gcmurphy / windmill

A TLS endpoint for serving osquery configuration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Why do you want this

If you're running osquery you may want an easy-to-manage way of delivering configuration file updates to the osquery process on your running servers. This software provides a TLS server that delivers configuration to osquery and also allows you to roll out new configs to small samples of servers to make sure that the new config does not cause problem before deploying to all machines.

Getting started

The quickest way to get started is to click this button down here.

Deploy to Heroku

If you deploy to Heroku using the button above, you'll need to view the environment variables to get the random secret that was generated for the NODE_ENROLL_SECRET used by the windmill application.

Not using Heroku

For security purposes, the software requires new endpoints to supply a shared secret which is found in an environment variable named NODE_ENROLL_SECRET. While not completely necessary, you may want to set a random in an environment variabled named COOKIE_SECRET. If you do not set COOKIE_SECRET then users will have to re-authenticate every time you restart the server. Finally, since this was written by a Heroku employee intending to run this on Heroku if you run the app in production the code expects an environment variable named DATABASE_URL with a url pointing to a postgres database. Absent that variable, production mode will fall back to a postgres database on localhost.

To run the server run the following commands. The first two commands should only need to be run once

bundle install
rake db:setup
ruby server.rb

If you want to use the faster puma server you can run the app with this command:

puma -C puma.rb


This has been tested most recently against osquery version 1.6.0

Configuring osqueryd

The easiest way to configure osqueryd is to put your command line options into a flag file. By default on linux systems, osqueryd will look for /etc/osquery/osquery.flags You need to have the following options set there for osqueryd to look to your server.


The lines above seem to be the minimum necessary to make osquery pull config from a TLS endpoint. You will need to populate the /etc/osqueryd/osqueryd.secret file with the value of your NODE_ENROLL_SECRET environment variable. Additional lines that you may include in your osquery.flags file include:


Then you can start osqueryd (on linux) with a simple /etc/init.d/osqueryd start or service start osqueryd

Authentication and logging in

Users must authenticate to access the windmill UI. There is no local storage of user information, users must authenticate using an OAuth provider, such as Google or GitHub. You'll need to get an OAuth ID and an OAuth Secret from the provider of your choice.

Authorized Users

You also need to create a whitelist of allowed email addresses.

The prefered option is to set the environment variable AUTHORIZEDUSERS with a comma seperated list of email addresses.

export AUTHORIZEDUSERS=user1@example.com,user2@example.com

The secondary option is listing users in a file named authorized_users.txt.

Example: authorized_users.txt


If you're running windmill on Heroku one easy way to manage users without having merge problems from master is to create a separate branch named users, uncomment the line in .gitignore that hides authorized_users.txt. Then populate your authorized_users.txt file. Finally you can git push heroku users:master. Later you can switch back to master and git pull for updates. Then just go back to your user branch and git rebase master.

Authenticate with GitHub

Populate an environment variable named GITHUB_KEY and a variable named GITHUB_SECRET. If both of these variables are populated with a value, then the login with GitHub option will be visible on the login page.

Authenticate with Heroku

Populate an environment variable named HEROKU_KEY and a variable named HEROKU_SECRET. If both of these variables are populated with a value, then the login with Heroku option will be visible on the login page.

Authenticate with Google

Populate an environment variable named GOOGLE_ID and a variable named GOOGLE_SECRET. If both of these variables are populated with a value, then the login with Google option will be visible on the login page. You will also need to authorize the callback URL https://yourserver.yourdomain.com/auth/google/callback for your credentials.

Special note, logging in with Google may require an extra step to avoid protocol mismatch if you use a service that runs your app unencrypted but uses a service in between to encrypt, such as Heroku. In those cases when you try to authenticate with google the requested callback address will not have the https. To fix this, you need to set yet another environment variable called FULL_URL. That should have the https address of your server, e.g. https://yourserver.yourdomain.com.

API Authentication

If you've logged into the windmill server you can create api keys with either read or read/write permission. The resulting key must be passed with every api call as an http header called Authentication. For example, using curl you could get a list of configuration groups with this command:

curl -i \
-H "authentication: 0944660295b1e3c09aba1ce7ffcfe5da336a510d9963b94dbb0376153ac31e33" \

A key with write permission is necessary for any request that doesn't use the GET method.

Enrolling osquery endpoints

The osquery endpoints will reach out to the TLS server and send a POST to /api/enroll with a enroll_secret value that it read from it's own filesystem (/etc/osquery/osquery.secret if you followed the osquery.flags file above). The value in that file must match the node secret being used by the TLS server and specify a configuration group. The TLS server takes node secret value from an environment variable named NODE_ENROLL_SECRET. If you have not set that variable then it defaults to "valid_test".

If the server sends a valid node_secret then it will be enrolled and joined to the configuration group that was specified. The endpoint will receive a node key that it can use to pull its configuration from the server.

You can also store a host identifier for osquery endpoints by adding a host identifier to the front of the group label and enroll secret stored in /etc/osquery/osquery.secret. The values are separated by a colon.

Example osquery.secret


That will label the endpoint with an identifier of www-1 and join it to the web configuration group. From that point on it will receive the configuration file that the web configuration group assigns to that endpoint.

If you enroll an endpoint with an invalid configuration group name or a missing configuration group name it will be added to the default configuration group.

Serving configuration files

Configuration files are kept in a database and are assigned to endpoints by the configuration group to which they belong. When the application is initialized a configuration group named default is created automatically and a default configuration file is added to that group.

Additional configuration groups and configuration files can be added by pointing your browser at the root of the application. There you will find a GUI for adding new configuration groups and new configuration files.

After an endpoint is enrolled it will make a POST request to /api/config and provide the node secret it was given when it enrolled. The Windmill server will look up that node secret and find the configuration file that is assigned to that endpoint and provide that back to the endpoint.

Helpful links

Running tests

The tests are written in RSpec and make use of the rack-test gem. If you do a bundle install you should have that.

Then you can just run rspec spec/ to run the tests.

Customizing the look and feel

You can add additional stylesheets and javascript to the layout of the page by adding a file views/additiona_css.erb and views/additonal_js.erb. These are embedded ruby file which are rendered in the main layout. The stylesheet partial is rendered in the head of the html and the javascript is rendered after the closing body tag.

Command-line utilities

Windmill comes with two command-line utilities: console and endpoint-cleanup.


The console utility gives you a simple IRB shell that you can use to examine and manipulate the Windmill database. Take care here, because nothing will prevent you from deploying an osquery configuration without a proper canary test!

Run the console utility like this:

heroku run bundle exec bin/console


The endpoint-cleanup utility deletes endpoints that have not polled for their configuration recently. This can be useful if hosts in your infrastructure frequently come and go. It is not strictly necessary to delete old endpoints, but doing so can make the Windmill UI easier to manage.

Run the endpoint-cleanup utility like this:

heroku run bundle exec bin/endpoint-cleanup --help

With no arguments, this utility will automatically purge all endpoints that have not checked in within the past day, without confirmation. The -i option prompts you for confirmation and allows you to view a list of endpoints that will be deleted.

If desired, this utility is designed to be run in non-interactive mode using Heroku Scheduler or a similar scheduling add-on.


A TLS endpoint for serving osquery configuration

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 78.6%Language:HTML 21.3%Language:CSS 0.0%