gdzhu / .vim

my .vimrc and .vim directory

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my .vimrc and .vim directory


Execute command:
cd ~ && git clone && ln -s .vim/.vimrc .vimrc && cd -
enjoy Viming!

Vim will try to fetch required plugins from github the first time you run it

**always remember to backup your own stuff.

plugin list

     altercation/vim-colors-solarized " Solarized color scheme
     vim-airline/vim-airline-themes   " airline themes
     bling/vim-airline                " Powerline status line plugin
     vim-scripts/ShowMarks7           " add visual effects to marks
     airblade/vim-gitgutter           " list git changes in file

     """ edit
     junegunn/vim-peekaboo            " show the contents of the registers on the sidebar
     junegunn/fzf                     " fzf command-line fuzzy finder
     junegunn/fzf.vim                 " fzf for vim
     tpope/vim-unimpaired             " Numerous bracket mappings
     tpope/vim-commentary             " Comment stuff out
     tpope/vim-endwise                " helps to end certain structures automatically
     tpope/vim-fugitive               " git aliases
     tpope/vim-surround               " modify surroundings of text
     tpope/vim-repeat                 " repeat last mapped command with dot
     sjl/gundo.vim                    " visual undo tree
     vim-scripts/loremipsum           " generate lorem Ipsum
     vim-scripts/          " enhance % match
     godlygeek/tabular                " line up text according to pattern
     tommcdo/vim-exchange             " exchange text
     ap/vim-css-color                 " Highlight Hex color pallets

     """ Auto complete
     Valloric/YouCompleteMe           " auto complete
     rdnetto/YCM-Generator            " auto complete
     SirVer/ultisnips                 " the ultimate solution for snippets in Vim
     honza/vim-snippets               " vim-snipmate & ultisnips default snippets
     w0rp/ale                         " Asynchronous Lint Engine
     sheerun/vim-polyglot             " Syntax
     mileszs/ack.vim                  " Search with ag
     tpope/vim-sleuth                 " Auto detect tabstop
     wellle/targets.vim               " expand the default 'inside/arround object' operation
     haya14busa/incsearch.vim         " increamental search
     'phamer/AnsiEsc'                   " color escape

     vim-latex/vim-latex              " Work with latex
     " terryma/vim-expand-region      " visually select increasingly larger regions of text
     " scrooloose/syntastic           " syntax
     " mattn/emmet-vim                " html & CSS
     " vim-scripts/Tagbar             " Tag list
     " Konfekt/FastFold               " Speed up Vim by updateing folds only when called-for
     " ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim             " search through files/buffers/MRU


my .vimrc and .vim directory


Language:Vim Script 100.0%