gdotdesign / style-elements

Create styles that don't mysteriously break!

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This library is experimental

Simplifying css for elm

The aim of style-elements library is to give you the tools to write styles that are intuitive and robust, while still being productive and expressive. To make styles that don't break.

And while we're at it, it wouldn't hurt to have built in support for animations, transitions, and media queries too.

Compared to elm-css

The goal of elm-css library is to provide access all of CSS in a typesafe way. This is awesome and incredibly impressive.

The style-elements focuses on simplifying css.

It does this by

  • removing parts of css that cause the most trouble
  • limiting available properties without limiting functionality (i.e. trying to make the CSS language smaller)
  • setting defaults
  • providing clean interfaces to the good parts like media queries, flex-box and animations.

It's meant to be a css preprocessor with css best practices built in.

Create a stylesheet

import Style exposing (..)

type Class 
    = Title
    | Nav
    | Container

stylesheet : StyleSheet Class msg
stylesheet =
        [ class Title
            [ width (px 300)
            , height auto
        , class Nav
            [ width (percent 100)
            , height (px 70)

This looks a lot like elm-css. That's because using union types and lists to represent style is generally a really good idea.

It rendered as you'd expect, though the style-elements library also includes display:block, position:relative, left:0;, top:0, and box-sizing:border-box as default properties. You can remove or add to the defaults as you'd like.

.title-cjdbfgdfgs {
  display: block;
  position: relative;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  width: 300px;
  height: auto;
.nav-jgdkdbabsb {
  display: block;
  position: relative;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  width: 100%;
  height: 70px;

Each class automatically gets the hash of it's style properties appended to the classname. This means you get automatic namespacing!

Don't worry, you won't have to type out the hash in order to use the style, the library will do that for you as you'll see in the Getting Started section.

Easy layout

    class Container 
        [ flowRight
            { wrap = True
            , horizontal = alignCenter
            , vertical = alignTop

generates the following css

.container-bhabgdar {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: flex-start;

It's much easier to think about flex-box in terms of horizontal and vertical alignment, than in justify-content, and align-items, which change orientation depending on flex-direction.

Also, row is a direction?


    class RotatingBox
        [ width (px 50)
        , height (px 50)
        , animate
            { duration = (5 * second)
            , easing = "linear"
            , repeat = forever
            , steps =
                [ ( 0, transforms [ rotate 0 0 0 ] )
                , ( 100, transforms [ rotate 0 0 (2 * pi) ] )

generates this css

.rotating-box-fhghfhda {
  animation: animation-cjdbgdbchi 5000ms linear infinite;
@keyframes animation-cjdbgdbchi {
  0% {
    transform: rotateX(0rad) rotateY(0rad) rotateZ(0rad);
  100% {
    transform: rotateX(0rad) rotateY(0rad) rotateZ(6.283185307179586rad);

An animation name is generated using a murmur3 hash of the animation properties.

One less name you have to come up with!

Media Queries

import Style.Media
import Color

-- (..)
    class MediaQueryExample
        [ width (px 180)
        , height (px 180)
        , padding (all 20)
        , backgroundColor
        , textColor Color.white
        , flowRight
            { wrap = True
            , horizontal = alignCenter
            , vertical = verticalCenter
        , Style.Media.phoneOnly
            [ backgroundColor
        , Style.Media.tabletPortraitOnly
            [ borderWidth (all 5)
            , borderRadius (all 15)

The style-elements library comes with some standard media queries built in.

How often do these things change anyway?

Getting Started

Building a stylesheet

The Style module is intended to be imported unqualified, so it's recommended to put your styles in their own .elm file.

import Style exposing (..)

type Class 
    = Title
    | Nav

stylesheet : Stylesheet Class msg
stylesheet =
        [ class Title
            [ width (px 300)
            , height auto
        , class Nav
            [ width (percent 100)
            , height (px 70)


Embed that stylesheet in your view and use it to render a style class

view : Model -> Html msg
view model =
    div []
        [ Style.embed stylesheet
        , div [ stylesheet.class Nav ] 
            [ a [href "/profile"] [text "My Profile"]
        , div [ stylesheet.class Title ] [ text "Hello!"]

More Advanced!

In addition to render, there is the renderWith function which allows you to set options for your stylesheet.

Auto import google fonts

Setting this option will automatically try to import any non-standard webfonts in yor stylesheet from the google fonts library.

One less step for you.

stylesheet : Stylesheet Class msg
stylesheet =
    Style.renderWith [ Style.autoImportGoogleFonts ]
        [ class Title
            [ width (px 300)
            , height auto
        , class Nav
            [ width (percent 100)
            , height (px 70)



While we try to catch most of our errors as compile-time error messages, we can't quite get them all. Adding Style.debug to the renderWith options will log some errors and cause some other errors to show up graphically on your page.

The errors are

Style missing from style-sheet - If you try to render a class of a style that is not in your stylesheet, an error will be logged.

Improper float or inline - In this library float and inline elements are only allowed in a textLayout(this is the standard layout that renders with display:block.) Float and inline should only be used in text situations, not for page layout.

Page layout should be handled by the flex-box functions, flowRight, flowLeft, flowUp, and flowDown.

If an element is floated or inlined incorrectly, debug mode will highlight it in yellow on your page and add a text error.


Remember when I said style-elements had some default properties? Well you can change them by adding Style.base yourListofDefaultProperties to your rendering options.

The standard default properties are available as and it's highly recommended you use them.


Create styles that don't mysteriously break!

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Elm 100.0%