gch1p / isv

Linux utility for controlling Voltronic hybrid solar inverters that use P18 protocol

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This project has been discontinued. It was rewritten in C++ and is called inverter-tools now. All further development will happen in the new project.

isv is utility for controlling Voltronic hybrid solar inverters that use P18 protocol. isv has full P18 support with all known methods implemented. It was written for use with InfiniSolar V 5kW inverter and it's the only inverter it has been tested with so far, but it should work with other inverters using P18 protocol as well. Adding support for other protocols (such as P16 or P17) by splitting them into separate modules is possible in future.

For now, only USB connection is supported and tested (I just don't have the RS-232 cable with this weird RJ-style plug lol), but RS-232 support will be added eventually.

It's written in pure C99 with almost zero dependencies. It uses libvoltronic for underlying device interaction, but you don't need to download and build it separately as isv comes with its own slightly modified libvoltronic version.

It can output data in different formats (human-readable tables, conveniently-parsable tables and even JSON) so you can easily integrate it in your project.

For now only Linux and macOS are supported and tested. Other operating systems will be supported later.


  • pkg-config
  • hidapi
    • On Linux, you should be able to install it from your distro's package manager
    • On macOS, brew install hidapi


Just run make. If you want to install it, make install will do the job.


Run isv without arguments to see the full options list. For the sake of good readmes it's also written here.

Common options

  • -r COMMAND
    --raw COMMAND - execute arbitrary command and print inverter's response.
    Command example: ^P005PI

  • -t TIMEOUT
    --timeout TIMEOUT - device read timeout, in milliseconds.
    Example: -t 5000

  • -v, --verbose - print debug information, like hexdumps of communication traffic with inverter

  • -p, --pretend - do not actually execute anything on inverter, but output some debug info. Little use for normal people. Doesn't work with --raw.

  • -f FORMAT
    --format FORMAT - output format for --get-* and --set-* options, you can find list of supported formats below.

Get options

  • --get-protocol-id - returns protocol id. Should be always 18 as it's the only one supported.

  • --get-date-time - returns date and time from inverter

  • --get-total-generated - returns total generated energy, in kWatts (or Watts?). The documentation says it should be kilowatts, but my inverter says that we generated almost 200,000 for the last two months... It's must be Watts. My guess is that it reports Watts first and when it reaches some kind of integer limit it switches to kWatts.

  • --get-year-generated YYYY - returns generated energy for specified year, in kWatts (or Watts? see above)

  • --get-month-generated YYYY MM - returns generated energy for specified month, in kWatts (or Watts? see above)

  • --get-day-generated YYYY MM DD - returns generated energy for specified day, in Watts.

  • --get-series-number - returns series number. Or maybe serial number. The documentation is written by Chinese in bad english.

  • --get-cpu-version - returns main and slave CPU versions.

  • --get-rated-information - returns rated information.

  • --get-general-status - returns general status, many cool stuff here. Usually this is what you want to read.

  • --get-working-mode - returns working mode.

  • --get-faults-warnings - returns fault and warning status.

  • --get-flags - returns state of a set of flags, or toggles, like backlight or buzzer ON or OFF, etc.

  • --get-defaults - returns default values of some changeable parameters and default flags values.

  • --get-max-charging-current-selectable-values

  • --get-max-ac-charging-current-selectable-values

  • --get-parallel-rated-information ID
    ID - parallel machine ID

  • --get-parallel-general-status ID
    ID - parallel machine ID

  • --get-ac-charge-time-bucket

  • --get-ac-supply-load-time-bucket

Set options

  • --set-loads-supply 0|1

  • --set-flag FLAG 0|1

    List of flags:

    • BUZZ - Silence buzzer or open buzzer
    • OLBP - Overload bypass function
    • LCDE - LCD display escape to default page after 1min timeout
    • OLRS - Overload restart
    • OTRS - Overload temperature restart
    • BLON - Backlight on
    • ALRM - Alarm on primary source interrupt
    • FTCR - Fault code record
    • MTYP - Machine type (1=Grid-Tie, 0=Off-Grid-Tie)
  • --set-defaults
    Reset changeable parameters to their default values.

