gczh / bento-ruby-sdk

🍱 Bento Ruby SDK and tracking library

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Bento SDK for Ruby

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🍱 Simple, powerful analytics for Ruby/Rails projects!

Track events, update data, record LTV and more in Ruby. Data is stored in your Bento account so you can easily research and investigate what's going on.

πŸ‘‹ To get personalized support, please tweet @bento or email jesse@bentonow.com!

🐢 Battle-tested on Bento Production (we dog food this gem ourselves)!


Important note: The minimum ruby version required has been bumped to 2.6 as that's the minimum version required by the Faraday gem, which we introduced as a dependency for this gem

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bento-sdk', github: "bentonow/bento-ruby-sdk", branch: "master"

and then to fetch the gem

$ bundle


If you have a Rails project create an initializer called bento.rb with the following:

site_uuid = "YOUR-SITE-UUID" # This is the same UUID you are provided during onboarding. You can also find it by clicking on the gear icon on the top right and visiting "Site Configuration".

# Make Analytics.track() globally available!
::Analytics = Bento::Analytics.new(write_key: site_uuid) # to use Analytics.track() globally across your application!

Or, if you fancy, just boot it up via:

analytics = Bento::Analytics.new(write_key: "YOUR-SITE-ID")

Then go wild tracking events:

# track a single event
analytics.track(identity: {email: "user@yourapp.com"}, event: '$action', details: {action_information: "api_test"})

# update a users custom field
analytics.track(identity: {email: "user@yourapp.com"}, event: '$update_details', custom_fields: {favourite_meal: "bento box"})

# tag a visitor
analytics.track(identity: {email: "user@yourapp.com"}, event: '$tag', details: {tag: "customer"})

# track a unique event and add LTV (example below tracks $12.34 USD)
analytics.track(identity: {email: "user@yourapp.com"}, event: '$payment', details: {value: {amount: 1234, currency: "USD"}, unique: {key: 123456}})

# track a pageview server-side
analytics.track(identity: {email: "user@yourapp.com"}, event: '$view', page: {url: "api_test", title: ""})

If you're worried about having an external API in the middle of a critical path, throw it in a Sidekiq background job:

class BentoAnalyticsJob
  include Sidekiq::Job
  queue_as :default

  def perform(email, event_type, event_details = {}, custom_fields = {})
    event_details = JSON.parse(event_details)
    custom_fields = JSON.parse(custom_fields)

      identity: {
        email: email
      event: event_type,
      details: event_details,
      custom_fields: custom_fields

(New) Configuration

We're adding support for the following ways to configure the gem.


or by configuring an initializer

# config/initializers/bento.rb

Bento.configure do |config|
  config.site_uuid = '123456789abcdefghijkllmnopqqrstu'
  config.publishable_key = 'p9999aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffff'
  config.secret_key = 'sc9999aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggg'

We expect to add support for more configuration options as listed below

Configuration Name Default value Description
site_uuid nil The Site UUID specific to your site.
publishable_key nil The publishable key in your API.
secret_key nil The secret key in your API.
sync_strategy :threaded Coming soon The strategy to sync data to your Bento site. Possible values are :threaded, :sidekiq, :active_job, :direct, and nil.
log_level :warn The log level for Bento related log messages. Possible values are :debug, :error, :fatal, :info, and :warn

Things to know

  1. Tracking: All events must be identified. Anonymous support coming soon!
  2. Tracking: Most events and indexed inside Bento within a few seconds.
  3. Gem: You can stub out events by adding ENV['STUB'].
  4. If you need support, just let us know!


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/bentonow/bento-ruby-sdk. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


🍱 Bento Ruby SDK and tracking library

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%