These are my notes for some of my University courses. Currently include:
- Fundamentals of Pure Mathematics (Y2, SEM2)
- Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures (Y2, SEM1)
- Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures (Y2, SEM2)
- Introductory Applied Machine Learning (Y3, SEM1)
- Chapter 1: Basic Math and Naive Bayes
- Chapter 2: Decision Trees
- Chapter 3: Linear and Logistic Regression
- Chapter 4: Optimisation, Regularisation and SVMs
- Chapter 5: K Nearest Neighbours
- Chapter 6: Gaussian Mixture Models and K Means
- Chapter 7: PCA and Hierarchical Clustering
- Chapter 8: Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks
- Honours Differential Equations (Y3, SEM1)
- Chapter 1: Solving Linear Systems
- Chapter 2: Fundamental Matrices
- Chapter 3: Solving Nonhomogeneous Systems
- Chapter 4: Phase Portraits and System Stability
- Chapter 5: Lyapunov Functions
- Chapter 6: Introduction to Fourier Series
- Chapter 7: Solving PDEs
- Chapter 8: Introduction to Sturm Liouville Theory
- Chapter 9: The Laplace Transform (Incomplete)
- Honours Analysis (Y3, SEM1)
- Chapter 1: Real Numbers and Sequences
- Chapter 2: Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, Cauchy Sequences and Series
- Chapter 3: Continuity and Uniform Convergence of Sequences
- Chapter 4: Uniform Convergence of Series
- Chapter 5: Power Series
- Chapter 6: Lebesgue Integrable Functions
- Chapter 7: Lebesgue Integrability of Series and the Riemann Integral
- Chapter 8: Lebesgue Integrability Over Intervals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Chapter 9: Fatoux Lemma and the Dominated Convergence Theorem
- Chapter 10: The Space of L^2 Functions
- Chapter 11: Fourier Series
- Foundations of Natural Language Processing (Y3, SEM2)
- Chapter 1: Intro to NLP, Ambiguity and Working with Corpora
- Chapter 2: N-Gram Models and Smoothing Techniques
- Chapter 3: Further Smoothing, Noisy Channel Model and Naive Bayes for Text Classification
- Chapter 4: Logistic Regression for Text Classification, Morphological Parsing and POS Tagging
- Chapter 5: Syntactic Parsing, CKY and PCFGs
- Chapter 6: Evaluating Parsing, Improving Vanilla PCFGs, Dependency Parsing and Semantics from Syntax
- Chapter 7: Semantic Role Labelling, Word Sense Disambiguation and Distributional Semantics
- Chapter 8: Word2Vec, ANNs for NLP and Discourse Coherence
- Honours Algebra (Y3, SEM2)
- Chapter 1: Fields and Vector Spaces
- Chapter 2: The "Morphisms" and Representing Matrices
- Chapter 3: Abstract Linear Mappings and Change of Basis Matrices
- Chapter 4: Rings, Ideals and Subrings
- Chapter 5: Factor Rings, The First Isomorphism Theorem and Modules
- Chapter 6: Determinants and Multilinear Forms
- Chapter 7: Eigenvalues, Triangularisation and Diagonalisation
- Chapter 8: Inner Product Spaces and Orthogonal Projections
- Chapter 9: Adjoint Endomorphisms and The Spectral Theorem
- Chapter 10: The Jordan Normal Form