    • arguments: (in the url)
      • sid, only needed when not set as a cookie
      • username, only when no sid is set
      • password, only when no sid is set
    • response:
      • possible status-codes: 200, 401
      • json containing the user data: {"email":"", "signed-in":true}
    • description:
      • returns some account informations
      • examples:
        • "/api/user ..." // requires the sid to be set as a cookie
        • "/api/user?username=my username&password=my password"
        • "/api/user?sid=1a2b3c4d5e6f789"
  • set user data:

    • method: "PATCH"
    • suburl: "/api/user"
    • response:
      • possible status-codes: 200, 401
    • payload:
      • json: {"username":"my username", "password":"my password", "email":"new email (optional)", "new-password":"my new password (optional)"}
    • description:
      • updates the account informations



Language:C 80.9%Language:C++ 18.8%Language:Assembly 0.3%Language:Python 0.0%Language:Makefile 0.0%