  • --set-battery-max-charging-current ID AMPS
    ID - parallel machine ID (use 0 for a single model)
    AMPS - use --get-max-charging-current-selectable-values to see a list of allowed currents

  • --set-battery-max-ac-charging-current ID AMPS
    ID - parallel machine ID (use 0 for a single model)
    AMPS - use --get-max-ac-charging-current-selectable-values to see a list of allowed currents

  • --set-ac-output-freq 50|60

  • --set-battery-max-charging-voltage CV FV
    CV - constant voltage (48.0 ~ 58.4)
    FV - float voltage (48.0 ~ 58.4)

  • --set-ac-output-rated-voltage V
    V - voltage. Allowed voltages are 202, 208, 220, 230 and 240

  • --set-output-source-priority PRIORITY

    List of priorities:

    • SUB is for Solar-Utility-Battery
    • SBU is for Solar-Battery-Utility
  • --set-battery-charging-thresholds CV DV
    Sets battery re-charging and re-discharigng voltages when utility is available.

    CV - re-charging voltage
    For 12V unit: 11, 11.3, 11.5, 11.8, 12, 12.3, 12.5 or 12.8
    For 24V unit: 22, 22.5, 23, 23.5, 24, 24.5, 25 or 25.5
    For 48V unit: 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 or 51

    DV - re-discharging voltage
    For 12V unit: 0, 12, 12.3, 12.5, 12.8, 13, 13.3, 13.5, 13.8, 14, 14.3 or 14.5
    For 24V unit: 0, 24, 24.5, 25, 25.5, 26, 26.5, 27, 27.5, 28, 28.5 or 29
    For 48V unit: 0, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 or 58

  • --set-charging-source-priority ID PRIORITY
    ID - parallel machine ID (use 0 for a single model).

    List of priorities:

    • SF for Solar-First
    • SU for Solar-and-Utility
    • S for Solar-Only
  • --set-solar-power-priority PRIORITY

    List of priorities:

    • BLU for Battery-Load-Utility
    • LBU for Load-Battery-Utility
  • --set-ac-input-voltage-range RANGE

    List of ranges:

    • UPS
  • --set-battery-type AGM|FLOODED|USER

  • --set-output-model ID MODEL
    ID - parallel machine ID (use 0 for a single model).

    List of allowed models:

    • SM - Single module
    • P - Parallel output
    • P1 - Phase 1 of three phase output
    • P2 - Phase 2 of three phase output
    • P3 - Phase 3 of three phase
  • --set-battery-cutoff-voltage V
    V - cut-off voltage (40.0 ~ 48.0)

  • --set-solar-configuration ID
    ID - serial number

  • --clear-generated-data
    Clears all data of generated energy.

  • --set-date-time YYYY MM DD hh mm ss
    YYYY - year
    MM - month
    DD - day
    hh - hours
    mm - minutes
    ss - seconds

  • --set-ac-charge-time-bucket START END
    START - starting time, hh:mm format
    END - ending time, hh:mm format

  • --set-ac-supply-load-time-bucket START END
    START - starting time, hh:mm format
    END - ending time, hh:mm format


  • table - human-readable table. This is used by default.

    Output example:

    Grid voltage:                      0.0 V
    Grid frequency:                    0.0 Hz
    AC output voltage:                 230.1 V
    AC output frequency:               50.0 Hz
    AC output apparent power:          114 VA
    AC output active power:            69 Wh
    Output load percent:               2%
    Battery voltage:                   49.5 V
    Battery voltage from SCC:          0.0 V
    Battery voltage from SCC2:         0.0 V
    Battery discharge current:         1 A
    Battery charging current:          0 A
    Battery capacity:                  73%
    Inverter heat sink temperature:    32 °C
    MPPT1 charger temperature:         0 °C
    MPPT2 charger temperature:         0 °C
    PV1 Input power:                   0.00 Wh
    PV2 Input power:                   0.00 Wh
    PV1 Input voltage:                 0.0 V
    PV2 Input voltage:                 0.0 V
    Setting value configuration state: Something changed
    MPPT1 charger status:              Abnormal
    MPPT2 charger status:              Abnormal
    Load connection:                   Connected
    Battery power direction:           Discharge
    DC/AC power direction:             DC/AC
    Line power direction:              Do nothing
    Local parallel ID:                 0
  • parsable-table

