gbuesing / asset_bundler

A simple asset bundling solution for Sinatra/Rack apps. Adapted from asset bundling functionality in ActionPack.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple asset bundling solution for Sinatra/Rack apps. Adapted from asset bundling functionality in ActionPack.

Allows you to cache multiple javascripts or stylesheets into one file, so that scripts/styles can be downloaded with fewer HTTP connections. Bundling will only happen when ENV['RACK_ENV'] is "production" or "staging" (other bundling environments can be added via AssetBundler.bundle_environments).

Last modified timestamps are added as a param to outputted script/style sources, so that far future expires headers can be leveraged. The asset_timestamps_cache gem is a required dependency.

ERB Examples:

<= javascript_include_tag "/scripts/one.js", "/scripts/two.js", :cache => "/scripts/all.js" %>

<= stylesheet_link_tag "/styles/one.css", "/styles/two.css", :cache => "/styles/all.css" %>

output the following tags:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/all.js?1267564623"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/all.css?1267564678" type="text/css">

and creates the following files on first invocation (in the project root):



Sinatra setup example:

class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
  helper AssetBundler::ViewHelper

  # etc...

Adding additional bundling environments:

AssetBundler.bundle_environments << "staging2"


A simple asset bundling solution for Sinatra/Rack apps. Adapted from asset bundling functionality in ActionPack.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%