gcross / Nutcracker

An efficient 1D quantum physics simulation system using matrix product states.

Home Page:http://gcross.github.com/Nutcracker/

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nutcracker version 0.1

Nutcracker is a quantum simulation program that uses the variational
matrix product state method to compute the ground and lowest lying
excited states of a system.  If you have been given the sources, then
please first read the INSTALL file for information on how to build

(This README file assumes that you have already built Nutcracker and
have changed to the directory where you unpacked and built the

To get a complete list of the options to Nutcracker, run it with the
--help option:

    programs/nutcracker --help

If you want to see Nutcracker in action, type

    python examples/generate/external-field.py 5

to see an example of the input format, and then

    python examples/generate/external-field.py 5 | programs/nutcracker -n 4

to see Nutcracker find the first four levels of the system.

If you are feeling more adventurous, you can have fun solving the
transverse Ising model:

    python examples/generate/transverse-ising-model.py 0.1 6 | programs/nutcracker -n 3

To use Nutcracker, you will need to have first decomposed your
Hamiltonian into matrix product operator form.  Describing how to do
this is outside the scope of this README at this time, but you can
read an introduction to this idea at


Since matrix product operators typically have repeated sites, the
input to Nutcracker takes the form of a list of site tensors and then
a list of indices to specify the order of the tensors in the operator.
Currently the only input format supported is YAML.  For example, the
following is the output of "python examples/generate/external-field.py
5", which specifies a simple Hamiltonian with an external field for a
system with 5 sites:

  - physical dimension: 2
    left dimension:     1
    right dimension:    2
       - from: 1
         to:   1
         data: [1,0,0,1]
       - from: 1
         to:   2
         data: [1,0,0,-1]
  - physical dimension: 2
    left dimension:     2
    right dimension:    2
       - from: 1
         to:   1
         data: [1,0,0,1]
       - from: 1
         to:   2
         data: [1,0,0,-1]
       - from: 2
         to:   2
         data: [1,0,0,1]
  - physical dimension: 2
    left dimension:     2
    right dimension:    1
       - from: 1
         to:   1
         data: [1,0,0,-1]
       - from: 2
         to:   1
         data: [1,0,0,1]
sequence: [1, 2, 2, 2, 3]

First, some background.  In YAML, there are two kinds of sections:
key/value sections and lists.  Key/value sections are specified by
entries of the form "key: value".  Whitespace is significant, so all
of the keys in a key/value section need to be aligned;  the values
don't have to be aligned, but I often added whitespace to line them up

Lists take either the form
 - A
 - B
 - C
(that is, aligned entries beginning with a dash) or
(that is, something that looks like an array in JavaScript or Python).

Values can themselves be lists or key/value sections, so that in the
Hamiltonian I listed above the keys "sites" and "sequence" specify
values which are themselves lists;  in the case of "sites", each list
entry contains a key/value pair.

Now to explain how to interpret the above.  Note that this document
has two parts: a "sites" section which lists the site tensors and a
"sequence" section that specifies how they are ordered.  In this case,
the sequence is [1,2,2,2,3], which says that the Hamiltonian contains
five sites and the matrix product representation consists of first
tensor 1 (the first tensor in the list), then three copies of tensor
2, and finally tensor 3.

Each tensor has metadata providing its physical dimension (which
corresponds to the dimension of the particle at that chain site) and
the left and right "bandwidth" dimensions that connect it to its
respective left and right neighbors.  The first tensor must have left
dimension 1, the last tensor must have right dimension 1, and the
interior tensors must agree with their neighbors on the size of the
connecting dimension (i.e. the left tensor's right dimension must
match the right tensor's left dimension).

Matrix product operator tensors are typically very sparse in the
bandwidth dimension indices, and so the input format specifies the
contents of each tensor by way of a list of "matrices" where each
dense submatrix is selected within the tensor by specifying the left
bandwidth index ("from") and right bandwidth index ("to"), and the
data contained in the submatrix (of size physical dimension by
physical dimension) is specified using a flat array in row-major

The reason why I use the labels "from" and "to" rather than "left" and
"right" is because this list corresponds to a list of transitions in a
state machine generating the Hamiltonian.  So for example in the
second tensor above we see that there is a transition from the 1 state
to the 1 state that produces an identity ([1,0,0,1] = [[1,0],[0,1]] =
I), a transition from the 1 state to the 2 state that produces a Pauli
Z operator ([1,0,0,-1]=[[1,0],[0,-1]]=Z), and finally a transition
from the 2 state to the 2 state that also produces an identity.  This
site was engineered this way because it guarantees that only a single
Z operator will be generated, as it is impossible to generate a second
one after the 2 state has been entered.

An alternative way of specifying the system above is as follows
(generated by "python examples/generate/external-field-using-anchors.py 5"):

  - &I [1,0,0,1]
  - &Z [1,0,0,-1]
  - physical dimension: 2
    left dimension:     1
    right dimension:    2
       - from: 1
         to:   1
         data: *I
       - from: 1
         to:   2
         data: *Z
  - physical dimension: 2
    left dimension:     2
    right dimension:    2
       - from: 1
         to:   1
         data: *I
       - from: 1
         to:   2
         data: *Z
       - from: 2
         to:   2
         data: *I
  - physical dimension: 2
    left dimension:     2
    right dimension:    1
       - from: 1
         to:   1
         data: *Z
       - from: 2
         to:   1
         data: *I
sequence: [1, 2, 2, 2, 3]

This example contains a "paulis" section.  When reading in the
Hamiltonian, Nutcracker ignores sections that it does not recognize,
so it won't complain that this section is present.  However, within
this section there are values that have been tagged with the "anchors"
&I and &Z.  These values can now be referenced using respectively *I
and *Z, which substitutes the tagged value in the place of the
reference.  This allows me to specify the matrix data once and then
refer to it using descriptive aliases.  (Note that this is a generic
feature of YAML and is not specific to my program or restricted in
which values you tag and reference using anchors.)


An efficient 1D quantum physics simulation system using matrix product states.



Language:C++ 78.1%Language:Python 10.6%Language:Fortran 10.3%Language:C 1.1%