    Output example:

    grid_voltage 0.0 V
    grid_freq 0.0 Hz
    ac_output_voltage 230.0 V
    ac_output_freq 50.0 Hz
    ac_output_apparent_power 92 VA
    ac_output_active_power 52 Wh
    output_load_percent 1 %
    battery_voltage 49.5 V
    battery_voltage_scc 0.0 V
    battery_voltage_scc2 0.0 V
    battery_discharge_current 1 A
    battery_charging_current 0 A
    battery_capacity 73 %
    inverter_heat_sink_temp 32 °C
    mppt1_charger_temp 0 °C
    mppt2_charger_temp 0 °C
    pv1_input_power 0.00 Wh
    pv2_input_power 0.00 Wh
    pv1_input_voltage 0.0 V
    pv2_input_voltage 0.0 V
    settings_values_changed "Something changed"
    mppt1_charger_status Abnormal
    mppt2_charger_status Abnormal
    load_connected Connected
    battery_power_direction Discharge
    dc_ac_power_direction DC/AC
    line_power_direction "Do nothing"
    local_parallel_id 0
  • json - JSON.

    Output example:

    {"grid_voltage":0.00,"grid_freq":0.00,"ac_output_voltage":229.90,"ac_output_freq":49.90,"ac_output_apparent_power":91,"ac_output_active_power":47,"output_load_percent":1,"battery_voltage":49.50,"battery_voltage_scc":0.00,"battery_voltage_scc2":0.00,"battery_discharge_current":1,"battery_charging_current":0,"battery_capacity":73,"inverter_heat_sink_temp":32,"mppt1_charger_temp":0,"mppt2_charger_temp":0,"pv1_input_power":0.00,"pv2_input_power":0.00,"pv1_input_voltage":0.00,"pv2_input_voltage":0.00,"settings_values_changed":"Something changed","mppt1_charger_status":"Abnormal","mppt2_charger_status":"Abnormal","load_connected":"Connected","battery_power_direction":"Discharge","dc_ac_power_direction":"DC/AC","line_power_direction":"Do nothing","local_parallel_id":0}
  • json-w-units - JSON with units.

    Output example:

    {"grid_voltage":[0.00,"V"],"grid_freq":[0.00,"Hz"],"ac_output_voltage":[230.10,"V"],"ac_output_freq":[50.00,"Hz"],"ac_output_apparent_power":[92,"VA"],"ac_output_active_power":[53,"Wh"],"output_load_percent":[1,"%"],"battery_voltage":[49.50,"V"],"battery_voltage_scc":[0.00,"V"],"battery_voltage_scc2":[0.00,"V"],"battery_discharge_current":[1,"A"],"battery_charging_current":[0,"A"],"battery_capacity":[73,"%"],"inverter_heat_sink_temp":[32,"°C"],"mppt1_charger_temp":[0,"°C"],"mppt2_charger_temp":[0,"°C"],"pv1_input_power":[0.00,"Wh"],"pv2_input_power":[0.00,"Wh"],"pv1_input_voltage":[0.00,"V"],"pv2_input_voltage":[0.00,"V"],"settings_values_changed":"Something changed","mppt1_charger_status":"Abnormal","mppt2_charger_status":"Abnormal","load_connected":"Connected","battery_power_direction":"Discharge","dc_ac_power_direction":"DC/AC","line_power_direction":"Do nothing","local_parallel_id":0}

Return codes

isv returns 0 on success, 1 on some input error (e.g. invalid argument) and 2 on communication failure (e.g. failed to read response from inverter, or response is invalid).




Linux utility for controlling Voltronic hybrid solar inverters that use P18 protocol


Language:C 99.6%Language:Makefile 0.4%